High Tier Faggotry

Congratulations, America for allowing this to happen/making this happen.

You cucked yourselves into losing what could have been an epic series on the scale of Lord of the Rings meets the best of Clint Eastwood's films (or perhaps just mixing manly behavior in general).

Instead, you get
>pic related

You cut out the racist black woman cripple, you cut out the white junkie turned hero/badass and their relationship (if a man chooses to race mix, that's their choice).

You have a old black man with white values teaching his black son to be honorable, strong, and to care for the little, helpless white boy.

The bad guy is now just white instead of whatever the fuck he decides to be at any given fucking time ~ based on his appearance throught King's books as a key villain.

I'm surprised a purple haired dike didn't jump in at the last second and save the day while humiliating all the men in general.

You fucked up, America. You ruined something special. I swear to Christ I will take revenge if you cucks, white knights, lesbian whores, degenerate feminists and SJW faggots ruin The Foundation series when/if that is green lit.

Other urls found in this thread:


>caring about our entertainment industry
we literally own the world no other country is as important as us, fuck you and your opinion nip you'll still end up watching whatever we shit out

I agree with what you wrote but why are you an English teacher in japan?

Movie was awful. Books are great.

Because I went to college ~ because that's the thing to do ~ then I got a useless degree ~ because people told me that's how you get a job in government ~ then I applied to work in government and learned I get entry level everything and make less than a full time McDonalds cashier in San Fransisco. Also, I like kids. You can't get angry at them. Easy fit. I actually make about as much too and the food is good.


I'm listening to The Waste Lands now (3rd tome, unabridged) and I have to say it's pretty good so far.

I have a degree in mechanical engineering and haven't found a job in a year since graduating. Thinking of going to Japan to teach english. I don't know a word of Japanese. Is it hard to get in to? What do you like and dislike about the job?

Oh. So do you plan on staying for the rest of your life?

Also why the fuck did they make Roland black? It was directly said in the books that Detta hated Roland and Eddie, because they were white.

Stephen King is a turbo-cuck and has never been involved in a good movie. Cocaine was the real author of all his good books. Everything he did after like '85 was shit, including most of the DT series.

The fuck are you even talking about?

Is this a video game? Who cares? Stop playing games

>the american enters
>can't read for shit
>doesn't know Stephen King
>blames video games for his retardation

check aaaand check

>Also why the fuck did (((they))) make Roland black?

As long as you can stumble through as a tourist, you speak enough. You're teaching English nigga, just speak English. Also, teach Chinese children instead. Better opportunities for big bucks.

You're contributing to our cancer culture by considering mindless consumerism to be important. Stephen King is irrelevant.

Fuck america, fuck USA, fuck mutts and fuck joos.

Okay it sucks they turned Roland into a black guy because the character just isn't a black guy. But they also picked the worst possible black guy. Elba is soft and extremely un-Roland. He's also healthy as hell, physically fit, and practically an action hero. They picked the most un-Rolandish black guy possible

what did you expect, stop paying these assholes you don't need to

It's really easy work if you want it to be, or it's really hard but still, both are enjoyable and both are optional. The more effort you put in, the more you enjoy it, but if you like free time, you can do that too.

I came knowing shit for Japanese and barely studied the first 3 months. Stopped studying after the 3 because it got boring, but I speak basic now and that's enough for hookups and day to day, bars, etc.

It's really enjoyable here and everything is pretty cheap. Rent can be as low (that I've seen) as 170 a month USD.

Just don't expect perfection, be flexible and for the love of god, have some social skills or be autistic so you don't notice people not liking you. They are a pretty closed culture, but all you have to be is generally nice. Smile and don't talk too much. People like. At bars, talk all the fuck you want ~ everyone is getting wasted and love foreigners :D

One day AIs will advance to the point that we'll be able to tell them what kind of movie we want to see and then in a few days they'll have it finished for us. I want The Dark Tower as an animated series in a style similar to "Heavy Metal" from the 80s with spaghetti western soundtrack. Alexa, have this ready by tomorrow afternoon and use Frank Muller's voice for Roland

what the actual fuck are you talking about japbro?

Don't fucking listen to this guy below. Teaching in China is shit - just look it up online. All teaching jobs CAN be shit, but China really IS shit, even if you speak a lot of the language. Unless you have a hookup, you will barely make more than a Jap teacher (or less).

