Share all you got to inform the normies about the memo.
I'll share what I have. I made a FB post with all these images, if this is not enough to drill it into their brains I don't know what is.
Try to keep this thread images!
Share all you got to inform the normies about the memo
Other urls found in this thread:
OP is a shill. Fuck the memo.
Every single member of congress is deep state.
You can safely skip Wictor for normies. Posting this to facebook is going to make you look like someone without a firm grip on reality
wictor is literally a kike shill.
thanks user
>some Russian agent bitching to the mods about the downfall of Drumpf due to #ReleasetheMemo
Yeah fuck the memo amirite? You're pathetic Ivan
ok there is a lot to this then wire tapping, i think they are fucked big time and its pizzagate related and ISIS related
bumping for a stumping
What's the purpose of this image? To illustrate Trumps expansive building knowledge or his distaste for columns?
5th column, user
A small group subverting a larger one (Christians in Action undermining the constitutional republic)