post rare tanyas
Post rare tanyas
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some user's OC
Monitoring thread because I need more rare Tanyas and also because Sup Forums needs more Tanya in general
so many Tanya's, so little time. good thread, hope it stays up until I get back up.
not rare but should be posted early on in the thread.
I love how deep this image is.
I knew there was going to be some nigger complaining about the quality. Thread says "rare" not "best". Here you go, a pic everyone already has.
That wasn't the complaint.
Done for now. When S2 is inevitably announced and hype threads are made repost some fresh Tanyas.
I want to see her reaction the first time she gets princess carried
I'm done, laters.
Story behind this picture?
>Perfect series for lolidom
>Doujin turnout will invariably be rape and mindbreak
>Probably some faggot will think he's so clever making a public use doujin called "Youjo Benki" or similar
I fucking hate how predictable the doujin market is these days.
>nips in charge of creativity
What did you expect. Their idea of being original is taking something that's been done to death and throwing in something random for the sake of it 90% of the time.
Tanya is for hugging
I wouldn't hug her, I'd be too scared of getting a knife in the back.
It would be worth the risk.
I have to assume S2 is gonna feature an older Tanya, post pubescent perhaps?
id say like 15
She's like 14 as of Volume 7, IIRC. Dunno if she'd be significantly older than before in S2, though I suppose it depends on how much material it covers..
The cutest.
These two remind me of someone
Hey Sup Forums, what did Lehrgen see when he went down on Tanya?
A duck-billed loli-pus!
Lets play a fun game.
Tanya or Hamsa: Can you tell the difference?
warhammer parody when?
i wanna see tanya in space marine armor purging heretics in the name of the Emperor
Do they even produce baby sized space marine armors?
Rare enough I think.
>spiritual homo
today I will remind them
This and the k-brot snack skit made me wonder what the hell they're doing with rationing. I know it's not canon, but still.
Maybe it's different because they're officers now, but it seems odd.
I got somethin' rare for ya!
It's not rape if the other one is the adult.
She's got a very scary rapeface...
Sure it is; then it's statutory.
>thread from 2015 is still up
When I heard /po/ is the slowest board, I thought they were just kidding.
I got that refrence
Slowpoke much?
you're slow for finding that out only just now
Someone needs to inform Hiro about this.
/po/ isn't [s4s]
he wouldn't care
good thread
>A 30 year old man in a 12 year old body giving me valentines chocolate
My boner is 8 different kinds of confused
Hes cute.
What is going on here? Is she close to Visha in the LN or something?
I don't know, all know is that Tanya imagined Visha as her(his) hot secretary in the manga.
>Malnourished since birth
>Soldier during active wartime in a WWI/WWII-esque era, so presumably straining her physically whilst also probably never having enough to eat
>People still insist on this shit
Fucking hell.
>malnourished since birth
I though they showed her with stolen bread at the orphanage (and eating it while it was getting pinned on a nother child)
Would you sit in Tanya's lap?
In the manga (and probably the LNs too) Tanya discusses her growth with the doctor who deduces her lack of growth being down to malnourishment during her childhood at the orphanage, and that her current lifestyle as a solider in active warfare isn't helping.
So she might've managed to steal some food, but I doubt the orphanage had enough to steal in the first place.
She's too small for that. I'd let her sit in mine though.