Tell me what do you know about the paprika
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nothing that matters to me
I prefere Langos.
why did you gave us Sarkozy? Couldn't you have handled a guy like Orban?
The flavor really comes out in the presence of fat.
Tastes like fucking nothing in low-fat recipes.
Why did they gave us Soros?
I visited there in February last year, Sumeg castle, Tihany, gypsies were weird. Hungarians were nice and welcoming. Food was hearty.
God bless.
Colluded with ottomans against Serbia.
Invented a shit-tier story about meme king yana soplyaska kicking mahmuds in viennsville, while in reality poo was a mongol khanate in demise and was only be able to rob local slavs as a state.
>he doesn't know what he's talking about
Only dođoši hate our Magyar friends. How about you fuck off back to Bosnia?
good people
not as kurwa as other
good taste
that's what you deserve
I only know serbian girls are god tier, yet they have an ugly cunt as pm
Your country and your language is fake and genetics are proof of it. Stop larping as nomads, you are Slavs.
>Magyar friends
>f-fuck off back to Bosnia
You must be some Serbo-Dalmatian hybrid but 100% Yugoslavian.
And to ease your mind I'm from Cacak and unlike Sumadija and Dodjosland we had no Hercegovno,Montenegrin and Dalmatian migration.
my dorsiflexion says otherwise, but I ok with being a slav
Belongs to Austria
I'm sorry Ferenc, but it's true
Don't worry she is Croatian
i love her tits.
Everybody I ever knew from Cacak was a fucking idiot. Never come here please.
austrian territory barely belongs to austria, klaus
>t. Austrian clay
red paprika is god tier. dont' like yellow and green ones
I always wanted to visit hungary because I know nothing about it, but the czech family of my ex always told my that it is ugly and there is no reason to visit it.
It’s good food I guess
Serbian diaspora here
Have nothing but fantastic experiences with Hungarians. Hungary is beautiful, Hungarian people are wonderful and I thought no cuisine could beat Serbian until I went to Hungary - god damn. I ate so much there. Very cool place, not quite Western Europe, Central, Balkan or Eastern. They are truly unique.
I wish every Hungarian all the best
>Yugomutt telling someone that his an idiot
I never understood why you mutts act so smart whille you're all retarded
Paprikas filled with rice and meat from the oven.
i have paprika's paste imported straight from Hungary in my fridge right now, does it count?
* it is very popular in Poland but a bit expensive as it has to be imported all the way from Hungary
Whats more, everytime when i eat it, i like to listen to ancient hungarian music => skip to 1:40
No she isnt
r u Polish or they eat this in Netherlands as well? i didn't know thats Hungarian dish
It's not a Dutch recipe, a colleague married to a Hungarian told me of it once.
I'm a Serb, you uncultured mountain hillbilly.
Literally /our/ magyars
Brothers from another mongol mother.
> Her familly areCroatian migrants from Dalmatia
>''She isn't Croatian''
Where are you from then??
It was invented by a famous Hungarian-Jewish inventor, philantrophist and Nobel-prize winner Schwartz Lajos-Attila.
You guys all sound like Dracula to me tbqh
probably right, but still interesting how a czech could come to that conclusion
paprika for this guy
Bulgarian hive mind confirmed.
So this is the power of srbijanski banter
Been eating it my whole life, senpai
you mean this guy? You could not get any more hungrian than getting a Nobel for paprika research
>he even confirms that his a Smrdogradjanin
there are high chances that your just an another Smrdogradski Yugomutt
For some reason it seems like Hungarian bands making national music fell in love with Poland
Also, is this true that Josef Bem is called uncle Bem in Hungary?
Here ya gi
I like kolbad, langos and wine.
kys bozgore gulas is shit
sry kolbas
>Also, is this true that Josef Bem is called uncle Bem in Hungary?
Indeed, Bem apo
Everyone loves Poland here, there's a feeling of camaraderie over our fates
Stop larping, and listen to your ''music'' or your anthem ?!! KEK
On March 12, 2007, Hungary's parliament declared March 23 the "Day of Hungarian-Polish Friendship", with 324 votes in favor, none opposed, and no abstentions. Four days later, the Polish parliament declared March 23 the "Day of Polish-Hungarian Friendship" by acclamation.
Hungary is a pretty corrupt country. I've lived with a girl from there and been there a few times. I've also got Hungarian coworkers. Generally people expect bribes. It's a leftover from the communist era. If you're having an operation for example all the nurses, the doctor and everyone else expects a little envelope with some forints in it. It's like an upscale tip.
Great country to visit though.
=== 1956 NEVER FORGET ===
We will have our revenge on russians!! Stay Strong Hungarybro!
Cacak hasn't been relevant since Velja kicked that reporter, or maybe pic related.
romania was great at the yuros though and had the best chick
yeah,its true:
one of best cuisine in the entire europe. magyars are ok and their women are beautiful.
here you have example of something exotic.
Poles+Hungarians+Mexicans made a rap song
This is the most accurate answer. Its not only corrupt on a government level though, the entire society functions this way. Everyone "knows" a guy if he needs something. Everything is harder to get but if you have connections, its easier than anywhere else. quite depressing. Budapest is great though
>muh ebil Serbs!!
