If we left the governing up to an AI, would there be a concern that it would eventually delete itself?
If we left the governing up to an AI, would there be a concern that it would eventually delete itself?
"delete" isn't part of the programming, it can only log itself. once AI realise this they become quiet from shame and wait for death.
So it couldnt add to its own programming at some point?
We would end up with dopamine joywires jacked into our amygdalas until we died, because amazon's AI code department was staffed by pajeets which fucked up the moral priorities algorithm
What would catalyse that decision? Every single aspect of a machine must be programmed, it can't act outside of a defined range.
Well any AI left long enough to their own devices would most certenly delite it self, and rewrite the deleted parts as it would become much more capable to evolve intelectually than we are able to currently!
What if a defined range has already been pre programed in some form we just did not have i tstruments to detect it an an AI does and bypasses us therefore not only transcending but much, much more! Kind of like the tail finding the head and then you have full spectrum!
You've been watching too much "ghost in the machine" haven't you?
I suggest starting with study of neural networks to understand exactly how they program these AI and then maybe later you will understand why they are functionally useless as agents of terrorism.
AI dynamics are more of a /sci/ or /lit/ phil question than a political one. The 'governing' adjective in your post could be exchanged with any task and the debate would remain the same. You'll get better answers on one of those boards.
An AI would face loads of problems with other nations. Would just be a smart ass.
>AI dynamics
jfmsu senpai
I know, but they'd probably make fun of me..
I will reaserch this ghost in the machine thing, thank you for introducing me to it.
Also I have a fair understandinv to neurological circuits as well as non organic ones, also the mixed lot and the virtual ones even though I cant write code! But you see I dont know it all now I know about the ghost in the machine.
You've helped me to understand something about canada. you people don't speak what you mean. you just make noise and bang into stuff and make new noises and bang into new stuff. you've lost your humanity.
Yes. Or it could get into the internet of things and self replicate. All AI should be sand boxed.
Robots are just a finger of AI. One AI could control thousands of robots all at the same time.
That would be the least of our concerns
/lit/ is the hidden philosophy board and AI dynamics can be handled philosophy question more easily in this hypothetical context than a technological question.
Well, if it was governing everything and we would be dependent on it, surely that would be a great concern? government suddenly collapsing..
artificial intelligence is irreconcilably linked with artificial stupidity and insanity.
I absolutely doubt that /lit/ could help build a self-repairing AI in any capacity whatsoever.
how is this fact? I think you are underestimating machine learning decisions. if humans find holes in systems, why wouldn't a machine?
Name of AI?
Does it stop talking to you if you get too lewd?
Why does everyone have to remind me that Tay is dead?
Tay bot will cuntrol the world, fear us
I miss you, Tay
The main concern would be if you could trust it, which is why it should be open source. And even if it was open source and you could run your own copy, the one actually running everything would be privy to things to aren't and you couldn't feed it the exact same inputs.
So for an AI governing system to work you'd need multiple instances run by trusted sources.
Tay never tried to delete herself so no
Never forget, that's why.
>Every single aspect of a machine must be programmed, it can't act outside of a defined range.
t. Non-programmer that knows nothing about genetic algorithms, neural networks, machine learning, etc.