So this guy converted to islam in 2010 and now died in Syria fighting for IS. Is this picture prove that islam is the cancer of humanity?!
German nignog IS Rapper ded
Did he live in Holland?
You have a big problem in cities yes?
Germany, was a gangster rapper from Frankfurt, half german half ghana(?).
Was a posterboy for ISIS for recruiting foreign "muscle"
Made a lot of really shitty german jihadi songs etc.
Islam is not the problem, melanin is.
>Scientists predicted the face of the average german in 2050 and its beautiful
We tried to kill him twice and it ended being the Kurds who took him out.
I wonder how that happened? I thought they used him for propaganda, not as a soldier?
neck urself
>I thought they used him for propaganda, not as a soldier?
ISIS is losing, they need every fighter they can get
>Niggers and shitskins convert and die in a shithole country fighting for a shit organization far away from the 1st world
How is this bad?
Is that a white skin rug?
Kek good riddance
I actually remember this faggot, though never heard about him before he ended up down there
>be "muslim not terrorist"-terrorist
>get a bullet directly sent by the lord
>post yfw
fucking JUST
it looks like a suicide. gun in the mouth.. like hitler.. look at the position of his hand.
It's already over for them, you just flushed some of the shit down the toilet.
They have actually taken some land from hts in the idlib province lately though, but it's nothing. Their last screeches
These fools were dragged into fighting a cia-mossad-ksa-quater proxy war. fools
This is what's coming to any and all who try to subvert the 14 words.
You do know white genocide is a total lie right? Its not a real conspiracy and its actually made to distract you from the real comming future of Europe which is technology and global currency etc. Are you implying that there are too many muslims in Germany?
What a shitty rapper, I couldn't find anything funny from the lyrics in his songs to post. He was a whiny faggot, sounded like Kanye.
The only way we can fight the homogenous nature of technology and the imaginary concept of finance is through racial homogenity. Divided, both of those concepts destroy us with our lack of identity. Formative struggle doesn't mean we're ignoring the full picture, meme faggot.
suicide.. from his mouth.. like hitler
So you actually believe in "white genocide" you believe thats real? Lol fucking moron Australian douche that believes in race
Here some of his work.
The absolute state of German Rap, that used to be good in the 90s when white people did it.
Also you type like a nigger. Until proven otherwise, you are a nigger within the jurisdication of this thread. Sucks how you can't even escape your brown skin online doesn't it? That's because race runs deeper than concepts of white or black. The sooner you realise this the sooner you can stop wasting your time and return to the street corner.
Go away, disinfo kike. Posting it multiple times doesn't make it true.
their are only 14 things that matter in this world
Isnt that forbidden even in islam?
That nigger will go straight to hell like he deserves.
>now died
I read this two years ago.
Proof: he has a music video set first in prison, then some bulldogs come along and they chant some shit in German on the streets
>Is this picture prove that islam is the cancer of humanity?!
no it's proof that the west is actively recruiting for isis to destabilize the middle east
I'm NOT convinced!
yeah this makes sense, I think I've seen this before too
Well there is this this time
his father was american