there is a teacher who has been teaching her high school students that only whites can be racist
Anti white teacher
This is actually the official view in ethnic and gender studies.
she is also shaming her HIGH SCHOOL students and reports are teachers are even scared of her
no shit sherlok.
this has been main stream for a long time
the red elephants did a video but it was flagged dow i have a mirror copy
well i guess i wont be getting any help to take her down here
"white people created racism"
funny, here I am thinking the religion of "we are God's chosen race, all others are fit only for our servitude" was the origin of racist philosophy
oh yeah she is also helping BLM idk yall would have to search her name to get the real deph
take her down? she is just a mouth piece for leftist ideology. she doesn't matter. this is common.
>racist philosophy
no. tribalism isn't a philosophy its instinct. even apes and chimps are tribal.
This bitch has not read enough of history.
silly goyim it's not racist when we say were better than you
Hello underage highschool student user,
Tell your principal who will do nothing, then tell the superintendent. That last part is VERY important kiddo - I know you never see that person but they will fire her.
me and i lot of people want her fired she dont need to be teaching white students
No, fuck off. Also she is correct
no, she is not.
when are they going to start trying to kill us?
im not a student and many people have called they are not answering and a student posted a email from her they school board is behind her
Your gonna have to give more information than that.
>white people created racism
objectively wrong. Racism/tribalism has existed for as long as humans have and the first humans were black
Just mass trigger her, being called a racist has no sway anymore because of how easily it's been thrown around. I've been called a racist numerous times and I never gave a shit. See how they struggle to grasp "but how can you be okay with being called a racist?"
my day started out really shitty but a Sup Forums campaign to get her fired would make me feel better about it. can we do this? I promise I won't ask for anything else.
>only whites
this gets me every time, lol
well i tried to post info and it ip blocked me search kady clincy
Sup Forums doesn't have the power to do shit amymore
not quite, you have to skirt around it still. another teacher was fired for tweeting someshit like " i always call on my black and brown students before my white ones because of their privilege"
>white people created racism
citation needed
Why do you shill under that flag? Literally any other flag and I might actually read these shit drivel posts but as soon as I see it I just move along and your propaganda goes unseen, From a working persepctive I just can’t fathom how you think doing that is an effective measure.
>white people created racism
You are prejudiced well as racist
You are a student, you are 14.
The school board is not behind her, the school union is.
I told you what to do scout. Can you put your dad on the phone?
Follow this chain of tweets:
2. Click the tweet she's responding to:
3. Then this link:
Scratch that, just look at this video
I need to know an argument to "white privilege"
What, against white privilege? It exists, clearly.
no u
omg no it does not
Did you mean to reply to my post? White privilege exists. Your argument (and the usual argument from racists) should be that it deserves to exist
Fuck off memeflagger. 'Murican blacks have had all the time in the world to get wealthy yet, to still tangle to "white man opressing me" bollocks is insane. Not only that they are truly turning racist, all the jokes black comedians do about whites what happens if a white man does a joke about blacks? a lynching.
>All the time in the world.
There are still people alive today who lived under segregation
Yes but the idea would be to make an example out of her. End her career, and force her to make a public apology and whatnot.
I've seen the Left do this shit to us for years. It's not about her. It's about intimidating other people who share her views into not sharing them.
It's honestly a somewhat effective weapon of theirs. We all know how many white people more or less share /our/ views but are afraid to express them. It's because the left singles out individuals and burns them at the stake.
If people got over the mentality of "that's a leftist tactic! We can't copy it!", then they'd probably see what the argument would be in favor of doing something similar in this situation.
sorry but im not one for white guilt sorry if you wanna spend your life feel bad for things you did not do but i refuse
And now they have affirmative action. Sounds like non-white privilege
White privlege may exist, but only in america. Go anywhere else and you are treated as same and now you fucking apes over there are even more crazier than ever with going on with your social justice warrior culture which you are trying to bring over across the world to ruin the rest too.
You don't need to live in a state of 'white guilt' just because you acknowledge that minorities are disadvantaged. You are not responsible for what your ancestors did, good or bad.
right we need to let these people know we can fight fire with fire
Let's kill them and we can have a fresh start
yeah fair enough.
in that context its not a bad idea.
