Anime that Sup Forums universally likes

Anime that Sup Forums universally likes




Rec thread much?

Threads like this turn into nothing but bait. Why bother?

Just saying you like something will birth an asshat hater just so they can be contrary to it.

As such, there is no universally likes anime.

Nothing good in here.

I mean, Sup Forums actually hates on shit like Natsume Yuujinchou and Tanya the Evil sometimes, so this thread was doomed from the start.

This guy knows


I do like it but holy shit can you faggots stop overrating Shirobako so hard? It's an average SoL/light drama, the sole remarkable feature of it is the subject matter.

It's definitely better than Bakuman

Shitposting =/= like

I loved streaming this with Sup Forums.


I didn't like it that much. It's not my type of anime

Shirobako and Bakuman show are too different to even compare like the workforce and the how the jobs are accomplished and both with a completely different story like how do the two even relate?

Boku no Pico

every single show ITT is shit and i don't like it



Who is this Bako Shiro anyway?

i didn't like it.
everything the show had to say was put forward in such a basic spoonfeeding manner, all the female characters look the same, the colour palate is uninspiring and bland, none of the characters are interesting, the show they are working on lookes like something I'd immediately drop.
its just too hard to care about what everyone is working towards in this show.

I don't see anyone hating on Fullmetal Alchemist

That's because no one watches it anymore.

>newfags' opinions matter


I didn't asked about reddit though

I didn't like it, and this is coming from someone who liked Hanasaku Iroha. They had too many characters, I didn't really sympathize with any of them and it seems like the setbacks were so contrived.



i was like yeah just another harem anime
>but it was actually suffering