Why do we continue to redefine and overextend adolescence Sup Forums? Why is 25 the new 18?
Why do we continue to redefine and overextend adolescence Sup Forums? Why is 25 the new 18?
So that maori can have kids at 14
to keep you uninvolved and complacent with drugs and pussy so you let retards run your government and turn your country into upside down china
>implying 18 year olds know the slightest thing about how the world works or how to be an adult
before 30 you should not be allowed to vote or make other important decisions. there should be an exam of some kind that you can take after 25 to become an adult early.
>it's okay to be a bugman longer, goy.
>no need to start a family until it's too late.
>keep milking your parents until you're adult.
>voting is an important decision
>do you wanna be buried with the red shovel?
>or the blue shovel?
>implying people should be coddled till they know better
just throw them in real life as early as possible to learn how life works
Because the neo-puritanical alt-right wants to force men into fucking old disgusting roasties
As 25 year old I can agree with that. From 18 to like 23-24, all I really cared about was fucking, gaming and partying. Now I am just sad all the time since I realize the world is turning into a brown shithole for very passing day. My master's degree really doesn't inspire me more, because universities are infiltrated by commies spouting social constructivist shit.The sad truth that finding a white non-slut girl who's loyal and family oriented is near impossible in this world, also makes it more depressing.
Most Western governments consider people 'youths' from 15 til 30-35 on paper for stuff like youth groups, community spending, education etc
>implying anyone knows how anything works
Fake it till you make it is the truest thing I've ever heard m8 -- and that's what people used to do. These days people are sheltered by whatever institution they are a part of. We as a society have created clearly defined "stages" of life (low interest loans available for every stage) and it seems to me as though we keep overextending the "student" stage because people are afraid to just get out there and start actually doing shit like our grandparents and every single human being for the last ~8000 years has done.
The brain doesn't finish developing until around the age of 25 which is a perfectly rational place to draw some abstract concept like 'adulthood' at, but it says nothing much about the brains cognitive capacity at different stages before this point.
I agree with this. Around 18 I started getting more serious, but I still spent a lot of time gaming, fapping and doing degenerate shit. 24 now, have a job, set path in life, and Ive held a political ideology that has been consistent for 4 years.
In general the more advanced the species the longer it takes for it to mature. Also neoteny has been a trend in humanity’s evolution for a long time. However, I kind of feel like this has little to do with those. Maybe modern millenials just are wo/manchildren?
Biologically, adulthood is anything post-pubescence i.e early to mid teens. Socially, adulthood should be whenever people are deserving of and ready to accept responsibility -- for as long as I can remember this age has been 18. Lately it has shifted to early/mid-twenties -- I wonder on the reasons why.
I understand your point, but brain development is largely irrelevant in this matter.
>Time that would have been occupied in real work, real charity, real adventures, and the realistic search for mentors who might teach you what you really wanted to learn. A great deal of time was spent in community pursuits, practicing affection, meeting and studying every level of the community, learning how to make a home, and dozens of other tasks necessary to become a whole man or woman.
>In the 1934 edition of his once well-known book Public Education in the United States, Ellwood P. Cubberley detailed and praised the way the strategy of successive school enlargements had extended childhood by two to six years, and forced schooling was at that point still quite new.
To reduce the white birth rate, niggers and other browns don't care about shit like that.
Simple, people live longer.
Theoretically, it would take a relatively long time for us evolve into requiring a longer time to develop into adults -- biologically speaking, this wouldn't happen over the course of just a few decades. This is clearly a social phenomenon.
"Teenagers" are the perfect. As immature as children, but with the purchasing power of an adult.
All this soyboy and transgender shit you see around is a result of childish mentality and has nothing to do with feminity.
that actually doesn't explain anything you dumb fucking leaf, quit shitting up my thread
>The perfect consumers
You’re assuming that this hasn’t been going on for millenia. Based on what I’ve read two thousand years ago 13 was considered the age of adulthood in many cultures. Also what prevents evolution from being largely sociological?
