Scenes that destroyed you


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Tell me about Cowboy Bebop. Why does he carry a cross?

Does posting stupid, stale memes somehow vindicate your existence? Why do you do it?

me fucking your mom

>157246610 (OP)
>Does posting stupid, stale memes somehow vindicate your existence? Why do you do it?

When the hokage dies

Cried just a little bit desu.

TTGL Gainax Ending


Will someone get this hothead out of here?

Is this where I should be getting recommendations for animu?

do you feel in charge? your posts and infrastructure have been important, till now.


Abayo, Iggy.

The reality of what happened to her really hit me when she said goodbye. What a short, fleeting life she led.

Oops, forgot my picture.

I did not expect that to happen.

The whole volume was a wild ride.

This entire episode.


Squealer did nothing wrong.


Good taste but streamfag.


>he cant see the great wall of china

>I have a feeling, that if I turn around she will be looking at me

You can't, from space.

Is that John Wick



That's some blurry shit.

>you have to carry that weight


Top 10 anime death scenes ;_; 7

Why was this allowed?


>refugees welcome

What is more sad: this scene

or Ed leaving?



>when Moot founded Sup Forums he wasn't old enough to post on Sup Forums


what is with cowboy bebop that makes him such a better character than johnny bravo?

It collects spiral power.







Happy birthday Albert



I totally agree with this one. Thanks for posting it.


So this is spiral energy, huh? Not bad...


The ending of k on


Best nihilistic ending ever desu.



Haven't cried this hard in a minute

I miss him.


>Can't reproduce
>Dreams of family life

Being Viral truly is suffering



Had to stop watching for a while after this. Heaviest episode I've ever seen of anything.

Kill yourself streamfag madoka shithead

only answers worth mentioning are the cathartic series/scenes that give relief and sadness at characters you actually care about.

music at the end really did it for me

She didn't recover.

Happy monday guys.

Masane's death hit me so fucking hard when I saw this when I was younger. I didn't expect to like her that much.



ugh .... just finish reading I am a hero a few weeks ago .... fuck the author, inb4 his father died like near the ending arc thus why he went and shit that ending


I thought it was trigun.

>misato breaks down after hearing the message from Kaji
>fly me to the moon

Every time.

This broke my heart thrice

This gets me every time I watch it. Kumatetsu becoming the sword in Kyuta's heart hits even harder.




Fucking broken

How old is that girl? Her attitude is pissing me off.

A friend of mine got hit by a car when I was like 5 (He survived.) but while I was in the hospital with him and my parents were prepping me for the possibility that he might die, I understood VERY well what was going on.

I'm pretty sure these writers are shutins that don't understand that real children aren't actually completely oblivious to the shit around them.

>being a globalist cuckold
I loved this anime, but seriously, the globalist shilling was all too apparent.

Masterpiece OST really did it for me.

Gurren Lagann, before timeskip. You know the episode.

I had recently gone back to college after losing control of my life after 4 years.

I think it was more about relatability- just the feeling of things maybe changing or at least getting the chance to try. A lot of people take that for granted but at the same time if i didn't completely fuck up everything then I wouldn't be motivated like i am now- things are so easy by comparison when you see what going without is like. Im not going back.

Mittermeyer, you're late

Fuck man, I related to this too due to my job situation at the time. Deku's seemingly impossible dream hit me way too hard.

Watch it at least once a year and after the Music Festival episode it gets pretty tough to watch.


see you in class A, friend.

I really enjoy almight as a character too, he knows that midori might fuck everything up- ruining and tainting the all for one quirk- but if he doesn't, he could be who they need.

I feel like theres something valid in that- a lot of people reach the top but lose themselves. when someone does excel without that loss of self- you get the best result.


I don't know why was I so sad seeing this