Is this really the best way to watch anime?
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Sure, if you enjoy tweaking settings in the command line more than actually watching anime.
I watch it in my old grandma's window
Just use Vanilla MPC
I don't know
Can you repeat the question?
What tweaking is there? I literally either drag-and-drop or double click on videos to watch them.
Nah, only newfags uses mpv because it's redditware.
How do you even get in to the command line? I can't find it in my file system, just a file that you run and it auto configures 'opengl-hq'.
Rate my mpv.conf
It just works.
This is what newfag looks like, anons. Please don't be like him.
Look faggots, here's the approved way to watch your animu.
Write a Sega Saturn game using the video and rip it to a disc. Install gentoo, configure your favorite Saturn kernel, and you're good to go.
Is there any particular reason why my shitbox won't let me choose mpv as my default player? I can find it all when searching for it, but it refuses to become a playable option when at the "CHOOSE DEFAULT APPLICATION" menu.
Watching anime with your 2d waifu would be the best way, regardless of the anime viewing medium, be it VLC, MPV, MPC_HC, or even VCR or Betamax.
media player classic and cccp
Your GPU/CPU is weak dualcore/sub $100 gpu shit right?
Shit's too complicated for me. I'm not gonna spend a day learning how to use this garbage.
MPC-HC+madVR works best
>download mpv
>download the bat file that turns it into a default player
>copy some random config from Sup Forums or Sup Forums
>literally never have to look at the config ever again
Way too complicated right?
Windows: MPC
Linux MPV
How can I make webm with mpv?
By the way, does anybody else have problems playing budlightsubs?
Are their files corrupt or is it a problem on my end?
>download the bat file that turns it into a default player
>copy some random config from Sup Forums or Sup Forums
That's just the thing. You're literally admitting to depend on others' scripts and configuration files to make this usable. MPC configuration is usable right out of the box and I can make the changes myself, to suit my own preferences instead of depend on some other guy's file
No idea. I just use
The bat file is on the same page as the standard download, that's like saying getting MadVR is depending on others.
>MPC configuration is usable right out of the box
So is MPV config, the only difference being that MPC has menus you have to go through while MPV has a documentation page where you can go straight to what you want, if you know what you want that is.
>instead of depend on some other guy's file
Then you modify it, it isn't hard because everything you need is documented on the main website. Hell for MPC-HC + MadVR quality you can basically just do
And have it set up for good quality video that runs good. All the options that MadVR offer can be done in MPV too yet those two lines are all you really need if you don't want to customize anything.
Does MPV have stepless rotation in all 3 dimensions (meaning I could for example rotate by 3% in z axis), trapezoid transform (for those extra shitty camrips) and separated horizontal/vertical pan/zoom?
All these work with just numpad keys in mpc-hc.
I am not an expert but the default settings make the picture ~%15 better than all other players.
>trapezoid transform (for those extra shitty camrips)
You shouldn't be watching camrips in the first place.
It can do pan/zoom, not sure if it's possible independently.
I just never learned how to computer is all, although this time the solution isn't immediately obvious.
>spends hundreds if not thousands of hours watching anime
>can't bother to take a few minutes to learn a superior player
I use cccp and actually watching anime instead of tweaking this piece of shit. I use it to view webms and gifs though
Anybody have any copy paste conf?
Neato. And I'm assuming that window option keeps it open, which I want as well. What do you use to edit it, at the moment it auto opens with free file view but I can't edit it in.
Any text editor works.
Dont fall for the meme senpai
MPC with SVP
End yourself.
>how you want your anime user
Keeps telling me access is denied when I try to save it however.
>muh configs
>muh scripts
mpv is fine out of the box and better than fully configured mpc-hv +madvr for a fraction of the time.
it says the default settings are "very low quality" but I couldn't even notice. I think all the advanced tweaks are placebo
Holy shit that looks bad. Almost as bad as VLC at full derp.
They are not placebo, you notice them if you compare two screens, but they are incredibly minor 99% of the time and it's not worth scaring new users over them.
The differences become noticeable when the physical screen size increases.
Are we talking about 32" and higher screens here?
I can't figure out where I should make the config file in windows
am I retarded?
That depends on the viewer, and it's not a hard limit, but instead a sliding scale.
Nah I had the same problem. Do it in the folder where mpv.exe is.
Through Crunchyroll.
Here a link
You can make a portable_config folder in your mpv folder and put the config files in there. Otherwise it's somewhere in %appdata%
Wait, you have to make a config file?
There should be an MPV folder in appdata/roaming/ where you can put mpv.conf and a scripts folder, or do what said.
Even then you can use youtube-dl to watch CR streams through mpv
It's literally just a text file.