All stages of life are extended when you extend the average lifespan. Someone alive today will spend more time relaxing, as well as more time working, than any generation that came before.
Read this book. It changed the way I understand kiddults.
We are fucked. No joke.
Agreed that there's no reason I can see that new research about brain development ought to change old definitions of the term 'adulthood', especially considering the word has never meant anything like 'the point at which your brain is finished cooking'.
Alternatively, I don't really care what we chose to call it. I agree with you that the infant/adolescent stages of people's lives before people accept responsibility for themselves seems to have been pushed later and later in recent times.
I have a long-winded explanation for why I think this is happening, but I wouldn't like to derail this thread.
Hey I started recommending that book years ago on Sup Forums. Did you pick it up from that or on your own?
It doesn't explain the sudden propulsion from 18 to 20 something. People had their shit together at 18 only a generation (20 years) ago. Sure we have been continuously developing and evolving over millennia but we wouldn't see a sudden change all at once, it would be a gradual change which would go largely unnoticed. It's not as though primitives just woke up one morning and began walking upright -- this occurred gradually across generations. The fact that this change has occurred so rapidly, over just the last few decades, indicates that this is primarily a social phenomenon, not a biological one.
Whether social norms are a form of evolution is a philosophical question. I'm saying this: if, biologically, we are essentially identical to our parents and grandparents, why is it that so many 18 year olds don't seem to have their shit together these days? And what is the reason for it? As a rule, evolution is beneficial. What is the benefit of extending adolescence to age ~25. I don't see one. I see a bunch of soyboy fuckwits screwing around and getting jewed.
This is patently false. Kill yourself.
I mean, 25 is far different from 18
Your brain is barely half-developed at 18, it is mostly finished developing around 25. I am way smarter at 25 than I was at 18.
Fucking good question. Why is childhood / adolescence so over privileged? We expect our young to sacrifice nothing. To never exceed their comfort zones. Why did this happen?
That's the point of this thread user
Being and adult is highly over rated. It's merely and label to make us conform.
Or you could try to refute it in some way? The fact of the matter is that people are living longer now than ever before- that means there's more time to get everything you wanted done, while still putting in the same, or more years of work compared to someone from even 5 generations ago.
So that they'll be children forever, beholden to authority. You will literally never learn how to be an adult if you're treated as an adolescent until you're 25, given no responsibilities or duties past not shitting yourself and remembering to call mom and dad for more rent money. It's not possible.
For example one of the reasons why societal neoteny would be good is that it effectively means that the modern population is more educated and intelligient. Although I somewhat doubt that the average millenial is educated in anything usefull, but then again there are more engineers and doctors than ever before.
Truthfully, I found it on my own. But I am glad to finally see that someone else here has read it!
>there are more engineers and doctors than ever before
It's proportional to the ever increasing population.
Boomers parents heard a lot about "trauma this, "trauma that" and so they kept their children away from any strong experience in fear that they might get "madeupshit syndrome" or "scamophobia".
>there are more engineers and doctors than ever before
You say this as though it is an objectively beneficial thing. How many engineers and doctors do we need? If everyone were an engineer or a doctor, would that make the world a better place? Regardless, you hit the nail on the head saying whether the average millennial is educated in anything useful. What we have today is 1000 fuckwit know-nothings who hyper-extended their adolescence to 25 because they couldn't be fucked growing up to every 1 engineer or doctor.
>more educated and intelligient
Government education for another 4-8 years doesn't make accomplish either of these things.
you're right that people under 30 are dumb and still figuring out how to be a person, but the answer is not to treat them like children for longer but the opposite. the sooner you give them responsibilties the sooner they will grow into them
Boomers refuse to teach Millenials how to be Adults.
This is the result.
>How many engineers and doctors do we need? If everyone were an engineer or a doctor, would that make the world a better place?
