Black Kings

Why are black Americans so hellbent on thinking they were kings? How does that help them? I don't understand. The other thing I don't understand - they weren't ALL kings. The message I'm getting is every African was a king. None of them were ditch diggers. All kings. How does that make sense? This latest tweet from Lebron James(one of the US' leading intellectuals) got me thinking about this again. Why did he make him a king? "The Ruler of the world"? What the heck is going on here?

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They have no culture and their lost their status as african because slaves are have no clans.
Most African i speak they dont like the american african, Arogant,no culture and no bindings to their anchestors,

High self-aggrandisment coupled with impaired theory of mind.

Ouch lol

We wuz John Coltrane n sheit

Many non-white countries have dysfunctional armies due to all the infighting over rank.

I'm a white American. I have status as an American. So do they. I don't make claims to my European heritage and I certainly don't go running around obnoxiously claiming "we were kings." Maybe my ancestors were kings. Maybe they were retards. Makes no difference to me. I just don't get it.

Impaired theory of mind? You're saying they're not smart? I'm not disagreeing. I think the people claiming "kings" are morons. Just want to make sure I understand you.

I understand that. Corruption is one of the reasons Africa is so screwed up, right?

>The other thing I don't understand - they weren't ALL kings. The message I'm getting is every African was a king.
It's about identity. They want to believe that SOME of them were kangz, ie. that niggers had a proper civilization once.
Notice how often he talks about "his people" in your pic. American niggers have a deeply rooted identity crisis. They know they don't belong in the US.

I more meant that they're all narcissists who want to be the KANG.

Their focus on ruler-ship alone is scary. They don't give a shit about having decent societies. Reminds me of spoiled kids grabbing at the royal scepter.

>Impaired theory of mind? You're saying they're not smart?
No, the theory of mind is the possibility to put yourself into someone elses position, ie. think about "how does the other person see me doing this and that?".
It's the basis for empathy and abstract thinking and probably something with mirror neurons.

They are barely human.

>Reminds me of spoiled kids
>pic related

Yeah. So he's saying all African Americans were kings? What does he mean his people?

That's true. I mean - "king" means rule over others. The implication is blacks should rule over non-blacks.

So you're saying they're not thinking about how they come across? Because to me(I'm white) they come across as racists.


Damn dude. Harsh stuff.

Meanwhile, the coolest monkey hoodie is selling for thousands of dollars

They are aware how humiliating are their origins and think they're inferior to whites, so they despreately delude themselves with theories that they were superior to everyone else at least once.

a black person told me that magazines like National Geographic try to humiliate black people by depicting them as "primitive" in their magazines... it never even occurred to me that a black american would be embarrassed or ashamed by native africans but I guess it happens. It's easy to see where the "kings" overcompensation comes from

I don't know but this sort of black nationalistic pride makes white nationalism more justifiable. He wrote #lovemypeople. We should do that too.

Are you serious?

This is actually the most sensical thing I've read so far.

the truth is far, far worse

unironically 100% this

I never thought of that either. But I'm not embarrassed by pictures of cavemen. That was a long time ago. The point is that we're not acting primitive NOW.

Cause they are thieves. It doesn't matter if it's a bike, your TV your car yo gril or your cultural heritage nigs are gonna nog

ukranians do the same

I was thinking that too. Any #whitepride #lovemypeople from a white person would be viewed as racist. People are getting sick and tired of these double standards man.

can confirm

We should meme at the ghetto niggers that ISIS is destroying ancient African Egyptian Empire treasure in Syria. Maybe we can assemble a WE WUZ army to go fight the CIA puppets.

>break barriers
>build them back up by voting for democrats
>accept media that paints you as black instead of american
>put sport and music success stories on pedestal when they're kept as pets
Who needs chains when your slaves whip themselves, really.

Same in Macedonia.

I don't really see how that's a reality check, but ok.

What do you mean "kept as pets"? Athletes are?

What bothers me is all the black people "educating" each other on "the truth." And none of it's true. It's all this ridiculous revisionist history nonsense that's easily disproven. They want to think the first president of the US was black. They want to think they were all kings. It's crazy. Try to call them out on it and you're a racist.

I am actually looking for to Black Panther because of KANGZ. The Last Jedi was actually a huge red pill nuclear bomb which unintentionally woke the masses.

