Jordan Peterson is a fucking normie

Oh, shit.

Watch this video. This is the archetypical omega male.

God, this is so cringey that it physically hurts.

This is definitely not /ourguy/

Did you not see his "criticism" of islam video?
I haven't cringed that hard in years.
This video is a close runner up.

Juden Peterson is spiraling out of control after he was exposed as a jew apologist. Now he is losing patreon bucks, eyeballs, and getting desperate.

>wahhh love is so embarrassing OMG
stop acting like a teenager

who would win, 33 bottles of super male vitality or one special edition autographed carpet?

hello fellow white men, I agree, we should stop watching this guy

stop making these bad b8 threads

basically this, pol thinks they have so much to work with.
they dont, they are trying to give birth to an elephant out of a gerbel

>archetypical omega
>not our guy


>yet another typical divide and conquer thread
pretty pathetic, I hope you're at least getting paid for it.

They get paid in Bitcoin.

Why is it so important for americans the wife takes the husbands surname?

I get it's a cultural thing and it doesn't work like that here in Spain, but it doesn't seem unreasonable to insist on keeping your own family name. I like this guy a lot but that was kind of being a dick for no reason.

Because we don't want to have 23 names like you paellaniggers have.


>the arguments are right if i like person x
>the arguments are wrong if i dont like person x

leftypol everyone

>jews want you to stop watching their shill

There was a thread yesterday in which he was proven wrong in multiple things.

Peterson deserves respect. He's done more for the fight against PC authoritarianism than any single individual I could think of, and he's winning. I don't begrudge Sup Forums's nature to tear down public figures, in fact it's part of what makes Sup Forums as a whole what it is, but Peterson will continue to wreck his opposition and he will continue to persuade folks on the sideline to adopt a critical mindset towards the bullshit being pushed upon them by academia and governments regardless.

I understand some of the criticisms levied towards him, but nobody's perfect. For what he is and what he's aimed to achieve, he's done remarkable things. Jordan Peterson is an asset.

Oh God the man loves his wife and remembers their courtship with positive feelings.
Whatever will we do about this?
>in all fields.

Peterson is based as fuck and is at the moment walking into lion's dens of Bbritish leftists and leaving a trail of BTFO memes in his wake.


He may not be /yourguy/ and he's not /myguy/ but he's some peoples and I don't see a problem with it.
Why do you hate him so?
Jealous much?!

Shoo shoo ShareBlue