Well, Sup Forums?
Well, Sup Forums?
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Reminder that he's the only smart anchor left at Fox News.
It's a fair question, but the answer is also fairly obvious, which is that the GOP is divided into factions, and that one faction would very much like Trump to fail/lose power and will side with the Democrats in the pursuit of that goal.
The budget needs 60 votes to pass & with Mccain on his deathbed they now need another Democrat to get to 60 votes
>How Can A Party That Has Total Control Of Mainstream Media, Hollywood and Voting Machines Let A Republican Landslide happen?
Well, Dems?
Shep Smith cannot go 5 seconds without stumbling over words that are displayed in front of his faggot face
Sheppard Smith is an open faggot
the anti-Trumpers are really pushing this narrative because they know the average american is too fucking dumb to realize the difference between a majority and supermajority in the senate
they're hoping the republicans get blamed for a shutdown the democrats are causing
GOP controls the government but not by much
Neocons are stopping it (plus the Dems of course)
>kraut doesn't know what a landslide is
>less than 60 senators
>total control
Is he retarded?
What normie doesnt want the government to shut down?
cuz it doesn't have "total control of government" just majority representation in both houses.
>51 one Senators plus one about to die
>Takes 60 Senators to pass the budget
OP and Shep are huge disingenuous faggots.
Here's my question:
How can there ever be another legitimate election in the United States ever again? Following the weaponization of the intelligence agencies against an unapproved presidential candidate (now president), in a supposed free election? Or after the Roy Moore circus?
Why should I ever believe another poll again, after Nate Silver?
What will be the future of the US when the public perception of the legitimacy of the state is at the rock bottom, in a bipartisan way, while politicians in the establishment are encouraged by transnational corporations to deny the very concept of the state?
its almost like there are no "partys" except for the global corporatism one
Kys retard
>total control of the government
Last I checked you need 60 votes to pass anything, why do people still meme that a simple majority means anything?
You're still on that Roy Moore conspiracy?
had to look this one up but added to vocabulary.
You mean when the lawyer behind the fraudulent yearbook melted and withdrew, instantly, under the tiniest bit of scrutiny?
Reminder that Shep is a lefty manlet with a hairy butthole fetish.
Yearbook was always a red herring, only the obvious and redundant notes at the end were added later though. Is that the basis of your elaborate voter fraud conspiracy, Gloria Allred's camera time?
That's not how that works at all. You don't need a supermajority to keep the ball rolling, and even if you did, one Democrat switching sides when there is division among Republicans doesn't give you that. You'd need like half of those motherfuckers to switch at the moment versus a only a handful if the Republicans were actually united on the issue.
Therefore a shutdown by supermajority would be caused by incompetence on the part of the Republicans leading to dependence on a greater number of Dems to switch sides.
Thus making them both responsible for a shutdown in that situation.
Thinking a Government shutdown is a big deal. Never liked Shep now I know he is a fucking jew.
>Controlling most governorships, state legislatures, the House, the Senate, and the presidency isn't a landslide.
>with a hairy butthole fetish.
WTF I love shep smith now
Government shutdowns are literally meaningless
Every time this happens the media and dc freak or as if anyone outside of their little universe gives a single fuck
It’s retarded
>forgetting the supreme court
Republicans own everything and have revealed that they're total pussies with power. Trump is all we have.
This is a good thing. The federal government is an enemy of the people and Republicans are just showing the world how selfish Democrats are and how useless the federal government actually is.
The south was right. We need to give power back to the States. Even retard lib states need to fend for themselves.
What are you 12? This happened to the democrats during Obama presidency.
Didn't GOP have Congress though?
Yes we know the left likes to fetishize literal faggots
>51 votes when 60 is needed
(((Total Control)))
Because they need 60 votes and do not have 60 Republicans. It's simple math
this, shep is a massive liar
Everybody will ask for a benevolent dictator
It's a fucking mystery
Is Shep even human?
No, they only need 51 votes in the senate but two RINOS are trying to fuck things up as usual. I can't wait for November to vote some of these fucks out.
May as well assume you need Democrat support.
Also if you need one Democrat, you need them all. Only legalizing all DACA recipients with a no wall guarantee will be enough to turn the government back on. Would Republican voters even notice that the government is shut down if the media didn't broadcast it?
Because the uniparty needs to be dismantled
Did people just conveniently forget that the government was "shutting down" every other month under Obama?
Landslide is about votes in an election not control of congress
They need 60 votes for a super majority. That’s how spending bills are passed. Not by majority alone. Besides they have the weekend to hash things over.