Thank god I live in a country that had its first blacks in the 90s.
Are you talking about whites here? The true minority are whites, I don't know what kind of nigger propaganda you are fed.
White people are privileged because they have beauty and brains.
So the obvious solution to white privilege is to tattoo all white people skin and face black, and to preform neurosurgery that removes 20% of their brain, especially in the prefrontal cortex, and they should be given daily supplements of testosterone to make them equally aggressive as blacks. Only when this is done will white people be able to escape their privilege.
Jew Theodore Allen invented the term 'white privilege'.
Really makes you think, goy
if your in sweden yall have it the worst
ofc this is american teacher teaching in an american school.
god you fucking retards are so fixated in race
Also eat dog shitfucking moron
Europeans built the nations for Europeans and the others are just tag alongs.
It's like if you have a family that generation after generation builds up their homes and their farms why should it be taken away because others couldn't do the same?
Niggers in America had 200 years to do their own thing but they didn't, they're attracted to Europeans like parasites and get mad when they're told to fuck off.
Sauce on him being Jewish? I believe it, but I'd like to have a source to use for redpilling people
Whenever someone brings up racism and how whites are evil I just tell them "so I guess diversity isn't really a strength huh"
There's usually no comeback to that.
of course this comment goes unanswered. such an uncomfortable comment
your instincts are dead by your own admission if you take this post as a whole then
'white privilege' only exists in the minds of those who believe firmly in the concept of equality of outcome. The fact white people are so successful is not anything to do with white people's ability but the fact that there is some sort of Santa Clause-like magical 'privilege' in the world that favours whites. Same mentality that says blacks can't be racist.
The reality is, whites are far more industrious and capable than blacks, and this is the reason they are successful. Equality of opportunity, not equality of outcome.
So no, white privilege does not exist - only lesser fools who can't figure this out.
He wasn't
> Segregation
Why can't niggers function by themselves? Why do they need to be forced in with Europeans in order to accomplish anything?... Africans are kangz no?
I wish I could fucking articulate like this. I avoid debating or discussing anything on this website in person because I can't defend anything. How do I get better at this?
i dont follow.
Do you have racism classes in America? I don't remember being taught anything about racism or racists in high school. There was of course the usual holocaust and Atlantic slave trade stuff, but there weren't very too many possibilities to indoctrinate us to hate whites. We were taught to love refugees, though, since Swedes took Finnish refugees during the second world war.
Because we aren't talking about on a global scale, we are talking about America. Besides that, while white people might be a slight minority worldwide it doesn't mean they suffer from institutional racism etc.
i have a red pilling video but it wont let me post it here
post it anyway
>I avoid debating
>How do I get better at debating?
Gee, that's a hard one.
this nigger knows what's up
systems are controlled by people and people are controlled by smarter people, just be the smarter person
Learn psychology. Read books like the 48 laws of power. The psychology of persuasion and similar titles
The black community was better off under Jim Crow.
>it doesn't mean they suffer from institutional racism etc
Having to call bullshit on this one. It's obvious the tide has turned against white people around the globe, every day we are fed more and more anti-white bullshit and some people buy into it. These people become self-loathing fools who hate themselves for things they have never committed. Many of these people are easily manipulated women, who in return start adding diversity quotas and other kinds of bullshit systems in corporations and smaller businesses. This leads to discrimination against white people, imagine being the most qualifying person for the job, only to have the job taken by someone because of your ethnicity. Not only this, but we are also led to believe only whites can be racist and how our ancestors were the most evil people to ever surface this planet.It is institutional racism against whites and it won't stop until we are gone or do something about it.
Even if he wasn't Jewish, he was certainly influenced by Marxist philosophy. According to Wikipedia, he was part of the (((Communist Party))).
How so? The threat of being lynched for talking to a white girl sure sounds great
You stupid nigger.
Have you head about affirmative action?
Have you heard about South Africa?