This man knows what's good.
.conf? Ok, is that one you make the %appdata% one then because right now there's nothing in the mvp folder there, it's empty. The only thing anywhere on my system is mpv.conf where the program is.
Is there a setting that allows your player to play an entire folder? Getting up to click on a new episode gets tired by the 6th episode.
This + invest in a cheapo wireless mouse
If you already have a wireless controller/game pad then you can also map controls to that.
Anybody use baka MPlayer? Any good?
oooh didn't know about that webm loop thing nice
I've been using the K-lite codec pack, does that make a heathen? It looks pretty good to me. Also, is there a guide for mpv noobs? I wanna check this shit out
I recommend just making a portable_config folder like this instead of going all the way into %appdata%. Just keep things as simple as possible
Please explain to me in points how is a GUI-less player superior.
And don't use Ad Hominem.
Thanks a bunch, anons
I don't even know what all this shit means.
mpv has a GUI.
FPS means First Person Shooter.
AV stands for Adult Video.
It does have a basic controller GUI at the bottom. It lacks menus and whatnot because it turns out that it's actually simpler and more convenient to edit options in a text file, rather than looking around the big clunky GUI of MPC. That was my experience at least
Yeah, thanks, I see now. I was confused originally because I didn't know you had to make a file, and when I read the documentation I didn't register what it was talking about when it said you could make a portable folder in the .exe file area. I made one in the %appdata% shithole and got a few things to work but I guess I'll just move it so it's more convenient.
Mpv is far more customizable than any other player, the GUI does not even factor into it. Having no GUI is not a downside, because a) it's bloat (why have a GUI when a config is more powerful, customizable), and b) the default keybinds allow you to do everything and more than any GUI could (e.g. s to screenshot, v to hide subtitles, f to fullscreen, etc), and are all within hands reach, thus quicker than navigating a GUI with a mouse. The fact that people like you get stuck up on lack of GUI is no fault of mpv, it's your own, i.e. your problem, not mine. with GUI, you still have to look up documentation for complex settings, and so there's no difference between that and reading documentation while setting up mpv for your needs.
>a) it's bloat
Bloat how? In the size of the program? Speed of it? In the code? We're not running Pentium 2s anymore and a user couldn't give less of a fuck about the code.
Having a GUI does not make shortcuts impossible. With a GUI you can also do many things on the fly you can't do without editing the config of MPV. I can take screencaps as either png or jpg in MPC no problem, but to do that in MPV I would have to go first figure out how to set up a keybind for it. It's not convenient, it's inconvenient.
.bashrc is a magical thing, user
I use ffmpeg
>b) the default keybinds allow you to do everything and more than any GUI could (e.g. s to screenshot, v to hide subtitles, f to fullscreen, etc)
In MPC: ALT+I for screenshot, S for subtitles, D for finding subtitles online in multiple languages, Alt+enter for full screen, ALT+1/2/3/4 for zoom sizes.
And in MPC you don't need to set up ANYTHING. It comes good to use from the box
Only thing I needed to mess with was SVP plugins.
Face it, you only like MPV because of the "hard-to-start-means-it's-good" mindset.
>>And in MPC you don't need to set up ANYTHING. It comes good to use from the box
I like mplayer
potplayer is the future of anime m8
make the file in another folder then move it to where you want it to be
No,this one is
jokes on you, my room mate is actually doing it, i wanted to say something but i guess i won't bother.
>Bloat how? In the size of the program? Speed of it? In the code?
All three. Its unnecessary - the functionality is already builtin, adding a GUI doesn't make mpv any more usable.
>but to do that in MPV I would have to go first figure out how to set up a keybind for it
Yes, and so what? You do it once, and it's forever, all you have to do is copy your config. I don't see the problem, as inconvenience suggests a reoccurring element, but mpv is not inconvenience (once you get it set up).
>In MPC:
Exactly my point. You do not need a GUI unless you're an illiterate grandparent who's too incompetent to familiarize themselves with keybindings. Given that if you watch anime, you use a player a lot, and thus this should be a non-issue and should even come of its own accord over time.
>And in MPC you don't need to set up ANYTHING.
Neither do you for mpv, if you just want to watch anime. Mpv comes with "sane defaults" that work on all machines.
There is nothing hard about reading documentation and editing a text file. I think you're the one who has to face the fact you're just clinging to completely asinine reasons for disregarding mpv. Like I said, this is your problem, not mpv's.
What is the shortcut to make the MPV stay always on top?
This is a reminder that Sup Forums's last media player thread proved conclusively that MadVR's NGU upscaling algorithm is better than anything mpv has at upscaling most content.