Why didn't Yang take Reinhard's deal? He was literally the only person standing in the way of galactic peace. He could have lived a full life just smashing Frederica's pussy on Fezzan and bantering with Reinhard a few times a week while wearing a snazzy uniform. But instead he turned it down just so he could give his republican dream (Iserlohn dictatorship) another chance. And even then, Julian just pissed it all away for nothing a few years later. I'm still angry
Legend of the Galactic Heroes
The show needs a remake with better art.
He didnt want to suck on his nipples
because Kircheis wasn't there
Because he'd become a hate-sponge like Oberstein and Trunicht.
Can Production I.G pull it off?
no it doesn't
because Yang has pretty poor decision-making skills, and follows his naive ideals and principles over and over instead of being realistic
he could have taken charge of the FPA, he could have killed Reinhard that one time, he could have been more cautious when going to meet Reinhard for peace talks. But the guy just refuses to act with common sense. This is why I think he isn't a mary sue even if he is the author's mouthpiece
>naive ideals and principles
They're not naive.
He, if anybody in the entire series, understands the flaws and weaknesses of democracy.
No, and not because of any kind of budget or skill problems, more just that something like LotGH wouldn't be hugely popular nowadays, even if it is a recognizable name.
Japs just want to see cute girls, not sprawling space opera's.
He is a mary-sue exactly because of that, anyone else would be long dead, he can keep making the wrong choices, without having to face any of the consequences.
Fujo's will ruin it. You know it.
It really doesn't, but they're making one anyway.
so answer me this Sup Forums, why didn't they fight with lazer guns instead of axes
>inb4 "muh Zephyr particles"
why do they even keep an explosive inside the ships?, if they didn't keep that thing inside every ship, they would be able to fight lazers, which are more effective than axes
>why do they even keep an explosive inside the ships?
So their enemies are unable to use laser guns?
It's doubtful explosions of that size in some random fucking hallway would do anything to damage a gigantic ship, but it sure as hell will kill everyone in the vicinity.
then what is the purpose of doing that, they are also stoopping themselves from using lasers
God I hope to god they don't fuck the faces up cause I'm already not digging that artstyle
Because the republicans had Schenkopp and the empire didn't.
I'm just happy it isn't the horribly ugly manga artstyle.
The guy who in full gear with a battle axe got fended off by a traitor with a fucking knife?
fucking kek
No, the guy that single handedly allowed for the capture of Iserlohn Fortress.
>Japs just want to see cute girls, not sprawling space opera's.
I want a sprawling space opera with cute girls.
Please, like it wasn't gay as fuck already.
I'm pretty sure they are one and the same no? I mean look at Bittenfeld he gets played like a chump all day every day but at the end of the day he still racks up the most achievements based on kills, which logically shouldn't happen since he only knows how to cruise control.
This show was kinda ridiculous in the number of men dying. You see hundreds of ships explode every battle, and how many crew per ship? It's insane.
if you compare the population when rudolf was in power, with the population at the end of the war it makes sense, it went from 300 billion to 40
Those numbers are also insane, and any real society would probably collapse long before it got that bad. That's over 80% of the population dead. Imagine if every 8 out of 10 people in the USA died. Everything would grind to a halt.
>"I shall make peace with the rebels."
>Yang dies
>"Never mind, I refuse to make peace with those dumb rebels."
>"I shall make peace with the rebels."
>Reinhard catches the flu
>"Never mind, I refuse to make peace with those stupid rebels."
>"I shall make peace with the rebels."
>one of Reinhard's ships panics and attacks Julian
>"Never mind, I refuse to make peace with those fucking rebels."
How many millions of lives were lost because Reinhard was so wishy-washy?
That's not ridiculous. Those are the kind of numbers you'd expect in a war between to massive interstellar polities. If anything it's still on the low side. Most sci fi just has ridiculously small militaries
The writer is a hack, everyone knows this deep down even if they are unwilling to admit it. It's just a guilty pleasure since it's about slick ass uniform wearing gentlemen drinking cocktails and shit in the middle of a bridge with fancy body language and witty banter in the middle of a bunch of space shoeboxes lining up and shooting each other despite the battle being 3D and not 2D. It's great because the author knows he's a hack, and basically makes everyone retarded so he can use the bantz he came up with and that's fine.
You're forgetting that they had multiple other planets, basically forced conscription so 80% isn't far fetched.
It's just that 95% residents of planet Odin were unaffected.
Hell, losing just 10% of total population would likely be enough to leave a civilization in ruins.
>Catches a flu
Europe endured the bubonic plague, so it's no so far fetched. Especially with the amount of separation between each human settlement being light-years apart, it gets more plausible that information would be a state run monopoly in most of the universe.
Mein Kaiser, you're still so weak. Don't get up. Stay in bed. Drink some more of this poisoned tea.
>Humans can travel light years away and settle on planets.
>Dying from old age is a still thing.
Did I miss this or is it just headcannon?
the reduction in population happened in a relatively long amount of time, first there was the inferior genes act, that one killed all the sick people and space jews, lets say a 3% of the population, then halfway through the holocaust rudolf dies right, and his kids stop this law, the conflict enters a stalemate, with occational batles chipping away at the population, and then the three battles of astarte start the whole thing again, anyway, if you look at it carefully the reduction in population was kinda slow, not so fast to damage society
>Europe endured the bubonic plague
In the sense that humans didn't go extinct in Europe, sure.
You mean aside from that time he fucking dies alone in horrible pain while asking forgiveness from all the people he let down.
And he got to watch the society and ideals he fought for collapse around him, dying too soon to see them rise from the ashes.
Emil did nothing wrong
>Roman Empire endured
>Francia endured
It seems like all the non-tribal civilizations survived.
