Haven't read any manga that can actually make me laugh. Best they can do is make me smirk a bit.
Is manga just a bad medium for comedy?
I really hate you because you're too stupid to make a logical argument and instead rely on an anecdotal one.
why is kawasaki tadataka so good at hentai
and his comedy manga is good too
>Henshin Ganbo
Fuck Nisio.
Gash had a few legimately laugh out loud moments.
Manga, comics and literature are much harder to provoke an emotional reaction compared to animation, yes. Moving pictures are so much more stimulating humans rely a lot on visual input. And since we're surrounded by moving pictures all our lives, we're numb. Thus, less stimulating media are nowadays thought of as an intellectual pursuit rather than an emotional one. You know, for nerds.
>Haven't read any manga that can actually make me laugh. Best they can do is make me smirk a bit.
That's 99.5% of all anime and manga both, because the humour is usually shit. There are funny anime like Fumoffu and Cro High and there are funny manga like Grand Blue but the vast majority of comedy in either medium will be pure unfunny shit.
Somebody's been reading the wrong manga...
Maybe you're just autistic. I've read plenty of comedy manga that has made me laugh, and not just those slight chuckles either, like full on laughing.
Obviously, since the images aren't moving, it's boring, retard piece of shit.
The best real manga's done for me is made me chuckle a bit as well. H-doujins on the other hand is perfect for comedy. I couldn't stop laughing from some in a good way.
That manga is not funny. It's not even well-drawn. Nor it's well-written.
I don't think so
No. Manga can be funny and to me it just relies on visual framing, timing, and writing. Same as anything else that tries to be funny.
The page you posted doesn't work as a joke on it's own, it needs the preceding page of standard comic layouts juxtaposed with the sudden shift to all those word bubbles crushing down on the MC to be funny.
Now whether or not you find can laugh at sequential art as opposed to maybe an animated/live-action sequence with the benefit of sound is up to you.
I also forgot to say some things just might not be funny because of the cultural barrier. I don't get some of the things Japan thinks are funny, or some of the gags that constantly pop up across series.
culture difference is a big problem some of gintama and seitokai yakuindomo jokes are not funny
Grand Blue
I hate comedy and I strongly recommend Hinamatsuri and SoreMachi. Both of these manga has certain charm that make them funny. The writers know how to make comedy flows naturally instead of forcing it down our throats. Its one of the reason why I cannot enjoy Grand Blue. Its like the author want to cram jokes and reaction faces in every single pages.
>Grand Blue
>chio chan no tsuugakuro
Maybe you expect Japanese comedy to be like TBBT
I love this mental gymnastic exercise so much
>comedic manga has existed for decades
>people in and out of Japan love it
>new series all the time,no slowing down anytime soon
>but I don't like it
>so the whole manga medium must be shit
>it has to be
>right, guys?
If you're trolling, good stuff.
If you're serious, I feel sorry for the way your immature mind works.
>If you're trolling, good stuff.
This is the only correct answer.
>Is manga just a bad medium?
>It's not even well-drawn.
I'll never understand why people can't just admit that they don't like a particular art style rather than try and pretend that there is some sort of technical deficiency in the artwork.
That part in grand blue where MCs little sister calls the otaku guy an honorific and it just immediately cuts to him trying to give MC money for it was genuis desu
The VNs of grisaia no kajitsu have made me laugh more loudly and constantly than any anime/manga i had seen before. To the point my mom would say "you must be playing that one game again" whenever i played it because of my laughter
>where MCs little sister calls the otaku guy an honorific and it just immediately cuts to him trying to give MC money for it was genuis desu
> Anonymous 05/15/17(Mon)19:48:20 No.157250423▶
>The VNs of grisaia no kajitsu have made me laugh more loudly
Fucking VNfags, we are no even talking about VNs.
Prison School wouldn't be as good as it is if it weren't for the art. Manga in german worth buying?
Prison school is the funniest thing i've read in years. More so than any show.
>not being a VN-fag
You must have been too stupid to install one or something, no way is anyone just this butthurt over a medium of weaboo garbage
Gintama's alright, only one I've found myself laughing at pretty consistently
Man, I miss the laughs, I'm almost excited for it finally be over so I can go back and reread it all again
No, you just read shit ones that don't use the format well.
Cromartie Highschool's manga is much more funny than the anime.
It's just that you are not japanese, they have a different sense of humor, have different references, different lifestyle, +a ton of puns are lost in translation. As someone who lived in japan young, I can't read three pages of Shin Chan or Gintama without laughing.
Gintama is hilarious when you don't get the references so I envy anyone who does understand all of them
>Manga in german worth buying?
Cheaper than American releases most of the time.
Some releases that don't get scanlated and do not have an English language release, do have German language releases at ~6-9 EUR/Volume.
ITT people with no sense of humour