What do you think of boys crossdressing as girls?

What do you think of boys crossdressing as girls?

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What if they're straight?

If they're cute, they're cool. If not, they're lame. If you want to fuck them or be one, power to you as long as you stick to 2D only.

Cancer infesting anime, as bad as furries.

They are gays
If you have a dick you are a guy, if you have a vag then you are a girl, that's all there is to it.


It's cute!


Liking them is gay, but being one is no gay.

He just has yet to learn how good it feels to be dicked.

its alright

They are literal perfection and better than girls in everyway

It was revealed he is she in the LN so you can stop calling her a trap


Lies!lies! It has a feminine penis

You are now STRAIGHT, son. Enjoy that pussy.

It's ok as long as no homo acts are allowed.
Remember Sup Forums, non-hetero is haram.

Why did the author change their mind?

>He almost cucked his sister

He never stated it was a man so ?

it'd be better if it was boys who got turned into girls, crossdressing as guys

Then why the hell did this catgirl end up getting drawn as a boy and spammed on Sup Forums?

At least with a character like Shimakaze it was obvious that the actual character is a girl and the artwork was just faggots wearing the same clothes.

I like to dick boys, not crossdressing faggots

Felix is male you fucking idiots. "Author said that he is female" is a meme that started and died on the Spanish Facebook group.

That's gay.

Thanks for clearing this up.

>this is what tranny lovers want to believe

Well you can think him as a female if that makes you not feel guilty after masturbating to him.

He should've fixed Rio.

Cute crossdressing boys are better than any girl.

They are hot and cute.



Men are so much better than women that they're even better at being women.

>2 trap threads
Stop it already.

You don´t have the power to say NO to this.

The other one doesn't even have any images, it's worthless

>40 km deep anus
>4.6 magnitude ass
How she can be so perfect?

You´re date for tonight is waiting for you.

Would you let your son dress a pantsu like this??

Why not?

Completely straight and understandable hobby. I mean who the hell wouldnt want to get creamed by meatsticks while having a dress?

Completely nonhomo

just treat cancer as cancer


>Ignoring the bulge.
The thing that makes traps hot is that they're boys.



sexuality is a spectrum. "she" can call "her"self whatever "she" wants, but im still gonna cum in dat boipussy

Need to be fucked in the ass

check xer privilege

I am very much disliking how this is gaining more and more popularity.
You are free to be a faggot hell do I care but somehow more and more new fags are popping out left and right, I am guessing just to stay in trend or to be "progressive". I hate you all with so much passion.

The days at least half of """faggots""" on Sup Forums are pretending lonely vanilla heteros.


After analyzing your sentence, I don't think you actually gave a reason for your hatred.

*these, ffs

You must be new here.
Don´t worry, in few days here you will start to love girls (male).

It's not gay if they only kiss you.

It's ok Senpai. One day you'll realize how cute boys are


Gay. Fantasy should stay in 2D.

Goes without saying.

Wait, when did we start talking about 3d?

That boy is cute as fuck. The crossdressing ruined it desu

>boys crossdressing as girls

I fantasize about such things because I am very lonely.

Felix is the trap of 2016, who is/will be the trap of 2017?



Too bad trannys are trying to kill traps or "Cute boys crossdressing" in anime because it offends them.

why is my son just a plastic butt?

Any new non-h manga about lewd traps lately? I don't even remember last time I found anything worthwhile. Genre seems to be on the recline.

Magical Girl Shota

He realizes the error of his ways later on

>What do you think of boys crossdressing as girls?
pretty good, but not as good as boys crossdressing as girls, crossdressing as boys


Except that's fucking wrong.

>What do you think of boys crossdressing as girls?

They're faggots.

Is not gay if they fuck cute girls.

>tfw you will never fuck girl while crossdressing.

If it's in the ln it seems unreasonably simple to just take a screenshot of the proof.

you know what to do then mate

I want a cute girl (boy) that I can protect and cuddle every night.

I want to fuck them.

Cute traps in real life not exis...

Could you resist such a lustful gaze from such a cute boy?

>This is your new daughter (male)
Do what?

>tfw almost impossible to find straight crossdressing doujins
Feels bad man.

That's because it's impossible to be straight if you look like this.

>not posting Russian user.

user, please.

me on the left


They're only fine if done for comedic purposes. Otherwise, they're no different from traps. And since traps and crossdressers are male, unless the people who like them are female, traps and crossdressers are gay.

Traps = male
Crossdressers = male
Males liking males = gay
Therefore = liking traps and crossdressers is gay (unless you're a girl).
It doesn't matter if the other person dresses or looks like a girl. That person is still biological male, and thus it's still gay.

Completely forgot about this. Anyone have a link?

What if I like crossdressing lads fucking girls?
Is that something like turbo straight or turbo gay?

Both. It's both straight and gay at the same time.

What is this boy doing?

Reminder that all traps and traplovers should be put in chastity, tattoed and be forced to work as sex slaves for the rest of the population.

Only good as a plot device, such as in Needless.

>Had to go undercover in an all-girl school to escape death
>Keeps crossdressing (against his will) to continue escaping death
>Dresses as his sister in a failed attempt to end an attack on a sitty
>Is the inspiration for one of his ally's clothes and another's fetishes because of time travel shenanigans
>God forces him to become a girl because everyone was so used to him looking like one Spoilered because it might upset the diehard trap fans.

The boobs are fake in this image.

i can't understand why you guys want to fuck a cute feminine trap and i complete agree with you, but what about manly ugly trap? will you fuck them too?