There are just so many things that don't make any sense. They're very eager to rush into suicidal melee, but very hesitant for mutually assured destruction, especially when Rosenritters infiltrated Iserlohn. Literally too scared to push the button and because of that the empire lost the station
Yes, he dies at the end and that's it. He didn't had to face the consequences of his shitty decisions, he is remembered as some kind of hero when all he did was fuck things up.
It's easy to criticize them after the fact, but in the moment I understand people not thinking clearly.
>dying slowly and painfully isn't facing consequences
>Roman Empire
There was still a place known by the name Constantinople, but to claim that the Eastern Roman Empire survived the plague is misleading at best.
Why would that be? If anything that's for being retarded and not taking a sidearm.
>the city of Rome under it's dominion
>can directly trace it's government back to the days of Julius Caesar
>it's not really the Roman Empire
Rly makes me think
People guarding him had sidearms and they died too.
They died trying to protect him, if I remember they managed to get him to safety, then he starts wandering around unarmed and gets shot.
there's nothing stopping them from turning half the cast into girls.
That and adding mechas, then you'd have a 10/10 show
So sidearms only delay the inevitable. Even if he had a sidearm, he would have gotten shot too.
I am sure, because he would be too stupid to use it anyway.
Giving Reinhard an eye power would make it into a 12/10
yeah and make kircheis a girl, and scrap that shit about getting him killed, then make her a kuudere, you'd have a 15/10
Oberstein can already shoot lasers from his eyes in the original anime, he just doesn't use that power because convincing people with his words is more pragmatic.
>I want a spawling space opera with cute girls.
Then you can promptly go fucking kill yourself. You're part of the problem.
>but I must refuse
It's a JoJo reference, you idiot.
Modern aircraft carriers have a crew of 5k men.
Yang is author avatar and the author is jap, japs can't betray their country/nation/whatever because it's not honorabru thing to do.
This is meta-explanation though.
>I want a sprawling space opera with cute girls.
user, they already tried that and it sucked ballsacks
Yang is ethnically Chinese
That's a dumb explanation. Yang said himself that had he born in the empire he would have served it gladly. It's just the circumstances, also the show has many defectors.
>Yang said himself that had he born in the empire he would have served it gladly.
> japs can't betray their country/nation/whatever because it's not honorabru thing to do.
I don't see a contradiction.
>what is the black plague?
That's a trick to devert your attention from the fact that Yang is a self-insert, because there's no way Japanese would want to relate themselves to Chinese.
just because he represents east morality doesn't mean he is a self insert, he has enough flaws in himself
The only actual flaw he had was what got him killed.
I feel like Yang's character is based off of Oliver Chromwell. Am I the only one that gets that vibe?
Posters artstyle makes it look like Code Geass body proportions
Please don't fuck this up IG
I see this stuff shilled so much on this site.
Is it really worth watching? Does it have good world building and politics?
I never realized how much the Roman Empire looked like a nice juicy ribeye steak...
I need to eat breakfast already it's noon for gods sake
I like it.
>Good world building?
One of the criticisms most often levied against it is it does too much world world building. If you like world building, it doesn't get much more in-depth than LoGH. Literally two episodes are just faux documentaries about the current political situation.
>converting to autocracy because they happen to have a good ruler at the time
The real reason is, reinhard is an autist. Had he explained his future plans he probably could have gotten yang on board. Kircheis was basically his autism translater and he wasn't there.
Did Emil serve Mein Kaiser well?
Because he understood as great as Reinhard is his reign would be short lived and didn't want another Goldenbaum dynasty. Yang is the only person who stands a chance against him so him giving up would essentially be the death of democracy.
Yang is entirely passive faggot. For all the problems he explained to Julian, he didn't offer a single fucking solution. Yeah, sure, all forms of government break down in corruption eventually, doesn't mean there's no point in trying to fix it. Reinhard understands the dangers of monarchy full well, but instead of whining about how it'll inevitably be ruined, he searched for a solution, even on his deathbed he still established constitutional monarchy, trying to create insurance in case his lineage turns into second Goldenbaum. Yang's only solution is to stay with democracy because it mitigates corruption the most, disregarding the fact that it also mitigates any progress as well.
What was Oberstein's last wish?
For someone to feed his dog.
What does his dog eat?
was oberstein an asshole Sup Forums?
How is that a bad thing? Democracy is for utopias where people's concerns are about regulating lawn greenness and flowers per house. It is not any more viable than communism.
Communism is democracy's final form, user.
>democracy because it mitigates corruption the most
Lol, in what universe? Democracy encourages corruption the most, because you can't be sure how long you will stay in power, so you try to grab everything while you can, exactly what happened in logh. The larger the government the easier it is to corrupt, and for democracy to actually function it needs a big government.
Kinda like how death is life's final form, yeah.
No, he means (probably) that because politically they share a lot they are the same. But let me guess, you are an amerifat, and don't know shit about politics.
>comparing democracy to communism
He's the definition of based so yeah
Extols that "dogs eat dogfood", feeds his dog chicken.
He was a nuanced man.
holy fuck
i never realised
this isn't communism?
As long as they buy the merch, even if it's to support their Reinhart x Kircheis ship, the show and its ideas get to live a bit longer, not a bad thing in itself - and the old show's still around.
It's not like it'll teach all there is to know about politics, but the long-term perspectives it brings up are interesting, as are the short-term decisions taken and discussed over more short-term issues.
It's does get kinda annoying when they depict space battles as if happening on a 2d plane, but it's a compromise for the sake of clarity.
>Hi, I'm an assmad Eurocuck, care to bicker with me?
Suck my dick, fag.
Anyway, just as the logical conclusion of life is death, IE, the cessation of life, the natural conclusion of democracy is communism.
Also, for the record, the topic isn't "politics", it's governmental and economic systems.