Every nigger I ever worked with was useless.
extrime ideologies are always picked up by the most inferiority ridden people in society to compensane for their lack of approval
it doesn't matter what the ideology is, but the inferior would always ride that ideolog to feel better about themselves
it all works like a clock
you allow tomorrow to kill niggers and this same teacher would be the first to look for niggers with a torch
you don't have to go very far to look for such examples
for instance it's enough to stand around your car in some different neighborhood for some inferior shithead to consider you suspicious and call police on you (sometime this can be justified but most of the time they call police just to feel "good" about themselves because INFERIORITY COMPLEX)
a lot of people feel inferior, because they are lower then mediocre
they literary have nothing to offer and have nothing to be awarded for.
those people are in pain and the best way to deal with them would be to put them in chains of slavery and give them direct purpose and then kill them painlessly when they can't execute commands properly.. but we don't do it
thus millions of ifenrior roam the world and search for anything they can serve
most of them fall into religious servitude, but in the west since religion is not that big of a deal they serve social politics
the most rational way of servitude can be found in asia amond indians and chinese. they serve their families
anyway.. you have to understand that most people WILL look for something that they can ride to rise up over their innate inferiority
obviously there is no way to live without slaves and it's even impossible to have majority of people who are not inferior regardless of race
it's just WE NEED to GIVE those INNATELY BORN slaves some rational serfdom which can benefit us all
by "us all" i mean white people
since all niggers feel inferior the moment they see a white guy and compare themselves in the mirror
That does sound great. Maybe dindus shouldn't talk to white girls.
>Every nigger I ever worked with was useless.
Well I have worked with and attended University with some pretty competent ones, what now?
reddit spacing notwithstanding, this post strikes at the heart of the modern left. They want someone to punish for their own feelings of self loathing.
In the 1950s, they'd be happy mcarthy-ites.
Before that, they'd happily hang niggers because it was acceptable to hate on them.
They'd burn witches in Salem.
They are filled with hate, self loathing while at the same time have this absolutely perverse internal requirement to appear noble and moral at the same time.
Mental illness is too mild a label to put on modern left-wing mentality.
"Competency" in your case means "equivalency".
I guarantee you, you're not competent. Which makes your peers that way as well.
No, I am and well educated too
bitch never met any asians.
So it's not about race then?
what kind of fucked up logic is this? did whited create racism in asia or india too??
Fuck off fucking liar shill
Th only places I have experienced white privilege have been non white countries - India and South America, where white skin basically implies wealth.
You need to go back.
Yes it is. Race is the only thing it's about. Or genetic distance, to be precise.
Race is the basis.
It's biology.
What you do afterwards is up to you.
And blacks have it easy.
Even Christ said that a repenting sinner will bring more joy in heaven than one who has never sinned.
Equally, a civilized black man, would bring the world more joy than an average white.
Vittu turpa kiinni yritin vaan opettaa tolle, ettei jokanen musta oo neekeri, on niitä kunnon kansalaisiakin, mutta ne on harvemmassa
But your pic suggests there is a difference between a black man and a nigger. Do you mean there are some decent black men?
>claims to be well educated
>ends sentence with a preposition
c'mon - aren't you a bit old to be doing this?
The origin of racism is biology
commie faggot please. you bitch ass hyppocrite nigger
do you fight for any inequality against white people in nigger countries? no
why? because you are a commie faggot who rides the ideology which allows your useless good for nothing ass to feel good while at the same time targeting those allowed by the government to target
basically whites are chosen as an easy target and all fags with inferiorirties come running to point fingers at whites and talk shit about us
you make me fucking sick.. i wish i could just kill you all on sight but the law makes sure that you go unharmed.. i mean if I kill you then i go to prison prolly for life
but you on the other hand can freely run around shitting on white people, destroying and killing whites by psychological pressure
you think white people don't feel the effect of your commie propaganda??
we do. and we are in pain from it
and you fucking love it.. you are fucking inhuman sadists with inferiority complexes. you are good for nothing faggots who only do what is allowed and never anything more or less
you are fucking slaves which were given orders and are happy to serve
the irony of this is that the government never ordered anyone to treat niggers like niggers
niggers are treated that way because they are niggers.
dogs are treated like dog because they are dogs
and white are treated like whites today because the government ALLOWS fucking inferiors to chimp out and treat us like dogs or niggers
it's ridiculous
we seriously need to kill you all off fucking faggots and change the government
Does it matter you pedant
No, I just want you shown as the faux-outrage specialist you are.