Jazz & jesse 25? anyone have it?
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Mike Enoch called Sup Forumsacks non white on the TDS before last.
post it faggots
No it's true. They had that burnout Andy warski on
It wasn't that one it was the one before it. It was a really shitty episode where they spent an hour whining about infighting on the alt right and took a shot at Sup Forums not being white because every meet up and HWNDU was a bunch of mutts.
That's lame. Honestly i don't mind the mutts on Sup Forums. Probably some of the only non whites who understand what's at stake.
That's the dumbest most disingenuous shit
>HWNDU in queens, NYC
>one of the least-white areas in the entire US
>naturally a lot of nonwhites show up
>"hurrrr Sup Forums is nonwhite!!!!"
And this is despite them getting all their material, jokes, and memes from Sup Forums. What a bunch of faggots.
Anyone? Anyone have it
someone please gib
This, do not be a nigger, be a gentlemen about Neets
Not this Sup Forums
Yes this pol, NOW!
Reminder that Sup Forums is not the failed mulatto abortions over at cripplechan.
Is it even alive, or is it another failchan yet?
Anyway, somebody post the bit.
I was to lazy to make this post thanks OP
posting some art until its up i guess
ps: u can use
(you) me if you guys want more
desu Enoch was specifically referring to the element on Sup Forums that keeps on calling him a jewish fed controlled opposition
I think they do have their weak spots, but it isn't really Sup Forums it's those playing devide and conquere and sadly there is a small autistic/paranoid segment, which completly buys into the everybody is controlled opposition meme.
I just wanted to let you guys know that I really hate niggers
Don't hate the nigger, friend.
He's but a simple man caught in a Jewish plot to stop him going home and having fun doing nigger things with all his little jungle pals.
I live in Baltimore you have no idea about these stupid violent animals.
please... it's for the white race
You have no idea how intitled, violent, and stupid niggers really are. Check FBI crime stats and get back to me.
And if they were at home they wouldn't be bothering you with their high-spirited shenanigans and traditional negro horseplay, but those damn kikes just won't let anyone give them the free boat tickets they deserve.
bumpo bump, everyone bump
bump plz gib
Here watch latest TDS while you wait...