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>10 days left

Post expectations for WttM/manga

>more stripping
>more bike
>fairy internal monologue
>DJ/club shenanigans
>underaged drinking
>platonic hand-holding

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A fast scanlation (and possibly translation)

New art or goods is coming.

New scale figures

>More characters in Kubo's style
Give it to me

I want to see him and Jizz clubbing

I'd like to see also Jizz and Masumi together

Oh, true. The three could go together, then. Wonder if Kotomine is the party type.

I wonder if this manga will be sold later in stores like a common manga, in a year or so, for those who couldn't pre-order the complete box set

I doubt it. Japanese customer loyalty is pretty high so exclusives like these tend not to be re-released.

I see, then I can only hope Kubo will draw another Yoi one shot someday

Limited edition bonuses aren't sold, it would defeat the point of buying the BDs. Your only chance is in auctions or second hand shops.

I want more cute friendly fatfairy moments

>Toy Works

Yeah, I'm not expecting much here.

I hate those kind of limited bonuses . It's stupid idea. You want to extra story? too bad you have to pay whole damn blu ray/dvd set to get just one shot manga.

Stop this, you're ruining my hope of scans

Starting from the 17th we will reveal new details every week!

I'm getting the manga so I'll scan when mine arrives, but it won't be until a week after the release because EMS is slow as shit

Don't worry user, thank you so much

Victor and Yuuri's poses seem mirrored. I hope this means they can be posed together.

Bless you, user

Seems highly likely.
Would be perfect if Yuuri and Victor wore their matching costumes.

Most people will just make them stare at each other, they knew what they were doing here.

Isn't showing underage drinking forbidden or something?

What is Fairy looking at?

I don't want to be guilty of asking too much. I'll be happy if Fairy pulls off his gloves with his teeth.

Anything that isn't the two old men being an embarrassing bakappuru

Why is this a better trio than BaldFatFairy?

No third wheeling, a true OT3.

I actually do like these three a lot and can't wait for their club antics

Wait, is this Yuri on ice? I thought it was about ice skating, not clubbing.

It is indeed about ice skating. Clubbing is an extra.

Remove Mickey

The other anons do have a point but I've seen BD bonuses up for sale on Yahoo auctions and Mandarake so who knows.

Shut up Sara, I mean it's still your brother

Sara had to deal with her autistic brother for far too long

Mickey is scared a bunch of gay men will steal her sister away, he's truly an autistic

I think everyone worried about the manga not being posted has the wrong worry. The real worry is that the popular translators will all be jumping at the bit to translate it, and then it will descend into an arguefest over whose translation is right, just like with magazine translations.

There's no clubbing, only iceskating and drunk shenanigans

I thought with the magazine people were using the translations from one of the previous threads here. I even saw some screenshots on Twitter from that thread.

That's just because it wasn't popular content so the only person nice enough to translate it in the first place was user. With popular magazine stuff it seems like there's always arguing over different translations.

All arguments seem to usually center around the topic of love and Baldfat's relationship so if they aren't the focus, I don't see many serious translating arguments happening either.
Then again, they might be keeping it a surprise and Baldfat still gets a decent focus so who knows.