Guys, it's HAPAnning

I've noticed an increase in the hapas on pol.
Do you align with white or asian people?
Personally I hate both.
When and where is this Hapa ethnostate starting?
I plan on having 8-12 kids with my Hapa gf.

Never skip neck day.

Be my husband


Dutch Indo Hapa, reporting in

fuck off hans you Australoid.

>Do you align with white or asian people?

Don't align with white, we don't want you

Sure thing Chang

It exists already. It's called Mongolia.

I'm a cryptohapa quappa

No its called Hungary you chink migrant from Siberia.

Damn asian men are ugly as fuck basically eqiuvalent to black men and poos

This place has been whitificated by germans and slavs too much. I'm a genetic slav too. But some central asian countries and regions still have pure hapa populations.

Chang doesn't want you either you fucking mongrel

sure thing Pekkis Khan

I'm hapa and grew up with asians. I think whites could learn a thing or two about beating their children into better SAT scores.

I want to send my kids to Hagwons and help them study after school.
What instruments should I teach them?

No experience with korean schools, but same ideas. Clarinet is generic asian pick. Violin is probably the most OP. Most start with piano obv.

La creatura speaks

If you're genuinely indifferent about which instrument, you shouldn't go with the generic Asian pick. You should go with the unique instrument. College admissions officers see thousands of asian students who play the violin. Have your kid be the one who plays the oboe or something.

Admissions see a billion gooks already who look good. Instrument choice isn't a big deal unless it's their entire thing.

We went straight from instrument picks to planning for college, I don't even have kids yet.
The asian side is strong with you both.

Are magyar white?

Asian parents generally don't give a fuck if their kids are happy. They care about numbers. All the better for the kid I guess.

>I've noticed an increase in the hapas on pol.
Probably because /r/incels got banned

Mongolians are pretty much full-blooded Asians. Kazakhstan is genetically more Hapa.

i know this is a slide thread but i just wanted to say I like you hapas.

Hapa pride world wide

>Those tiny hapa hands