Is this at all possible? Especially since I have zero experience with girls myself. I never went after girls in my youth because there would have been no point if I couldn't provide for a wife. I regret this decision... because now I'm the 28 year old whose never kissed a girl.
As a virgin myself, I am deadset on finding a virgin girl to marry
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I'd say unlikely, simply because nothing really seems to work like that.
Find yourself an experienced partner, and just except you need experience.
>I'm the 28 year old whose never kissed a girl.
how does that even happen. I'm older than you, so maybe times have changed, but didn't girls occasionally grab you in the swimming pool, or whatever? Or ask leading questions like "do you know how to french kiss"?
anyway, you can find a virgin as inept as you, and she will be simple minded with a rigid mindset. probably a good match.
>it was a decision
Think girl on right
Not the girl on left
Maybe girl in middle, but probably right.
You get your mind in that state, you should be good, user
Are you giving yourself advice?... lol.
Youre fucked. Sorry mate.
Maybe go to church on sunday and find some prude,boring ass church girl.
You're right, it was only not my decision in that I was too immature compared to my peers. Looking back I had 2 girls during HS show me interest.
What kind of sex pools did you go swimming in?
If you're dead set on a virgin gf you can get one from an Asian country like the Philippines and bring her back but if you're looking for a white virgin you would have better luck finding Bigfoot.
How is your financial situation? Are you in shape? Do you have any mental illnesses that are visible?
He's actually right. When I went swimming as a kid the thots always wanted to roleplay sexual stuff.
I remember an older girl from my neighborhood used to take me into her closet and make out with me for hours from when I was in kindergarten until the third grade because she went off to middle school and probably figured out she was doing something wrong.
I am wealthy now and will start working out this year
male virgin != female virgin
You're just a fish trying to fuck the loch ness monster. Lower your standards and accept your fate, it's what being a man is all about.
No disrespect, how out of shape are you?
when I went swimming no one acknowledged my existence because everyone was busy swimming, so I did the same.
>Is this at all possible?
I don't think so, if you aren't very lucky you will die alone, although there is a non zero probability that within your life time you will have the chance to fight for your race.
20 year old virgin here by the way.
>I'm older than you, so maybe times have changed, but didn't girls occasionally grab you in the swimming pool, or whatever? Or ask leading questions like "do you know how to french kiss"?
Obviously not.
I have a half basketball sized gut and only natural muscle
>no one acknowledged my existence because everyone was busy swimming,
what sort of autistic cult were you a part of? when you were 11 didn't you play swimming games at all?
settle for someone who's not attractive but not fat and you'll be set
22 y.o kissless, handholdless, friendless virgin here. I was relatively normal until I became isolated when my single mother moved house. I haven't had a proper IRL friend since highschool.
>What kind of sex pools did you go swimming in?
I'd like to know.
Jesus Christ.
6'2" 160lbs skinnyfat with palpitations
Lose some weight for your confidence and your health, not for a woman. Keep in mind that there a lot of loser women out there that need a man desperately. If a girl ever gives a hard time, remind yourself of all of the lonely women out there. Judging by your age, wealth, and size, you are 7/10, maybe even an 9/10 If lose all your weight. Keep your confidence up and never let a woman let you think she's your equal. You are physically stronger, have a better personality, and wealthier than she will ever be. You are better than any woman in your dating pool.
None that I was ever a part of.
You're a young guy. Don't worry about getting ass, just focuse on self improvement. Guys don't age like women.
dont worry user, im sure some sweet uggo fatty will settle for you some day.
thank you for reminding me of the times i was too autistic to take advantage of those things
>like 12 or something
>playing with neighbor girl
>don't remember what lead to it but we started fucking around with an inflatable globe
>she starts humping it
>pretending to fuck it
>im awkwardly laughing
>throws it to me and urges me to hump it
>i do it
>she takes it back and walks in her closet with it
>class closes the door and says she's taking off her shirt
>instantly pop a boner
>try to adjust it so it isn't visible through my pants
>she opens the door and looks at me before i finish
>is staring at me
>i panic and tell her i have to go
>waddle out of her house while trying to hide my boner
>after adjusting my pants outside i sprint home
>she never makes any sexual jokes or advances towards me ever again
I wish i had a time machine so i could go back and force my younger self to not be so autistic
You're right. I've got a lot to advance through, though. It feels like I've been in a coma for the past 10 years.