A better question would be "How many of those engineers and doctors got their degree with a C or B average?"
Just a couple of generations ago the default position was 'religious', different religions, but nearly universally religious. Both of my parents are atheists but I was raised religiously because it was the default and I'm only 35.
In those previous generations an 'atheist' was a person with the rationality to overcome childhood indoctrination and begin to construct a model of how they wanted their life to be outside of the religious framework. In a sense, freedom to make your own choices was a reward for being intelligent/rational enough to notice that your own choices were available.
Religion offered a social framework that roughly corresponded with 'good behavior' and for the most part the only people smart enough to break out of it were the people smart enough to create a new rational framework for themselves.
Today (in Europe especially) the 'default' is 'atheism' and as a result we have lost the 'intelligence' gate-keeping attached to making your own choices about things like morality, values, rights and so on. Today we are wheeling babies out of neo-natal units endowed with total freedom, individuality and sovereignty of thought.
This appears to be a social good, until you realise that 50% of the population have a double digit IQ and stand very little chance of ever constructing a picture of their own purpose and values that could compete with the efficiency and efficacy baked into the religious framework.
And so we find an entire generation of average people encouraged to make their own choices about deep and complex topics about life, the universe and everything from scratch about out of whole cloth. No wonder it's taking them longer to cross the threshold from adolescence to adulthood. And no wonder so many of them are getting it entirely ass backwards.
Well as the conomy advances it becomes beneficial to have more ”creative” jobs, as the need for physical labor decreases. I wonder if the modern millenials are just a side effect lf this, ie. we’re going to assume that everybody will grow up to become an engineer because it doesn’t matter if 99 % actually become starbucks baristas with a degree in fat studies. The reasoning for this would be that one engineer has enough productivity for 1000 people.
>implying 140 years ago people weren't dying from being 35
adolescence is a social construct
Actually agree as a 25 year old.
You seem to know even less about how the world works. Better to be A 18 yr old naive virgin than a 50 yr old naive virgin jej
>A better question would be "How many of those engineers and doctors got their degree with a C or B average?"
I never understood why that shouldn't be made available to the public in the office or hospital. Hell, they do it for restaurants.
So is this the new magical excuse they come up with for people to act like piles of shit in their 20's, that they never grew up as a teen?
Because 18 year-olds are retarded in comparison to what they'll be at 25.
The German is correct. When you're 18, you have no responsibilities, and the way that we deal with voting is to give these irresponsible people with no skin to lose in the voting game a vote that equals that of an established man with a house, car and a job.
>Inherently immature and insane females act like trashy sluts and roleplay as "daddy's brats" because they're free of religious male restraints
>Degenerate hyper-macho's like follow suit so they can attract those sluts
>""Scientists"" who only sample the popular normie college-goer assert that "changes in biology and society" ( Read: Only changes in society, AKA exactly the sequence of events outlined above ) is responsible for delaying adulthood
>Phrase it as if it was a universal thing so they don't sound like edgy or discriminatory bigots
>No universal neurological or hormonal evidence whatsoever
Yeah, this only applies to women and a certain percentage of neurotypical males, not to neurodiverse or even males of non-western backgrounds.
>t. brainlet
adulthood doesn't begin until reproduction-mother nature.
Bad example. If everyone were an engineer, the world would absolutely, without a doubt, be a better place. Doctor, not so much . . . After about 1 in 100-300 humans was a doctor we wouldn’t get any added value.
Because women panic about getting old.
>if everyone were an engineer, the world would be a better place
>t. engineer
kys dipshit
You Are an adult the moment they tell you to stop being a child
If the parent keeps you in their home till 25 than obviously this happens
My father was a man by 15 in the army
>stunted adolescence is a global pandemic..neets soybois incels the list goes on...sad.
>This appears to be a social good, until you realise that 50% of the population have a double digit IQ and stand very little chance of ever constructing a picture of their own purpose and values that could compete with the efficiency and efficacy baked into the religious framework.
