Is race mixing between Europeans acceptable?
Pic related half German half Greek
Is race mixing between Europeans acceptable?
Pic related half German half Greek
Pick one faggot
Europeans have always been mixing with each other.
Yes. Because it happens and it's always happened. We're all similar enough for it not to be an issue.
What do I do to get a plump ass like that??
No, anyone caught dating somone over 10 miles from their ancestral village will be shot for missegenation.
Get stung by bees and wasps.
Start now. Go find a hive and throw rocks at it.
You will be thicc as fugg m9.
I hope she's getting Blacked
So you mean half German and half Turk?
It's just fat hanging if you look closer. Disgusting deformity
>between Europeans
how fucking stupid are you ?
>half turk greeks
As long as you're not counting Roma and Irish gypsies as European, you're good.
This. I can never imagine myself racemixing With someone who isnt my nationality.
>Hola, Soy 50% Espano y 50% Noruego
Pic related
Squatz n oatz
Yes you retard, every single European person in every European country is all 100% the same ethnicity and there was never any mixing between populations of European people
Half Muslim half Turk *
i wonder...
Name please
Half-Anglo, half-German turns into Kraut and Tea shit. I blame it on his Anglo side. Rage is a mix of both too, but her German side is clearly dominating. See the difference. :^)
>Racemixing between europeans
Yeah i'd say it's pretty good, not to mention it happens since forever.
Nicole Anniston I think. Used to be one of my faves, then she did BLACKED.
It makes semen demons?
>x.xx% of an ethnicity
can't stand this
So is she jewish or not?
>only jews learn history
Nah mate.
He's probably talking about different european sub-races like Nordic and Ost Baltic races and etc.
You are german so you should have known about that!
lol no.
>then she did BLACKED.
Ufffff even better
>implying military occupation=settler occupation
i always knew chinks like you are retarded.Europeans are way whiter than your meme asian shithole will ever be
>get racemixed
>ends up being a fucking pornstar
OP you should answer that question yourself.
>Occupied by Turks for hundreds of years
>eat Turkish foods
>drink Turkish Coffee
>listen to Arabic style music
Absolutely delusional.
Did he cum inside her?
Also kindy sauce me
The european union is a good thing. 500 million people are stronger in the world. Countries like sweden and denmark should adopt the euro though. And norway should join the EU.
We got rid of them m8. No roach survived :)
No, Greeks are not White.
For all intents and purposes Europe consists of Norway, Sweden, Iceland, Denmark, Netherlands, Belgium, Germany, Austria, Switzerland, and Northern Italy, and maybe the Baltics.
Everyone else is a fucking rape baby mutt cum cocktail.
Not White faggots.
Und Heil Hitler für immer!
>can't argue with science
>start buttposting
shitskin diaspora sounds triggered lol
You guys are literally the worst
But there's only goats in my aul... Wait, but on the second thought...
Why did you hold such contempt for the Turks to slaughter them in such a fashion? Unless it was because they raped your women for hundreds of years...... that'd probably do it.....
We got plenty of Greeks here mate, I know some who still look like the ancient statues, but there's A LOT who have heavy turkoid features.
Fuck off britcuck.
Germans unite Europe. Anglos destroy Europe you Bolshevik-loving traitors.
500 millions of europeans are stronger together yes, but this not the EU case. EU is 500 millions of europeans under invasion of africans, arabs and chinese in the name of "muh money and markets"...and thats not good.
Also now the anglos left...whats the point? We didnt even understand each others (unless we use the language of the people who left the project lmao)
Europeans are the most varied people within their own race on the planet. For a continent that is the smallest of them all, they managed to both preserve their own cultures and ethnic phenotypes while remaining kin in blood sufficiently to mix without causing dilution to any one ethnicity.
We are similar enough to remain one race but distinct enough to retain our individual tribes and ethnicities. This goes to show the resilience of our genes and the genotype of Europeans as a whole.
*sips tea*
>get name of Europe from Greece
>nnah u ain't Euros nigga
The absolute STATE of Nazees!
We need to get those number up.
>no tattoo
Contempt? Nah, you are just roaches to us.
Honestly, I don't think it should be encouraged- it should be tolerated at most but ideally there should be norm-setting which discourages it.