They'll try again in 5-10 years but release the movie as the "Gunslinger."

They reboot Spiderman about 3 times in 10 years already.

Disney might reboot Narnia soon, as well.

If movie doesn't work out, they'll go the route of ab HBO or Netflix series.

>Frank Muller
This guy fucking gets it.

They poisoned the well. If a white guy is now cast, suddenly it's racist. If it's another black guy, nobody will watch/like it. On top of that, whichever way it goes, people will be called racist for being white and having an opinion.


Steve King sucks anyways - he's a fucking nuts SJW. The hypocrite is anti gun, yet he once told the store of how when he was dealing with a stalker he packed a pistol...some animals more equal than others and all.

I think idris elba is a good actor and really didn't have much problem with the choice other than the fact that roland was a descendant of king fucking arthur, and his guns are made from excalibur reforged

once I saw the lead actor i knew they would abandon that completely, and that 90% of the book would be gone

the movie was pretty shit, they could have done a much better job but it is what it is, and if you ever thought it was going to hold the smallest candle to the books even if made correctly you're a fucking idiot

>Disney might reboot Narnia soon, as well.
If they make any of the characters in narnia non-white I don't think I'll ever watch a movie again in my life.

enjoy your dark tower

also they made the mantra so overused and fucking cringy it lost all weight it held for me in the books and will forever be ruined by how many times they said it and in such lame circumstances

If they touch foundations, I will issue a white boi fatwa against every jew. Russian brothers, avenge me.

I made almost $50k USD. In 5 months. If you've spent more than 15 minutes on Sup Forums, you're aware that Chinese are emigrating hard to Australia, Canada and the US. They value English almost as much as their own language. They're rich and VERY willing to pay Americans to private tutor their children. I spent 1 season teaching in a shitty class room at a private elementary school and the next year, spent it in Shenzen private tutoring middle school age children. It's not about having a hookup, it's about not being a retard and knowing English at a level rich Chinese parents are willing to pay for. That was 7 years ago, and the demand for private English tutors is only increasing.

They'll reboot it with a white guy. Idris Elba experiment failed.

Second time, it's all about the shekels and giving fans what they want.

I'm pretty sure than the next Fantasy Four movie won't take liberties with the characters' races.

Lmao who cares Elba is a great actor and he was the only good thing in the movie
>muh black people
>muh blackwashing
Also King was ok with Elba bein Roland

You're literally a traitor. Your admission of this conduct is punishable by torture.

Aslan is now a panther named Tash

I might have taught English to the 20 year old gooks now running your country. Neat.

Agreed. He is teaching the chinks your anglo language, enabling them to conquer the anglo nations. Disgusting

>helping insects invade for shekels

Why are you on Sup Forums again, lad?

Funny thing is, the Chinese are actually capable of learning English as well, while the Japanese will simply go through the motions and still not understand a word afterwords. It's a cultural thing I believe, as most Japanese have no use for English while tons of Chinese are over here in school. I would love to compare the English ability between Chinese and Japanese after attending an English class.


I guess Anglo countries should have kept up in education. Whoops.
I can't say much about the Japanese students, but holy shit were Chinese children great at picking up the English language. I lived there and was immersed in the culture for almost 2 years total, and still could not grasp their language outside of a knowledgeable tourist level. After 3 or 4 months the children I tutored could easily be at the same relative level. It might be because they're children and pick up languages quicker, but I was actually impressed. It really is no wonder they're taking over the world.

Chink begone. The lack of subtlety in your subrace will be your ultimate undoing. You wrote Art of war, we wrote On war. pretty huge difference in complexity. Again, begone.

fuck Idris Elba. Motherfucker is 100% Subsaharan African and Hollywood always tries to pass him off quintessentially European or has him play "white."

The same thing goes for fucking John Boyega.

"Here you go plebs, here is some black as night dude with a British accent. The New European."

Elba's a great actor and could have been great as an adaptation of Callahan or Ted Brautigan. He was not a good Roland only partly because Roland should be a grizzled old white man but also because of all his other un-Rolandlike qualities

Because I'm American. We don't have a nanny state policing our opinions, so I like to hang out here and chuckle at idiots.