Very well thought out post, and I wanted to highlight this part in particular. What is good for the mind isn't always good for the masses.
Kinda have to agree with these posters saying that your brain isn't fully developed yet until like at least 25, possibly even 27 or 28 for men.
The world is more complicated to understand now, it takes more understanding to do things, more things to learn etc.
I am turning 24 in a few months and am still learning so much about the world. I would probably not have been a capable adult at 18. Maybe I would have like 50 years ago when things were much simpler but not now.
140 years ago people didn't get to vote until they were 25-30.
Because your brain isn't done developing yet and your body is basically still invincible. By 25 you have more wisdom and self control.
This. Most people are just children in adult bodies. ((("""""Scientists"""""))) simply give them justification to continue acting that way.
I had this mentality until I noticed my hair was thinning and that kicked my ass into gear. But it's kind of disappointing that I wasted the ages of 18-24 doing nothing but partying, sleeping, doing drugs and watching/playing shit.
Fun™ is a powerful weapon against the Europeans.
It doesn't matter. You learn more in a month on a job than you do in all of college. An A student with no work experience is worse than a C- student with work experience. You should ask how long the engineers in question have worked.
>t. useless manchild grasping at straws in a desperate attempt to justify his inadequacy
That's not going to make anyone feel better when they're being prescribed medication and treatment by a doctor "learning on the job," or someone living in a house of an engineer doing the same thing.
Just fucking pick a age we can fuck them at and match everything else to it.
Fuck, drive, drink, fight, vote, whatever. Done.
Life expectancy is not much different than ~1000 years ago. We have more cures for things now but that's not to say people before were all dying at 20.
That image of the past makes people believe that we have it so much better now and all the unhappiness is simply a sacrifice for having a good life.
Also I argue that life expectancy is skewed. If there are 100 people and 90 of those die from heart disease and cancer before 20 but 10 people live to 100 then would the life expectancy be 100 because technically that'd be true...
Extended childhood enforced by the school system. Makes people easier to manage.
"Fake it til you make it" is really just the natural learning process. Society steps in and mindfucks you to turn you into a slave.
keep increasing it and they will never learn, it isn't rocket science just introduce responsibilities and you will grow up fast
This was on BBC news this morning. Why are we beingg presented with this talking point, at this point in time? Is it because le clean your room man made kathy fall in love with him just by looking and sounding like a real man?
you know at some point you have to realize no one's going to teach you shit and you have to learn it yourself
>Sounding like a man
Have you heard his voice, cunt?
They weren't. That's the image presented to us but the reality is it was more or less the same as now.
> Muh penicillin
Yes some illnesses now are easily curable but that doesn't mean the chances of survival are much different. Case in point: cancer, heart disease, neurological illnesses etc
I don’t care about what you think. I’m interested in why this is being presented to us at this point in time and that’s the best explanation I have
Are you attracted to girls below the age of 25?
Fucking pedo
>media posts article
>user sees article
>user posts article to Sup Forums
How else would it get here?
It's virtually impossible to make this point without sounding like a self-important, fedora tipping shitlord, but it's vitally important that we find a way to incorporate it into our social discussion/consciousness.
As much fun as it is to laugh at all the 30 something clams suddenly realising that a career is not a substitute for a husband and kids, it's depressing to think that at age 18 they had no real chance to predict the crystallisation of this biological imperative - or at least much less chance having had the religious framework (and it's multi-generational nature) removed and replaced with nothing.
There is always things to learn. The only major difference between now and 200 years ago is computer technology. That's pretty much it.
You're basically this
>Life expectancy is not much different than ~1000 years ago.
Actually people are living 20-30 years longer now on average across the globe if you compare now to even early 1900s, that's an extra third of your life. Imagine being 50 years old and being on your deathbed- now 50 years old is practically midlife crisis.
Lets also set a voting age maximum.
yes let's redefine society based on some cunts taking selfies.