>what sort of autistic cult were you a part of?
No one in my immediate family has any friends. Acquaintances, yes, but no one they seek out for company. They've all bumbled about their life accomplishing little. My grandfather went insane and fucked up the upbringing of my mother, aunt, and uncle. His father fucked a black girl in Alabama and was kicked out of town. That's 3 generations of fatherlessness!
the swimming pool?
like at the YMCA or something?
it seems so surreal that whenever being a kissless adult comes up someone always mentions something that would have given them an opportunity as if they somehow were assumed to have done something like that.
you might as well say "did you skip the orgy when you went to the moon?" or some shit.
Is MGTOW about rolling over to women because you can't date them. Dating was made by faggots for them bang, men and women never dated until the 1950s (or at least how it's portrayed now).
>Dating was made by faggots for them bang, men and women never dated until the 1950s
Is there any material you can link me to regarding the mating customs of people in the past?
she's probably still extremely embarrassed about it and thought that you never wanted her
>you might as well say "did you skip the orgy when you went to the moon?" or some shit.
I'm not Brad Pitt, but I guess some guys just have it, whatever it is. I'd be with people I just met in college and one of them would come over and say "see that girl over there, she said she wants to hook up with you." Or be sitting in a booth at the fast food place and the girls at the booth behind you would start yelling at the one who had stood up and leaned over with her butt right behind your head, "I HATE WHEN SHE DOES THAT!!". lol.
Live a minimalist lifestyle. I was really falling off the rails my freshman year of college (failed classes, ate awful, watched questionable pornography, etc.). Things changed when I moved to a studio apartment and I only had a mattress and nothing else. I only ate potatoes, eggs, and broccoli for about a year. You have to make radical changes to get out of that rut. Live by yourself, it makes things a lot easier and cut ties with absolutely everyone for a year or so.
>normie life
>but didn't girls occasionally grab you in the swimming pool, or whatever? Or ask leading questions like "do you know how to french kiss"?
t. Chad
>just met in college
half the people at my college are foreigners (yes, that kind) or diehard liberal, I never see people talking happily to each other.
I have never seen anyone I would like to kiss behave like that in a restaurant.
>cut ties with absolutely everyone for a year or so
Fucking A. I've had that idea in my my mind for a while now. It's as if I know that's what I need to do, but the leap is big enough and vague enough for me to not jump without a solid plan. A studio apartment-type area with little else other than myself and my goals is exactly what I'm aiming for.
Did you have pitfall experiences you could tell me about that I could prepare for or avoid?
Yes.Ignore /r9k/ disinfo. The numbers of male and female virgins are comparable at most ages. They're about as likely as you.
When girls are acting cold, just say something that will make them angry. If she reacts, then that means she is willing to give you the time of day to talk to you. If a girl wants to talk to you (to yell at you or otherwise), then that means she is willing to do other things to you.
>Female college graduates are 5.4 times more likely to be virgins than those who never received that diploma.
IQ also contributes
Only the WOMAN is supposed to be the virgin. By the time you get married you should have had a ride on the local bike a few times just to know what you're doing.
Total disgrace.
I remember that I would conversations with myself all the time because I had nothing to do and when someone would talk to me I was disappointed when they weren't interesting. I remember I would get angry at people for not telling me things that were interesting. Also, I started to confess and tell the truth all of the time after a year or so. If you aren't ready to confront your demons then don't do it. I felt like I was going crazy sometimes because I realized I had been lying to myself all of my life. Also, remember to take daily cold showers everyday because it keeps you sharp.
>tfw a 27 year old female virgin
>tfw want to start a family but all modern men are completely JUSTED
literally was about to type out an example but I just need to quote this post
This is depressing to me.
Women are so desperate for companionship they stoop to degrading themselves on the internet for attention. Girls just want someone to talk to, but aren't brave enough to say anything. Make them talk to you by instigating them.
i have no idea how to flirt or initiate any kind of 'move' with chicks. and i don't have any interest in ONS or pick up artistry. i wouldn't have a problem learning how to talk to grills through the course of dating except 99% of single women are women i would never consider breeding with. and i don't really feel like wasting hundreds of hours of my life talking to awful people.
of course as a guy you're inundated with a shit ton of pressure to be a vice driven degenerate like . i'm not sure what the right answer so i just mind my own business and work towards improving my life and making money.