>(if a man chooses to race mix, that's their choice).
>reddit spacing


You sound like a DownUntermensch weeb. Sorry, but reality is what it is as far as my observation. Not Chinese, but I laugh at the fact that your nation is being overrun by them like our fucking Leafs to the north.

It dosn't matter where he came from as long as he's a good actor
That's why John Boyega after SW will be forgotten bc he's a fucking terrible actor
Agreed that Elba would have been better for other roles, but he wasn't the real problem of the movie

lol how the fuck did this video come to be???

Read the books. Every new film is pg13 sjw cancer.

The last book was absolute dog shit. The ending really should be considered a fucking crime.

T. Asianmasculinity

No, I'm white. See . I just went there for easy money and easy women. It just so happened that 10 years later they're running Australia and Canada.

Dude I went on there to shitpost once, but I didn't even have to do anything. Visiting their front page was one of the funniest things I've ever done, the levels of insecurity was just INSANE

I couldn't agree more. I remember growing up and loving movies. Know that 1000 movie list that floats around? I've seen well over 3 times that many movies. I loved movies and would watch maybe 4 or more new ones a week. I worked at Blockbuster through college. I fucking LOVED it. Then the SJW bend came.

I have literally stopped watching movies. I might watch a new one once a fucking month now, but that's it. Fucking joke how SJW's ruined one of my best hobbies. Thank god there are still limitless classics for me to read. Now I finish about 2 books a week.

Maybe because your students were from wealhy fammilies. Smart parents and top genetics, probably not kids of sweatshop workers

They are 99 percent chinese/chinese americans. Not japs or other asians

Only the ones that I private tutored. The elementary kids that I taught were just average kids. Except they place a higher value on education. That's were I think it comes from.

I saw plenty of fillipinos, thai, shit like that too. There are many hapas there too I think.

I'd fucking argue with you, but you don't know shit. I'd rather shave my balls with a straight edge while drunk. I hope nobody listens to your bullshit.

Audiobooks have replaced movies for me. They can be well-read by a competent actor and can use material that hasn't been poisoned by postmodern marxist nonsense. They can also be 20 hours long. Sit in a dark room listening to an audiobook, it is very pleasurable


i don't want to use my imagination during a movie to see a black actor as the white dude he's supposed to be. What would be the point to the CGI around him?

Big budget movies have large casting budgets and casting drives. They can find an good enough/adequate/good actor the fits the role physically.

Casting a black to play a white is like casting a white guy in a wheelchair to play korean tae kwon do master... motherfucker won't0 be able to kick or look Korean.

Benedict Cumberbatch played a goddamn Dragon, Smaug, in The Hobbit.

Benedict Cumberbatch didn't play a dragon as white dude. They created a CGI dragon with his voice.

Martin Freeman played a goddamn hobbit and they use make up, hairy fake feet, and camera tricks to make him look like a fucking mythical midget.

They could have created a CGI Viking voiced by Idris Elba in Thor and used makeup CGI to turn Idris Elba into an old white guy for the Dark Tower.

I love sci-fi but every new book is dystopian capitalists vs utopian commies. I only want space battles and aliens.

Someone already mentioned Frank Muller, but if you don't know him, please please please listen to some books he has read. Fucking LOVE that guy. Beautiful.


That's a funny way of spelling "Our jewish masters"

>I'd fucking argue with you, but I can't.
Just type that next time. They're synonymous.

He was really good, unfortunately he passed away in 2008. I love his reading of "The Talisman"

He was the one that caused people not to watch it.

>the best of Clint Eastwood's films
too old, maybe Scott Eastwood

Did you see Jumanji?

You're dead on in the commentary. I can't really give good recommendations, but anything by the legends before 1980 is still very, very fun.

Also, you can ignore when they throw in faggy bullshit when they want women to behave like men or give excuses to women being whores in a future where nobody has to work because *economics* ( Robert Heinlein )

This is an offshoot, but here is a great 3 book trilogy called the Bartimaeus Trilogy. Spelling may be wrong, but holy shit it's good fantasy. Think Harry Potter, but not written for anyone under the age of 13 to enjoy.