If all of them were kings then all of them were the common man which means they all equally had no power and equally were all rich which means they're all poor, happy which means they're all sad, and powerful which means they're all weak.

Because if not they would have to admit they would still be in the stone age if it wasn't for whites.

>One of the US leading intellectuals
I kekd

On a related note, if pol could turn the viciously pervasive #blackexcellence meme on its head that’d be great. Its most incessant propagator is Diddy.

They're different. Blacks aren't so much individuals as they are some kind of ass backwards hive mind, that's still destructive to itself for some reason.

Think about it. The vast majority hold the same ideals, they seem to know all other blacks in the immediate area somehow, they all listen to the same sources of influence, ect. Hive mind.

Wtf are you talking about?

I'm tired of people culturally appropriating electricity. Electricity was made by white people. Non-whites need to check their privilege. Their use of electricity is NOT OK!!

I'm not familiar with this. What #blackexcellence?

Among any nation there are such people.
In Russia, there are people who believe that Slavs were allies with ancient Indians and that Ancient Egyptians and Ancient Greeks were Slavs and they try to "prove" it with language "similarities". For example, they connect the name of Egyptian ancient god "Ra" with Russian word "Radost'" (happiness).
One of these people had wide television auditory.

That's a good point. I don't want to believe they're a hive mind, but you might be right. I hate that sort of behavior. One of my Jewish friends was talking the other day and I asked her why she's a democrat(not trying to get into it - just curious). Her response : "Oh well, you know. Just being a good Jew." I just kinda smiled and said, "Oh. Ok." But the more I think about it - I want to call her and tell her TO GROW THE FUCK UP. Think for yourself.

No. Blacks having pride in themselves is a good thing because it makes it acceptable for us to have pride in ourselves. We should write about #whiteexcellence. Positivity wins more people over than negativity.

You know what xenophobia is, right?
People in his time believed that in several thousands km from them there were people with dog heads.
And every nation believed that other nations are barbarians.

This is interesting to learn. I never thought about other groups of people in other countries lying to themselves too.

>this daily obsession with blacks and asians


What's your personal accomplishments in the things you are pride of? Things that have been made by the group of people you belong to?

I'm not against black pride. Pride is something and this is something else. There are many things for black people to be proud of, but making stuff up, claiming they're kings and all that undermines real black achievements. My favorite black achievement? Peanut butter. George Washington Carver - my man.

Here's the reason for the kangz bullshit. Children who grow up in shitty homes tend to fantasize that some day their "real" parents will show up and tell them that they were secretly royalty all along. Now consider that all niggers grow up in shitty homes and you get this mass delusion.


>Why are White Americans so hellbent on thinking they are the best of Europe's immigrants? How does that help them? I don't understand. The other thing I don't understand - they weren't ALL exceptional. The message I'm getting is every European immigrant was exceptional. None of them were plebs to be used by the elites. All exceptional. How does that make sense?
Everyone likes playing up how great they supposedly are. It just so happens the negro does it in a fashion that only a lunatic could genuinely believe.

As an Anglo American, I am superior to all other Americans. You may not like it, but it is true.

He didn't invent peanut butter you uneducated faggot.

There is truth to it.
Historians make up crazy theories about nation's history and his countrymen follow it because it feels nice to think that their nation was something more back in the days.

Even here there is a theory that ancient Polans created "Lechina Empire", which stretched from Rhine to Pacific. It supposedly fought against Alexander the Great and Julius Caesar. Followers of that theory claim that all evidence was destroyed by christians, jelaous of such advanced pagan civilisation.

Russia does have a shared heritage with Indians, pic related.

STFU you go live in Africa.

Do you want your parents to be proud of you? Do you want your children to be proud of you? This is just an extension of that.
>American exceptionalism is an ideology holding the United States as unique among nations in positive or negative connotations, with respect to its ideals of democracy and personal freedom.[2][3]


I'm a white American. I'm proud of Franklin and Edison and electricity. I'm proud of Ford and the automobile. I'm proud of the moon landing. I'm proud of the Manhattan Project and the atomic bomb.

What are you talking about?

It's a product of poor education and misplaced pride. The WE WUZing on this board is about as bad

Are you proud of your parents / proud of your children? This is an incentive for them to do well and you to do well too. Group pride and responsibility. Because you don't work and aspire just for yourself, you do it for the team.


