There is such a thing as TOO tall and 174cm is it

There is such a thing as TOO tall and 174cm is it.

Yeah, but with her, your sons would be pretty much guaranteed to be tall.

Manlets, I swear.

Do you feel threatened, manlet?

174cm is 5'8" dumb imperialist

t. manlet

I'd be okay with a 5'8 gf as a 5'6-5'7 manlet

Even so. Anything under 6 foot is (wo)manlet territory.

>TOO tall
>Not even 6ft


The ideal woman is between 6'5 and 7'3.

You may not like it, but that's the truth.


She's the perfect height for 180cm tall men, aka the best height.

She's perfect just the way she is.

>SHE is the big titty monster in this anime

How the times change

>she's two feet taller than everyone in the anime
>only 5'8
What did they mean by this?

Sakaki is a thinking man's waifu.

Friendly reminder
Sakaki is Otome in Otome Dori.

>tfw 176cm in Asia

5'11" vs 6'0"

>under 2m
>too tall
i'm sorry for your genepool, user

Delete this right now

I still have 10cm on Sakaki, our kids will be 6 foot tall demigods


What is the context of this picture?



Reminder that Sup Forums seasonal JC is too tall.

Yeah. Because if it was Amerifat, those black peoples are light brown skinned.

If it was Yurop, those black people would be Arabs.

Give Chiyo 5-6 years.

Shorter than me so no, not tall enough.

probably some sort of imperialist farm invasion spurred by political rabble rousing so some local politician can steal a white man's farmland
probably ZImbabwe but it could be a bunch of places Kenya has gotten pretty hot recently.

I watched it and to this day I don't know why.
fapped to the sister scene though

mfw when i'm 172 and my fiance is 185

>all the manlets ITT