>character comes from England
>speaks japanese
>character comes from China
>speaks japanese
>character comes from Outer Space
>speaks japanese
>character comes from the 4th dimension of the demon lord
>speaks japanese
Character comes from England
Other urls found in this thread:
>audience is japanese
>character speaks japanese
really engages the cranial gears
It's animu. What do you want, VR simulations?
I do, I want a VR simulator about me and my waifu living together in a comfy country house
>is autistic
>retard notices common scenario after watching a few anime
>posts it accompanied by his ironic steam anime avatar
In fairness, I think a lot of the time they get the characters to speak with a different accent.
Sometimes that comes from learning Japanese.
You know, I'd like to see a series with VAs of other nationalities speaking in their own languages, that'd be some shit.
Yeah it'd be shit alright.
You're shit.
>finding it weird that a person that immigrates to a country they're moving to knows the language
sup ahmed
Play Tekken
really? you think that having foreigners speak bad Japanese would sound good in anime
I think you need to read that post again, senpai.
But yeah, that would also be neat.
To be fair, it's not rare for characters to speak English, even with eachother in their own home countries, in Hollywood produced films.
>Every character in DC/Marvel
>Speaking English regardless of origins.
You have to fuck off Sup Forums
>character is supposed to be European
>can't speak its own name without atrocious Japanese accent
I've seen some shit.
>OP watches hundreds of Japanese cartoons
>studies Japanese
>reads Japanese
>still can't speak Japanese
It's just for convenience. It's made by japanese people for japanese people so they speak japanese because that's the easiest way to make and consume it.
Every country does the same.
Meanwhile, in American cinema:
>Russian soldiers speak English to eachother
>Everyone in France speaks English to eachother
>Arab terrorists speak English to eachother
>Aliens speak English
Japanese is the universal language. Take that Esperanto!
>dubs are available for animes
>speaks english
>dubs are available for posts
>don't get them
The real question is how many Japanese speaking foreigners in anime are actually voiced by Japanese speaking foreigners? Robert from Doamaiger D is the only one I can think of, probably since most such instances are ust bit parts.
The traveling artist in Sakura Quest and the one train operator from Kabaneri are the only two I can think of.
>That change in tone when they go from Japanese to dictionary-perfect English for just one random word
>someone else does it badly
>that makes it okay for others to do it badly
was this even supposed to be taken seriously?
Run yourself over
>the one train operator from Kabaneri
That kind of pisses me off. "I'm the foreigner, my entire personality is that I sometimes use English words but not always!"
Kyoani has hired ausfags for Free and britbongs for k-on.
>character comes from Japan
>speaks english
No, it was supposed to show you how it's accepted practice and only retards/autists complain. Sort of like how dubfags only act like the setting matters when the subject is anime and then proceed to watch Aladdin and Mulan in English.
Klara in girls und panzer is voiced by a Russian girl.
>character is half white
>father is japanese and mother is white
>characters talk japanese
>goes to japan
>gets a japanese translater
the fuck Balalaika
>meanwhile every mixed couple in western media is BMWF
Makes you think.
Actually in LWA the characters are explicitly speaking English.
He was a somewhat useful character. He wasn't just a gag side character. Hell, he was more memorable than half the cast, and had quite a few lines despite only being shown in the control room for the train.
>Alisa Bosconovitch
>speaks japanese
I'm not as autistic as the OP but I'm still autistic to the point I'll watch the English dub is a show doesn't take place in Japan or features Japanese characters, meanwhile I vomit at the notion of a show taking place in Japan being dubbed.
Good shit
It's actually ironic when you look at it. Most mixed-race babies born in Japan have American fathers.
>cute android girl
>not speaking Japanese
>characters comes from Outer Space
>Fucking talking rocks
>Speaks English
Russian can be fucking cute as well.
>Higashi no eden
Tari Tari actually pulled this off:
>You will never befriend an xboxhueg spaniard with a pet pig
Given the English did this to Japan, having Englishmen speaking Japanese is a fair revenge.
whereas in western stuff
>character is from another dimension
speaks English
>character is Japanese
speaks English
>character is jesus
speaks English...
Play Punch Out for the Wii.
>character is english
>can barely speak english
I know how that feels man.
>he doesn't speak Japanese
They also hired a new russian to do the english dub. I don't get that.
>I'm not as autistic as the OP
>I'll watch the English dub
>character comes from France
>speaks Japanese beacause he wants a yamato nadeshiko waifu
Eh? Most often you get an explanation for this.
>character is a weeb
>character has/had a Japanese wife/husband/girlfriend/boyfriend
>character is an exchange student
Watch Ping Pong for the best boy.
>OP assumes everyone's like a retarded American who can't speak shit language
You are angry.
>Another daily thread by burger OP whining that nips aren't pandering to his cheap pirating ass.
Thanks Oba
I mean Thanks Trump.
>character comes from osaka
>no one can understand them
That accent is fucking terrible
And it's usually a sign of poor quality or at least a low budget. I don't like it when they do it, either way. It immediatly killed Man in the High Castle, for example. Nazis not enforcing German everywhere just doesn't make too much sense.
>They didn't use the same VA for the dub of Sakura Quest
I thought it was heavily implied that whenever they talk japanese they actually talk english unless specified, that's what they needed Rock for there and why they chose him on the boat initially- he knows both.
Probably wouldn't make sense financially to have him fly over from japan.
Yeah, that's what I figured aswell, but they could've thrown the guy a bone.
It's not like he's constantly voicing major roles.
Though if he did, they'd probably fly him over right away.
Yeah. But it's one thing in the manga when you can use various means to denote when somebody is talking a different language, in the anime it's kind of weird. Would have been if the dub actually kept the Japanese audio when appropriate and used subs.
>character is part english
>blonde hair and blue eyes with white skin
>american character
>can't speak a word of japanese
every time.
Did not expect to read this kind of manga. Thanks user.
I'm disappointed in it so far. Expected something on the level of Kiwaguro no Brynhildr, which was author's previous work, but got this hentai instead.
>character comes from the 4th dimension of the demon lord
The anime adaption of Maou-sama actually went through the extra effort of having all of the fantasy world characters babble in a made-up language until they magicked themselves into knowing Japanese. They even still talk to each other in their native tongue once in a while.
In the Light Novel, everyone in the fantasy world just spoke Japanese.