Well fuck me. Now I have no black heroes. Thanks a lot, asshole. Haha.


I didn't ask what you (or the guy I was writing to) are proud of, I asked what you've personally done to make these things happen. If you haven't done anything for it, then why do you think you have more rights to be proud of it than niggers being proud of heritage they don't have?

Insecurity complex. Blacks have no real culture or history. Even in the modern age, they have no place in society.

So having kings for ancestors makes them proud of their kids? What are you saying here?

Parents could be proud of their children if they spent time to educate them and the accomplishments of their children is at least partly the result of such education.

Oh. Yeah - I had no hands in any of those things. The things I've done that I'm proud of wouldn't even make local news. I'm fine with it.

Hahaha. Wow.

Egyptian were actually blacks tho you ignorant cucks. My professor have been studying ancient mesopotamia and he told us that egypt were indeed blacks. White people always want to denounce us black folks but not this time, this time we will rise.

And parents want their children to be proud of them. Even though the grandchildren had no role in their grandparents success, grandparents still want their grandchildren to be proud of them. The idea that your descendants will be proud of you is an incentive for success. Its about creating a multi-generational legacy for your family and your ethnic group.

The funny thing is every White person alive today has some type of nobles or kings directly in their lineage due Whites having the smallest population. Like William the Conquer the viking king of England has a ton of descendants in the USA and Britain. White Europeans and their descendants can actually all call themselves kings and queens. So Whites genetically are the royalty race or nobles.

While niggers going back were always slaves or getting raped by lions and had polyamory an cuckold relationships where everyone got to fuck the Chiefs nigger wife.

Poor education meaning they don't know their history, right?

By that logic, if their ancestors were kings, they would not be proud of their descendants(being not as successful as kings).

>It supposedly fought against Alexander the Great and Julius Caesar.
Both were ancient ukranians. Polish crimes against Ukraine grow bigger each day!

>Blacks having pride in themselves is a good thing because it makes it acceptable for us to have pride in ourselves. We should write about #whiteexcellence.
You seem to be new to the world, this is not how it works. What’s happening is that blacks are encouraged to take pride in themselves and strut around and call themselves kings and gods and meanwhile if whites did the same it’d be a red alert. What’s happening is that to the average normie white person blacks are excellent and whites are just white. I have to tell my little sister all the time to stop denigrating herself for being “so white”, she gets embarassed when she doesn’t act black. That’s why memes like #blackexcellence need to be subverted.

Even if they were. So what? How does that help you? No one cares. It has no bearing on YOU.

Historical revisionism is literally all they have.

They didn't even come up with peanut butter. When a white man recalls his ancestry, he references the toil and success of the family going back generations. When a black man recalls his ancestry his grasps at straws, he doesn't even know his father

Keep you thieving black hands away from russian history you savage negro!

who fuckin knows, who fuckin cares

You're based, user. I hope your sister grows out of that soon.

Thanks bro

That's sad. But I think you might be right. I fucking hate revisionism. I dunno - something about it. The whole "nothing means anything anymore we can make up whatever we want" thing really gets to me.

>getting raped by lions
why would a wild animal do such a thing ? it's not a nigger

One of the funnier versions of this in South Africa is how those blacks in authority are constantly trying to outdo each other.

For instance, our police service first of all has ridiculous ranks for a police force. Our police force includes Generals, Brigadiers, Majors, Colonels, etc etc.

Secondly, is that all of them want a title, which dilutes the power of the station enormously. There used to be one General-level ranking officer in SA during Apartheid, now it seems like when you go to report a basic incident at the desk you are served by Rear Flight Admiral Bridgadier Major #3567.

It really is pure powerlevel LARP-ing with them.

Dreadlocks are white as well. First depiction is in Greece.

Isn't your current president or whatever a corrupt joke? I think I saw the guys on Grand Tour making fun of him.

Is that true? That'd be an interesting little fact to throw at all the racist black people freaking out on whites with dreads.

muttsharts on the left


Damn dude. Apparently I'm not the only one tired of this nonsense.

Niggers are like retarded girls. That's who a lot of white people treat them.

Heil Hitler

I love how all these dumb niggers are just completely ignoring the mother.