Let's say world peace happens and there are no more wars and shit... let's say we colonise our solar system... Let's say world hunger, global warming, cancer and all that goes away... Then what? What happens then? Do we just keep surviving and living like a bunch of ants who know nothing other than grow their own colony? What do you think, Commies, Nazis, Muslims, Chirstians and Jews?
What's Next?
Other urls found in this thread:
We keep aiming evolutioning aiming for the stars
this, we're going back
We must conquer
Seems a bit boring if you ask me...
We find our makers, destroy them, become the makers, are destroyed by our creation, and the cycle continues into infinity.
life controls the memes
Read this: lesswrong.com
We push the edges of science. There is always more to learn.
That and digitizing our contentiousness and becoming immortal.
none of that shit's gonna happen
Well, thank god for all the hilarious political clusterfucks, video games and memes to keep me entertained if that's the case ;)
>then what?
We eat, drink, and be merry.
He looks good in all those
discover the mysteries of the universe
Ad astra nigger.
Guy on the bottom left looks like that badass science/math teacher you had in high school that you never forget, because he didn't give a shit about conduct and just talked about life like it is.
There's never going to be a utopia. Even if all those issues like world hunger, global warming, and cancer is solved, then another 100 new problems will emerge, and life will be even worse than before.
End goal for humans is to be all end all ,even if we became gods and fart out gazillions of galaxies we are still in the ''matrix'' so maybe there is no end only an infinite cycle
lost me at let's say, fuck off
We unironically search every nook and cranny of the reachable cosmos in attempt to find a big bad to give us purpose once again. We do this until we find something better than us and it destroys us or we fall victim to entropy and decadence.
even if it is not political (world politic?) related, this is unironically a good thread and an interesting gedankenexperiment