*states the obvious*
*states the obvious*
Oh yeah, well what are you gonna do when stating the obvious hurts people’s feelings and there’s an uprising and they get nukes and the government has to step in and suspend muh liberal constitution and starts a 1984 style never ending war have you even read John Locke?
Checkmate, nazis!
*attacks strawman*
>Be Sargoy of Cuckaad
>Go on Andy (Race)Warski livestream with Richard (controlled opposition) Spencer
>Spencer immediately destroys Sargon
>"Sargoy thinks he's smarter than what he really is"
>"Sargoy's autistic"
>"What color is Lawrence Fishburne?"
>Sargoy cracks- "Don't answer that question, it's a loaded question"
>Sargoy argues in bad faith with straw man arguments, disingenous statements, putting words into Spencers mouth and actively lying about what Spencer said.
>Murdoch Murdoch uploads a video starring Sargoy making fun of Sargons autism
>This breaks Sargoy completely, to the point he has an existential crisis
>Sargoy declares he is no longer a "youtube skeptic"
>Sargoy invents a new political party "liberalist"
>Sargoy goes full retard and has a nobody Jr. skeptic (Louis Le Vaux) bait Metokur into a livestream, this is Le Vaux's test of manhood, to get his wings- so to speak, to become a full youtube skeptic.
>Metokur has no idea who Louis Le Vaux is but agrees to chat with him in his live stream
>Sargon is seen as soon as Mr Metokur enters the livestream in telling Louis Le Vaux what to say to Metokur
>Metokur calls out Sargoy and tells him to be a fucking man and get in the livestream and stop using the nobody as a puppet
>Sargon enters the livestream acting like he has no idea what Metokur is talking about
>After some back and forth Metokur figures out what is happening, when Sargoy asks him about personal stuff/videos Metokur has been doing
>Metokur asks Sargon straight up if he has had people watching him
>Sargon admits it, and says he may have some information that he can release to the internet that Metokur may not want (Doxx on Metokur) through thinly veiled threats
>After Metokur leaves, Sargoy is heard patting himself on the back with the nobody (le vaux) openly sucking his dick and calling metokur a coward for not being autistic.
This shit is hilarious. Please continue.
Skeptics pls respond.
*chuckles at you arguments*
[laughs condescendingly]
Ohohoho, no no no you poor boy. You don't understand. You cannot simultaneously disagree with enlightenment philosophers and be correct.
he's redpilled af, you fuckin normies
proud citizen of keckistan
hail pope
>the left
Kill all whites
Whites have a right to exist
>The Skeptic Community™
Whoa now that's identity politics right there
>not an argument the thread
Nobody has the right to exist you commie
Why didn't these retards not continue talking about SJW's and their retardation, it was easier. They're hurting themselves in trying to attack people with actual coherent arguments grounded in reality.
>whites have a right to exist
Yeah, the ones already existing. Potential and future people have no right to existence because that would require mandatory copulation. Do you realize how dumb that is?
>*taps you on the shoulder*
>"Yeah, but doesn't that just make you a right-wing SJW?"
his most recent video was 100% useless
he just repeated the points Jordan made
Sargon is redpilled. He's one of the only Skeptics who is not afraid to name the jew:
>sure, sure X is obviously true
>but what about Y?
>checkmate Z!
well done
i actually hate argon but hes right here
He tried leaving the live stream saying he was tired and did his own live stream after the Spencer one right?
but he sounded smart doing it
but he sounded smart doing it
>debates a video response
just donated 100 shekels to the website
>*feel superior*
>*laughs at all other opinoins*
Will Sarsoy ever recover?
I'll always love this song.
yeah you guys shouldn't be so hard on Sargoy he's a 1/4 black.. but racism is funny.. leveraging worlds like racism and nigger, indeed any word, as power is weak and lame you know what, fuck niggers. Sargoy needs to admid he's wrong, we're not racist and we're 25% smarter than him..
