*singlehandedly destroys the skeptic community*
*singlehandedly destroys the skeptic community*
ok gus
Reince Priebus?
When you fuck with CRP,
you're fucking with JFG.
>*switches to crotch cam*
*camera view switches to above his head*
literally who?
Roach Bed Spill
some beaner
Is that Reince Priebus?
Coach Red Pill, some spic who shits on everyone and primarily on the le sceptic community who got mad and started digging in his past and doxxed him making the sceptics, Sargon and Vee in particular, look like a bunch of asshole doxxers just like Kraut & Academics(that CRP also had a beef wth) further discrediting their meme community.
Gonzalo Lira a known conartist who doxed himself and then tryed to blame evryone else for it
Bullshit. What has he done to make you throw such insults?
just google (steve keen and Gonzalo Lira)or read the king of pol dosser on him
Tried to oust Sargon of Akkad for knowing about the doxxing Kraut was doing, but but made himself look a fucking retard when Sargon BTFO'd him.
Literally CRP is a Dutch angle abusing dick double downing on creating drama for clicks.
Coach is awesome
every video is like an errol morris flick
can't go wrong with 12 cameras and something worth saying.
Kraut destroyed the Skepticâ„¢ community exposing them all trying to destroy the alt-right celebs
The skeptics ARE OH-VER!
no that wou;d be someblackguy tring to get his dic k wet
he looks like mr bean
Child Rape Porn is a living meme.
more like mr beaner