Only Euros will understand that different European ethnicities are very noticeable.
It's usually quite easy to tell the difference between a German and a Briton for instance.
Nietzsche mentioned the mixing of European races as a disaster centuries ago in much the same way as we now discuss how bad White/Black/Asian mixing is.
typical german cuck, why don't you go out to your local pub and try to talk to a girl, any girl even the bartender
Yes, except any European mixing is diluted and disappears without being noticeable within a generation or so, it is the mixing with races outside of Europe that causes problems.
>"Yeah we brutally slaughtered them when we got the upper hand but it was only because they're roaches - not because they raped us for hundreds of years or anything like that, they were always so kind and sweet when they ruled over us, we only hate them because they're roaches see...."
It should be discouraged
How Wilders is doing? Did he managed to get into government? Salvini 100% will be in the next one here.
If your house is get full of roaches, you just remove them. It's that simple.
That doesn't imply that the roaches raped your wife or something. Your logic is weird.
Permissible? Nigger, I'm in the USA, I'm German, English and 3% Italian. However, it's not preferable, especially for those in Europe who can easily avoid it and are not yet mixed.
New right party is getting more votes at the moment, FVD with their party leader Thierry Baudet.
>I know some who still look like the ancient statues
You know that Greeks made the statues according to their ideals on how humans should look right? Like the same shit we use photoshop today.
(the romans started the ''wrats-and-all' style for statues)
You got raped champ, it sucks but you've got to accept it. Your ancestors were dominated by filthy muslim turks and now you have their mongrel blood in your veins.
nah, we fine
Not a big deal in america, since we're mostly all mixed up euromutts anyway.
In europe it's not the end of the world, but it should be kept to a relative minimum and culturally discouraged as a way to preserve the separate culture/ethnicity of different peoples.
your shithole is not even European lmao.You are a literal mix of africans,arabs and chinks
It Depends on the nationality, among let's say Swedes and Norwegians, or Irish and Scottish it's not so bad because they are similar, but among pure blooded Scandinavians and Slavs or Meds Then absolutely not, equally among full blooded Celts and Slavs or Meds, absolutely not.
that ass needs a black dick in there
yes because in my experience
mainland girls>>>>>british girls
and I want them mainland girls
You didn't enough, you inbred cunts.
>It's just fat hanging if you look closer. Disgusting deformity
It makes me desire to release my liquid.
Stop being such a faggot cuck
Pretty sure that pic you posted quit porn because she literally got pregnant with a niglet
are you polling for the next divide and conquer tactic. what kind of stupid question is that.
you have no power here
>Pretty sure that pic you posted quit porn because she literally got pregnant with a niglet
that's even hotter
I want to marry an Irish red head with light skin.
I'm Basque/Sicilian.
Black hair-Tan skin/Red hair-light skin combo looks so aesthetic.
If you said...
Said the faggot.
There are no stupid 'rules'
Race-mixing is only a problem because we're not breeding enough to pass preserve our collective chromosomes in our traditional haplogroups.
So the answer depends on the fertility rate of the nation. We only hate niggers because they are a symptom of a problem, they're not the actual problem.
>liking a paid whore who takes miles of cock
>upset she decides to profit off one nigger dick
People with meme flags aren't white
I'd give it to her so hard
That'd be fappable if not for the tattoo. :/
The absolute state of g*rms
I'm still waiting for the retarded greek nationalist to show up and claim that Western Turks are actually Greek and Eastern Turks are Mongol+Kurd.
Greeks are very delusional.
Anglo literally destroyed europe in ww2
Following Churchill, refusing to listen to any peace talks
Destroying your own empire in the process
rapebaby, we own half of your island.
IRL, niggers are most unlikely than asians, lol
There's a reason she doesn't face the camera. She fucked up her face so bad she looks like the joker.
A Lapp fucked a Gitana? I'd rather bite reindeer's balls off...
Not wife material sadly. People with tattoos have mental issues.
Tell me about it, ffs. Don´t they even teach fractions in burger school any more?
>Is race mixing between Europeans acceptable?
Yes. Its a great thing.
yes dipshit it happened for thousands of years already.
op's pic fucked black guys lol
I think you mean unite greater Germania
For you it's even recommended.