I was arguing against the rhetoric the alt right disingenuously uses when talking about shifting demographics. They say shit like "it's a matter of survival" and "whites have a right to exist" in a completely different context than "oh I meant we just don't want crazy commies murdering white people".
I used to watch most of his videos but now I really cant stand the way he talks, he always comes of as condescendant.
He left the debate stating "he was tired"
Then made a 1 hour long video explaining why he got destroyed and why it didnt' really happen, uploaded later that night
Oh,I know some people were making fun of him because he was replying to his comment section to feel intelligent again,also is there any way we can protect metokur?
Just a reminder, if you haven't to vote on the
Is Laurence Fishburne white
It would be good if we can provide Don Sargone with a definitive answer
Don Sargone reveals his new Liberalistism manifesto to his devoted followers
>sargon thinks he understands the Socratic method
>be you
>Skeptics pls respond.
Weeks later, it's still hilarious that the Alt Right Spencerfags haven't caught on that he utterly destroyed himself.
>absolute monarchy
>"John Locke who?!"
>gentle, polite ethnic cleansing to achieve ethno-state
>equally gentle and non-violent means to create this ethno-state
>can't define what a white person is, legally, just keeps using some vague, "you just know, mm-kay?" argument
Little wonder the daily "krautgate" circle jerks desperately trying to link Destiny to the Sarg.
What is this Lawrence Fishburne is white meme?
>the state of this post
1. No one argued for absolute monarchy. Admitting that leadership is a necessary prerequisite and that genetics is a better guarantee of good qualities in a person than mass elections is a scientifically valid assertion, not "the tyranny of the past" and "oppression" like Sargoy asserts (while not realising he is making the arguments of SJWs for them).
2. Who doesn't know who Locke is? It's just that he's a shit-tier philosopher who is not interesting or insightful, and promulgated his views based on a "tabula rasa" view of society that is completely false. Locke also, never argued against monarchy on principle, and never argued in favour of "muh democracy and freedom" as people like Sargon understand it. I wonder if Sargon has actually read Locke desu. His two treatises are not interesting at all; his Essay on Human Understanding also comes across as hopelessly infantile compared to someone like Hume.
3. European heritage is definable through genetics; again, you are ignoring scientific reality for your ridiculous Lockean faith.
4. Ethnic cleansing was used in Europe after WW2 without mass murder. Not getting rid of a large amount of the non-whites in America would cause more violence than such a policy. I don't agree with Spencer here, but it is undeniable that a large number need to go back if there is not to be a deterioration into ethnic conflict and Brazil-like levels of crime (and US crime is already laughably high).
His reluctance to admit Laurence Fishburne wasn't white was ridiculous. Rather than picking at the grey areas, where he could at least have made some semblance of an argument, he went full retard. He's the type of person who would refuse to call grass green because other colours between yellow and green also exist.
>pretends to be half black
You're missing a step here. People have always wanted to pass their ancestry down the line. Some races are more forward thinking than others, but all of them want to build the future for their own kind. This doesn't require force copulation at all. People do it naturally.
It was a question put the Soyfather by Woes when the king of the liberalistism movement was trying to split hairs, he was either unable or unwilling to answer it
It's in the big stream with Soygay and Spencer and Woes
> tries to hide the hollowness of his position and platform with sophistry
>" it's not absolute monarchy, but something that just looks and completely behaves like absolute monarchy"
>" ethnic cleansing is always violent, except for this one time when everybody voluntarily did it after the bloodiest war in history"
Oh rite, so you're just a troll you doesn't care about making a point, only shilling like a faggot.
>something that just looks and completely behaves like absolute monarchy
You wut? This makes zero sense. Aristocracy and absolute monarchy have no relation whatsoever.
>except for this one time when everybody voluntarily did it after the bloodiest war in history
errrr no. And there have been plenty of other incidences. Not to mention that what has been done in Israel since 1945 is ethnic cleansing par excellance.
But then you're not here to discuss actual arguments, are you?