How come cell went to hell in the anime? Do robots have souls?
Cell in hell
He's an organism you mongoloid. His name is literally Cell.
He's called Cell because he's made from cells. He's an artificial life from, a fake. Shouldn't have a soul.
By that logic any living being made on purpose can't have a soul, which is fucking stupid because that's how fucking and having kids works you fucking retard.
By that logic your fridge and every NPC from a videogame should go to hell, with any man-made contraption. Kids are born, not just made
R e t a r d
Cell has cognitive thinking and theory of mind. When AI becomes advanced enough, humans will claim they have souls too.
He's not artificial though that's the point.
He's a sentient, organic being. Just because he wasn't born from fucking doesn't mean he's a "fake" life form.
An artificial being spliced together is no less alive then something birthed from a womb,
This is why using the term "Android" was a mistake fir the dub.
Didn't some other English dubs and some of the games properly use Cyborg?
The soul is comprised of 3 parts: Mind, Emotions, and Will.
All 3 are well observed within Cell; he's definitely got a soul. As such, he can suffer eternal damnation for not accepting Jesus Christ as his Lord and personal Savior.
There isn't even Jesus Christ in dbz, opinion dismissed
But he is.
if cell grew as an organism, he's not a toaster like 16
Because it rhymes
hes a clone of everyone put together, and grew in a test tube. He's organic so he isn't a robot, so he does have a soul.
not canon
You're a fucking retard that's what you are
What's his last name?
He is sort of a clone not a robot.
>This is why using the term "Android" was a mistake fir the dub.
To be fair, this most likely wasn't intentional (unlike some other dub misfires). The term used in Japanese is "jinzoningen" if I'm not mistaken, which would literally translate to "enhanced human" or something among those lines. Because the Japanese language itself has no real term for android, in English it wouldn't be beyond plausibility to translate is as android [though even by the standards of the English dub and the information available at the time, cyborg would probably be a better term]. Especially because Toriyama is a fucking hack and only years later explained how the androids actually work and that they used to be regular humans. The English dub mishap is in this regard squarely on the shoulders of Toriyama.
>how come
Toei thought it would make a good filler episode that's how.
>When AI becomes advanced enough, humans will claim they have souls too.
And those people will be retards to do so.
Cybrogs arent like full robot
Androids is just half modified, still had flesh
not sure if Bionic are knowladge term in Japanese toku
In their case it would be correct. The AIs would be the only ones with an evident personal existence persisting beyond a material form.
Japanese term for Android IS "Jinzouningen" - literally "Man Made(Artificial) Human" by separating the kanji and reading them individually, but you shouldn't be doing that anyway.
Toriyama's usage of "Jinzouningen" is odd even in its original context, especially considering 17,18 and 20.
Even in the West though there are works that use "Androids" for at least partially organic beings (see the wikipedia page about Androids), so Android is not completely inappropriate.
If Toriyama wanted to call them cyborg it'd be "Kaizouningen".