Strongest DBS character after Goku and Vegeta

Strongest DBS character after Goku and Vegeta.

Almost immortal and can recover from even having his head chopped off.

The tournament of power is already won thanks to this sexy bastard.

>What's that, you want to see this fan-favorite character back in a real fight for the first time in 20 years [animal abuse doesn't count]?
>Ha, fooled you! He's going to sleep! Aren't I a funny trickster?
>Instead have even more Frieza, because bringing him back and then creating a Frieza clone wasn't enough!

Fit buu is one of the best new designs in super and now they throw it away after one episode.

>>What's that, you want to see this fan-favorite character back in a real fight for the first time in 20 years [animal abuse doesn't count]?
>>Ha, fooled you!
Pretty much a summary of DBS


axe off roshi, krillian, or tien.

Thank god I was never a fan of DB. I would be devastated if it was my fav manga.

Buu was the only reason I was watching this shitty arc. Now I'm just gonna watch the scenes with the saiyan girls and skip everything else, more or less what I did for the first 3 arcs of DBS.

Fucking why

I was a DB fan until Super happened and shattered all my love for it. I still love DB and DBZ since it's not like Super can ruin those for me but fuck Super is horrible.

At least I discovered pic related last year and fell in love with it. Literally took #1 best shounen spot for me.

Fit Buu is easily the worst design out of all the Buus by a longshot.

You are a man of wealth and taste.

I actually agree but by Super design standards it was pretty great.

>of wealth
I wish.

But muh gohan.

I was wondering how Buu was going to fight seriously in the tournament. He was enraged when Satan was hurt, but you can't pull that shit twice.
Then Fit Buu came along and him being serious was already too good to be true. Now here we are, and Buu isn't.


>Axing the STRONGEST human in the entire world


They probably decided animating Buu was too hard and expensive so they resurrected frieza again. I wouldn't be surprised if they reused RoF arc animation with him.

Buu is a better Luffy.

Buu's arc was stupid, but his fights were so great thanks to his stretchiness and endless regeneration. They could do a lot of fun stuff with him. He's my favorite DB villain, design wise.

They could always go for more ATATATATATATATATA if necessary, but I guess Buu doesn't really do that because there's little to no need for him to defend.

I really like kid Buu design in the manga. Funny and cute.

Doesn't stop them from cutting corners with it.

At least he got a pretty good fight in the exhibition match.

But seriously, bringing back Freeza AGAIN is infuriating, especially when they've said over and over again that team synergy > raw power. Bringing back Freeza, who has murdered or tried to murder more than half the team at this point is a slap in the face, no one would ever be willing to work with him and he'd be an active detriment to the team

All of Buu's forms were charming in their own way. Kid Buu was a great mix of scary and cute, super buu toed that line between funny and intimidating, I love how he had no neck. Fat Buu was goofy as hell yet he was scary in the way only a fatass can be when he's about to pummel you with his entire weight behind him.

Didn't really like skinny buu but he only existed for like a fifth of a chapter so who cares.

Didn't like skinny Buu and nose Buus. Or hyper buff Buu. Fat and Kid are very nice.

Hyper buff only lasted a panel too so I didn't even think to count him. He appeared more in the anime I guess but it was filler.

I think Gotenks Absorbed buu was pretty cool, he rocked that vest and the ultra long tentacle was stylish, but it's my least favorite of the "main" Buu forms from the arc.

Also Buu girls are a miracle of the universe.

Could he go back to hyperbuff if he absorbed frieza/cell?

How strong is Mr. Buu now? Kid/Evil Buu's power is long gone so he should be much weaker than when fighting Majin Vegeta.

Doesn't change the fact he's still nearly immortal

Assuming his power remained the same since the ending of the Buu saga, he's still way stronger than SS2 vegeta, but well below SS3 goku. And he doesn't tire and can more or less infinitely regenerate.

Kid Buu vs SSJ3 Goku is a very underrated battle
Those colors make wet


I am very hyped for Freeza's return actually, but still very pissed about Buu being shafted again. Really see no reason for roshi to come back. His role was done in the Original DB. Him fighting Freeza forces in ROF was good enough, he has no business fighting in the ToP.
The Buu saga was really awesome though. No idea why people seem to be divided on it. It had so many great moments, the comedy was on point and Buu himself was really nice to follow. You could literally not guess what was going to happen next, it was so filled with twists and turns.

Why would they bring back Freeza when Cell is also in hell and is made of all the top fighters DNA? Also he was a guy who organized a tournament himself.

>The Buu saga was really awesome though. No idea why people seem to be divided on it. It had so many great moments
The Buu saga execution and tone are all over the place.