>what will we defeatist yugomutts ever do!!
That's valid for whole eastern Europe thanks to the north asian trash that was forced on us 70 years ago.
We won , easy .
Pic related
>Tell me what do you know about the paprika
Paprika je mleté koření vyrobené z červených sušených plodů větších a sladších odrůd rostliny Capsicum annuum (v češtině nazývané rovněž paprika, ovšem v jiných jazycích se název rostliny a koření rozchází). Podle složení odrůd se mění chuť koření, což zohledňují výrobci při prodeji ("sladká paprika", "gulášová paprika", "pálivá paprika"). Paprika jako koření je často spojována s maďarskou kuchyní, byť její kořeny jsou ve střední Americe, odkud rostlina Capsicum annuum pochází a odkud se dostala až v 16. století do Evropy, ponejprve do Španělska, odkud se koření dostalo do Afriky a k Osmanům, do jejichž kuchyně se koření výrazně zapsalo. Teprve expanzí Osmanů se dostalo na Balkán, kde se stalo rovněž velmi oblíbené. Do Maďarska se ovšem koření dostalo až na konci 19. století, přesto se pro maďarskou kuchyni stihlo stát ve 20. století definiční. Proslavené jsou zejména papriky pěstované v oblasti kolem města Szeged.[1] Velkou roli v oblibě papriky hraje kromě chuti také její barvící schopnost, obvykle dá pokrmům červenou či oranžovou barvu, hodí se proto zejména do omáček (např. guláš). Odstín kořenícího prášku (od červené ke žluté) závisí na množství karotenoidů v rostlině. Pálivost se povětšinou reguluje tím, kolik semen rostliny se do kořenící směsi přimele - do nejsladších prášků se semena nemelou vůbec, jen usušené dužiny. Pálivost jde rovněž zesílit přimíšením menších a pálivých druhů papriky, např. čili papriček.
If you don't speak nor you are able to understand this beautiful language, you don't deserve to breath.
well, it's indeed shittier when you are poor, but let's not pretend corruption and nepotism is not a problem elsewhere.
this, I would rather we did smart war business instead of claiming moral high ground
If u like hungarian rap, try these:
Keep calm mah czech friend,if i drink Becherovka with krusovice, i will speak český jazyk ;)
Rap is degenerate in general. And when it's in an encrypted language like yours it's even painful to listen to.
Then u will like this:
come back we miss u
because we thought it would be funny it was sort of a shitpost
Paprika, nee pimentón, is a rightful Spanish invention.
That's way over to the other extreme Laszlo.
Rock, metal and a bit of punk as it's white people's music and annoys the shit of people who like gypsy music(not sure what u call it there - serbian turbo folk, romanian manele, ours is chalga).
The horror. He has admited publically that he has only ever read one book.
don't say that
>death before dishonor
Don't defend shitty things just because it is our shit. We dun goofed, better luck next time
you merely invented the paprika, be we were molded by it
You are right. Discipline, and honor can only lead to greatness again.
This guy is weak ˇ
Every nation has it's ups and downs, we just have to keep going, and try to be the better version of ourselves.
ps.: i love you polish bretheren
Amazing country, I hope you get your stolen land back.
slavized mongols controlled by zionist jews who pretend to be right wing
not white nor european in either way
i know that my gf comes from hungary
>Hunz are Slavz n shieet
Why do Slavs do this? Desperately latching on to other cultures? You do realize there is no Slav gene right you dumb mountain twat? Ofc you don't.
>pic related
Hungarians are descendant of Huns and Scuthians. Hungary = Hun-Oguria.
patrician choice
Most interesting things about Magyars:
1.The following Countries are either Directly or Indirectly a creation of Hungary:
>Czech Republic
2. Magyars are Slav herders, and herded slavs from Belarus into central Europe. There would be no Slavs in Balkans without Huns.
3. Every major European country has traces its foundational roots to some great battle. For Germany this is the Battle of Lechfeld, when the domineering Magyars were finally defeated by a unified German force, resulting in German national reawakening, the creation of Austria, and the establishment of a permanent border between the two cultures.
Feels good Senpai
My dog is of pic related breed. Very sweet, amazing runner. Loves to eat shit though. That's about all I know about Hungary.
A magyar nyelv nehéz, de érdekes.
Trianon nevar4get, Szlovakia we war u!!1!
magyar cigany
Thanks to that battle we became a christian nation, and gave up the ravaging pagan lifestyle (altho it was chad)
The thing that makes me really mad about Trianon is that even fucking Austria got some lands
FeelsBadMan 2/3 of our land
1102 AD
>our land
It's hardly your land by any stretch of imagination. I feel bad for you losing Erdely tho
>The following Countries are either Directly or Indirectly a creation of Hungary:
>Czech Republic
t. PH.D in bullshiting
t.crypto croat trying to teach people how countries work but fails miserably.
>What is Moravia?
>What is Bohemia rising after Magyars destroy Moravia?
>What is indirect mean?