But why is this seemingly innocuous but completely un-innocuous story timed and coordinated across numerous mainstream outlets? too many people have decided to start acting like grown ups lately?
>Actually people are living 20-30 years longer now on average
Says who? As in my previous reply I'd argue that the data is skewed. Also I strongly doubt that we knew what the average life expectancy was across the planet so where does this data come from in the first place.
I do agree there are more ways to save people but we still have the same capacity for live as ever, my point is that we are not much different than those before us so the idea that people checked out at 30 is absurd.
So, in your opinion, does that make modern former atheists raised in atheist indoctrination camps a.k.a. schools and universities, more rational these days to pursue religion or are the "smarter" atheists still edging them out because they can rationally go against religious doctrine despite following atheist doctrine to some degree?
18 years old is literally a teenager who can do shit legally.
And this conception of what it means to be 18 years old is why Brazil is a steaming pile of trash.
>What this should mean
You should be 100% adult at 25. In the years leading up to this you should be very close to nearly there. Like 80-85% by 18 and doing more final refinements in the last years
>What oversized children thinks this mean
I dun have to learn to adult til 25 XD. Being a child at 24 is totally acceptable. XD
Let's not turn that into a discussion, this dude was responsable for everything.
I may be slightly misunderstand the core of your question, but my belief is that if we were all perfectly rational beings then 'atheism' would be the 'correct' path to follow because you would have the intellectual tools to create an accurate and efficient 'plan' or 'outline' of the world and your place in it.
In the past, coming to atheism thru the path of self-discovery was considered a noble and intellectual act, but my contention is that this is only true for a minority of people who have the time, tools and inclination to actually build an accurate and efficient personal world-view.
A large number of humans do not have these prerequisite tools and so now that the 'default' position has become 'atheism' or irreligiosity many people are woefully under-prepared to meet the task.
Certain interpretations of the phrase 'god is dead' focus less on the idea that is a lamentation or celebration of the end of religion, but instead on the phrase being a warning that the social tool of 'religion' has been removed and very little thought has been given to what to replace it with.
An example I gave up the thread was, how is an 18 year old supposed to be able to predict that at 35 a bunch of biological imperatives will begin to crystallise into a desire to have a family and that having a 'career' in marketing is no kind of substitute?
The multi-generational nature of religious social frameworks doesn't require women to do any work at all to avoid this pitfall, because it doesn't ask them to make their own choices about the value of a family vs a career. It just tells them the answer.
this pretty much applies to shit tier universities and colleges
and any subject which has no value and doesn't better mankind in one way or another
>gender studies at UCLA
I'm a 33 year old man who still praises Kek and collects rare Pepes so it's hard to be objective on this.
I was testing whether you view atheism as supreme over religious world views for the most part. I agree with most of what you said except I am more sceptical on to whether atheism is truly the "correct" path for every perfect rational beings, for I wager that perfectly rational religious people do exist.
I will just give you food for thought that many religious philosophers have come to the similar realisations accorded to modern philosophy and science in strikingly similar thought patterns. It is a shame in my opinion that you would see their religiosity as a blemish on their rationality.
I contend that perfect rationality truly has no bearing on somebody's religious views (a.k.a. faith) or vice-versa. These are discrete values and I believe it would be wise to avoid confounding them if we were to truly be rational.
Thanks for the well measured response.
To be clear, I am advocating the positive use of religious thought as a tool in many aspects of many peoples lives and very much not attempting to be disparaging of it.
I think you're correct (at least with the state of knowledge about the universe that we have currently) that there's room for rationality AND faith/religiosity.
I think some degree of the group perception of militant atheism may be causing you to read negative implications into my language. I'm not attempting to judge the 'value' of religion as a whole, just pointing out it's a powerful tool for societal good from a utilitarian perspective and the loss of this tool goes a long way to explaining the new and disturbing ways younger people are managing to fail at self-actualisation and personal development.