I'd upload a screenshot today I got from a friend about it if I could be bothered. I checked new movies and came across that an hour ago - friend says it's good when I message out that it exists.

Read Stephen R Donaldson's "The Gap Chronicles" his other shit is lame, but that was top notch sci fi.

>Nigger reading comprehension
>anxious to post meme pics like clints son
Scott isn't a legendary Hollywood cowboy archetypal figure

All I know is that redhead girl panty scene in it movie made me pop a boner in the theater. Good job stevie

Do you mean "The Gap Cycle"? Trying to get it now :D

I just watched that movie.
It was good for a Stephen King based movie. Maybe you need to lighten up?
>White guy trying to destroy the tower that keeps deamons out of the multi-verse for "reasons"
>white kid has the power to destroy the tower
>Black guy hates white guy
>Black guy needs white kid to stop white guy
>Working together black guy and white kid defeat white guy

You could replace any of the chracters without regard to race and the story would remain the same. Chillout.

>Black guy robs a store at gun point and doesnt despite having just shown he has gold coins
Ok that part is def something a black guy would do

He sure as hell resembles one in particular.


I think I got it. I'll check it out. Thanks bro. Also, The Foundation by Asimov and Enders Game is a good read for a one off. The two that follow are decent if you like psych. There's another series that's pretty fucking great featuring a metal spiked monster that teleports through time ~ Hyperion. Good shit. A little cheesy in the beginning, but holy shit it gets kinda graphic.

Alright. I could be wrong. The movie looked a little shitty to me in general, but you're probably right. I may be biased from reading the books and having the story blackwashed by SJW bullshit. I really like Idris or whatever his name is ~ in some roles. Not this one. Better actors than him have refused roles because they knew one of two things = the movie will flop if they do it or it's horribly disrespectful to the source material. In his case, he did it and both were the case. AND, not OR.

Impossible to fit multi book series into 2 hours but God damn if the Jews don't try it every time

Thanks, I'll order a copy and give them a read

Nice. Calibre with a kindle is better than any library.

I love the Dark Tower series and was so looking forward to this... abortion. Words can't describe how terrible it was, and I'm happy that I pirated it instead of parting with even one shekel! King should be ashamed, a man who allows his work to be treated this way needs to sit down and stfu forever, because he simply has negative zero merit or integrity.

Why is every Japanese poster on here a living shitstain? We really should have nuked your kawaii ass for a third time.

I agree. PC in Hollywood is crazy. Watch any John Wayne movie if you want good old American western. The Dark Tower had so much potential as a series. I just wish they would have given creative control to this guy. He doesn't give two red cents about PC. youtube.com/watch?v=B-bk1qugYmo&t=25s

How did this do financially? Huge failure? Im boycotting it specifically for blackwashing

Stephen King is a shit author who can't write a decent ending to save his life. Rita Hayworth and The Body were the only things he wrote worth reading, and that's because they were short stories. The longer his stories go, the more pointless and drug-fueled the resolution will be. A giant fucking turtle? Seriously?

>doesn't know what an English teacher is
n e w f a g

The film is garbage, regardless of whatever weird ass SJW connotations you try to add to it. The plot was all over the place and they explained absolutely nothing. What pisses me off the most is how Stephen King bowed down to today's Liberals by saying that Roland's race didnt matter and that he never imagined how his characters actually looked, despite the fact his race DID matter all the way throughout two books.

I think it's shameful what they did. I don't know much about the movie interpretation of the story but in addition to having a black man play Roland I heard it wasn't a faithful attempt anyway.

I just hope we get a real interpretation of this great story someday. I love most of the Stephen King movie adaptions. Some of the TV movies were even good. "IT" was a 2 part tv movie adaption if some people don't know.

God bless Roland and his Ka-tet. Even the nigger bitch.

1/5th or so profit made from it.

Not sure if you're talking about the tower series...

The man's not a genius ~ he spams fucking books to entertain. You want genius, you fish for the greatest works of certain authors like an /user/ just did in this thread about the Gap series. 5 books.

The langoliers and librbary police were okay. But they were short stories as well.

>race DID matter all the way throughout two books


But you know, can't be racist to a white person.

>Scott isn't a legendary Hollywood cowboy archetypal figure
character is based on his father and he looks like him in the 70s-80s. Did you read the books user?