brainlet here. is Net Neutrality a good thing or bad? the entire internet supports it except Sup Forums for some reason.
Brainlet here. is Net Neutrality a good thing or bad? the entire internet supports it except Sup Forums for some reason
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ISP's get to choose what traffic to throttle down or give priority from both services and customers.
Net neutrality is good, brainlet.
idk all I know is the internet was free before it, so why would they need Net Neutrality?
Its a bad thing. The internet is totally chock-a-block full of crap at the moment. It needs to be regulated. NOW
It's bad user, Sup Forums thinks because nothing bad has happened thus far it's a good thing. That or they support it because Republican boomers supported it.
So when they decide far right sites don't represent their values and take them off all their plans, even their 'everything' plan and have to give no explanation, you'll be happy?
truly a brainlet, just trust Trump faggot
ITT: Bunch of shills on vpn/proxies in other countries pretending they're concerned with american politics.
Without net neutrality people wouldn't be able to shitpost at the current prices. The fear is that you will have to pay extra for certain sites such as Sup Forums.
>is Net Neutrality a good thing or bad?
It's bad, but it doesn't break the internet like some idiots were suggesting. It's like a distribution network where some part of it refuses to process packages to or from certain destinations, and so they have to go around that. The Internet is so large and complex that it's not likely to be a huge problem.
*without NN ofc.
Its like three companies owning all roads and toll booths. NN says "everyone is equal" and therefore everyone has equal priority. They can travel in all lanes and all pay the same.
Without NN said companies can just make several lanes exclusive to customers who pay more or, in case if they compete directly with some service (let us assume the road companies also have trucking businesses) they can just block/stall competitors outright.
Roads are the communication lines, road companies are ISP's, vehicles our data and the toll booths filters in their network.
Sup Forums is filled with retarded boomers and Daddy Trump dicksuckers
If you can't understand why giving ISPs freedom to throttle anyone they want is fundamentally a bad thing, you should just quit using the internet
Hasn't used the internet prior to 2015 btw
The Internet died in 2007, when Jobs gave normies a Facebook Machine.
Fuck the Internet.
Net Neutrality only existed since 2015. What changed about your internet quality?
It's now been gone for a month. What changed about your internet quality?
It was just a stupid piece of legislation designed to give the government more power over the internet. that's it
Remember the time AT&T blocked Sup Forums?
They are not stupid enough to change the current model overnight.
It will be a slow process. Deals will be made in secret between the big ISP's and things will change over the course of a few years.
This is an american problem though.
>Deals will be made in secret between the big ISP's and things will change over the course of a few years.
citation needed
If I was the CEO of an ISP thats what I wold do. If I acted abruptly it would alert consumers and cause outrage. Its better to take a careful approach to ensure long term gains.
It would be stupid otherwise.
Yes, in a physical sense it is like that, but in a mathematical sense it is not. After a while routers will have updated their tables and traffic will be distributed in a different way. Even if all the backbones in one country censored a service, the traffic could just go around it.
It entirely depends if they start charging or not by both bandwidth and priority. If thats the case, data packets are not forwarded in a round robin schedule fashion but rather by id priority.
but ISP's want to earn money, large ISP's also have monopolies or very weak competition in the US market. if a racist is going to pay them money for access to the internet, they don't really care as opposed to websites, a website is easy to make and maintain compared to setting up to be an ISP and becoming a regional player.
So if normies find out that X or Y website has a shit ton of "racists", then they can boycott or drum up shit to disrupt that site's subscribers.
A little bit harder to do that to ISP's, namely in places where they and maybe 2 other smaller providers are the only game in town.
if it means less burgerposting im all for it
Cellular providers don't count. They have always blocked shit willy nilly in the UK. They are different classification to broadband ISP
Look it up yourself.
Listening to Sup Forums is beyond retarded.
You don't really understand how business works. And that's OK. It's OK to be slower than the rest of the population.
>tells others to leave
Eat bullet in basement, faggot
do you know where you are
My statement has nothing to do with how business work. Ridiculous.
Yes, hitlerfags need to leave. They do not get it.
oh i get it
Net neutrality is a government takeover of the internet
Kikes would be using AI powered anit-memetics to censor us by now if the FCC hadn't stopped them.
your trips speak truth. we must preserve the teaching nature of the internet.
Didnt AT&T blocked Sup Forums before?
Of course it does.
>my ISP blocks my 4chans
>call my ISP and tell them I want to cancel their services
>because I can't afford to stay on this internet plan and (competing ISP) offers the same plan for cheaper
>they make my plan cheaper, or give me the package for free
I've literally done this more than once already, and have had my bill reduced to almost half.
Everyone who loves to get censored is against neutral neutrality that's it basically. Maybe amerifats will find it out when they need to pay 30 or more dollars to view their favorite website because it's throttled down.....
Ameritards do not get it. Net neutrality is just another buzzword for them.
Here’s all you need to know from Ajit himself
>Sup Forums out haggles the jew
Not a bad idea
The hidden part of net neutrality is that it gave the POTUS (((Obama))) permission to shut down ANY website he didn’t like etc. Trump (((obviously current POTUS))) didn’t agree with such a communistic over reach and killed. That’s why FCC chairman Ajit Pai was so proud to overturn it. He’s a Conservative
Keep up the good work user
Do you support more government regulation because of your feelings, or do you support less government regulation and letting the free market work? Do you support either of these things at the state and local level?
There's a few different issues at play. Net Neutrality doesn't fix all of them. If state and local governments would tell comcast and verizon to fuck a roasted pig and allow actual competition, people wouldn't be asking for net neutrality in the first place.
Having net neutrality doesn't fix the lack of competition issue, it only puts a band aid on a problem that might exist in the future.
pol was long ago co-opted by shills
I want a time machine
Without net nutrality an ISP could slow or completely block practical acsess to sites. If you chose the wrong ISP or pay enough for the right package, you wont be able to confirm or confront your biasies with your flavor of political dick.