So when will you leave our land and go back to Europe, white man?
When you move back to Siberia.
bait thread
As soon as you stop making nigger and beaner jokes with me on your lunch break.
t. okie who actually knows featherniggers irl
Didn't we kill you already?
Soon brother.
Pass the pipe in the meantime.
When you stop huffing glue and getting drunk
I'm 1/16 Indian brother. I have just as much rightful claim to this land as you!
*coughs at him*
The Natives you've known to be sympathetic to the cause are probably ones who've experienced firsthand what kind of problems cultural and race mixing can cause. As a result of cultural dominance and interracial mixing there are barely any full blooded Natives left. Where I live less than 1% of all the people on the Reservation can speak their own language, and among the youth wanting to be black has run rampant. Under a National Socialist government, things for us would improve vastly... That is, if we haven't already become too soft from the way this materialistic life-style has made us, and that is why I am pro-Nazi. It's hard though, being a Native American National Socialist; people are so misinformed, ignorant, and closed-minded it makes your life a living hell.
Go back to your native Siberia. America was ours first.
When Injuns are advanced enough to build boats and colonize Europe.
Until then you need Whites to go on the internet.
>whites leave america
>america becomes a shithole
>damn you white man, it's all your fault for not helping out
finding a pure blooded native american is like finding a unicorn
it's just that rare
you're bloodline is almost bred out
When you stop being an abusive alcoholic Squanto.
I can trace my bloodline back to the Cherokee during the trail of tears, but my ancestors assimilated with the white man instead of going on that death march. I can also trace back to a French royal scribe and some poor Italian farmers in middle Italy, and some poor Hungarians. I'm a super mutt, bitches.
This. Prairie niggers didnt originate in the united states, there were other people here before them
all these suckers cryin about unceded land lmao
They had centuries to fight back
they had millenia to invent the wheel, writing...etc
Bait, but reminder that when whites leave countries fall apart.
See Africa, Haiti, and India. There are more Natives in NA today than when James town was first established. Natives have a much better life than their ancestors before the white man came.
>but muh land.
That would be like me claiming parts of Scotland as my land from Muslims. You didn't directly own anything, and your ancestors didn't have land laws so they didn't own any either.
>muh trail of tears.
Should of thought of that before siding with the British against us in 1812.
Remember to sage.
First native americans were actually white.