This is a straight anime boy doing straight things

This is a straight anime boy doing straight things.

I hope your thread gets deleted again, faggot.
This threads are shit because they're ALWAYS ruined by 3DPD rp faggotry.

I'm just posting straight anime boys user, don't get so mad.

I'm the OP of the last trap thread and I didn't make this one.
Get fucked, user.

Maybe that's what he wants.

Why do you faggots never learn? Sup Forums is not your personal lgbt hookup forum. Fuck off to /soc/ if you want to find some tranny dick to suck.


>avatarfagging and rp
Sasuga trap threads. /r9k/ is better suited.

This is fucking straight-up discrimination.

everybody likes girls with penises.

That's called a boy

i cut it off



As long as no homosexual act happened then it is halal.

Nice editing. 10/10

don't worry guys, I'm here to save the day.

Now make the dick 12 inches long and the balls 4 times as big.

Why do I like Traps more? Girl are just plain I guess.

Because cocks are amazing.

This is a blue board.

are you just warning people about that? or are you suggesting the use of spoilers arnt enough?


Can anyone tell me what this one called? I have exhausted all my search options by the way

Asanagi is very bueno user, good taste

Max is a cute girl (boy)!

Same. I combed through the cosplay on sadpanda, but it's simply not showing.

arent we all?

Reminder that cute boys dressed as Shimakaze are straight, and are not for lewding

What an unfortunate chain of events.