A government shutdown doesn't affect Republicans in the slightest. It's libshits who won't get access to muh bennies that will be having the hard time.
Are you telling me that a dictatorship would be preferable?
Babby's First Realization Democracy Is Dead
Fash is the way forward. Come on in for the big win
>under a republican congress
ftfy. This isn't a normal shutdown though, usually the president and congressional leaders are from opposing parties.
This is like that time you promised Clinton didn't have a seizure in front of a room full of reporters.
Clinton a shit, this is like the time you couldn't stay on topic and started wanking it to Hillary out of instinct.
most of welfare goes to southern states though since they are the poorest
That goes for most of the media. A disgusting lot.
Look, a balloon! I think its from Hogwarts!
>Trump won about 70% of the income. For congressial reps it's even more. If you look at gibs recievers it's even wider.
What's your point
and the fillibuster is unconstitutional
Finally an americunt who realizes how fucking incompetent the republicans truly are. They are preventing the country from moving forward.
I don't get it. Bill joke?
If one side mostly votes to keep government running, and the other side mostly votes against it, then it's clear who is responsible for shutting it down.
nobody votes to shut it or keep it open you dumbass. they both have to agree or else it shuts down automatically
It’s the Obatructionist Deep State Demos who deserve the blame. They want to destroy America and offer amnesty to criminals and illegals instead of Make America Great Again!
The voters spoke and elected Donald J Trump using the electoral college, Dems Chuck N’ Nancy need to heed the will of the people and work with Trump!
Our country is in danger this very second and a government shutdown will only cost lives and lead to ruin.
Fuck the Dems for trying to screw Trump’s legacy. This is on them 90%.
You can push the Schumer Shutdown but it will be known as the Shithole Shutdown
A government shutdown won't cost any lives you fucking idiot.
While it's true they need to agree at this point, it requires 60 votes. It's not like both parties have to work with the random independent candidate if they can already get the 60 votes themselves.
Don't you remember all the libs wanting Obama for a third term.
They don't care anymore as long as the person is ((approved)).
Yes until they aren't.
>how party control government not control government?
Dems threatening to shut down the government over illegal immigrants. RINOs being RINOs.
>liberals threaten to shutdown government over DACA
>"clearly republicans are at fault"
I guess letting the Tea Party and Freedom Caucus nut jobs have a say wasn't such a good idea after all...
They could pass DACA on a clean bill before lunch if they wanted. Same for CHIP.
Our National Security will be temporarily weakened and we will be at greater risk of Islamic Terrorism.
Dems might as well be pulling the trigger themselves if there’s an attack during the shutdown.
> thinks the dod and dhs just go home during a shutdown
This. I don't understand why we have to be bipartisan for everything. We know Democrats are going to go full speed through their agenda if they had the power to. Why are Republicans working with them?
He’s a dumb looking dweeb who works for (((them))) and not America.
>all party members think the same and agree on everything
GOP is the big tent. Individualist.
Dems are Big gov. Collectivist.
Is there really anything that actually happens during the shutdown? Just seems like some government employees will have to wait for their paycheck while getting some free PTO.
You know how teachers will say "there's no dumb questions"? Yeah, well this was a dumb question. The GOP has been undermining Trump since he put his name down.
>greater risk of Islamic Terrorism
bought the jew meme
>conservatives threaten to shut down government over DAVA
>"clear liberals are at fault"
i feel bad for unemployable little cucks like you.
Fuck off, shill. Democrats had complete control at first and it was still happening then. I was a libshit back then, so I know better than anyone.
DACA is on the dems to defend. Illegal executive action that was easily cancelled by trump. They should be the ones compromising, not fucking republicans
republicans controlled congress during those times also, kiddo. clearly a party incapable of governance, but what can you expect from a party that worships a TV personality, kek
last chance for dems to play along, they fuck this up and they get steamrolled
clearly you are underage as fuck. pathetic.
>smart anchor
He was the only fox anchor who went 100% overboard on Trump/ Russia. He even criticises his fox colleagues on air for not joining the trump/Russia charade.
He is a liberal faggot who supported Hillary. He will burn in hell for his faggotry and lies
There's only 30 duties delegated to the government in the U.S, constitution. If an agency isn't directly involved in one of those operations SHUT IT DOWN forever. With prejudice.
I wish.
>I was a libshit back then
We all were. Even Mussolini.
And his face looks really weird.
because the GOP is filled with nothing but RINOS that want Trump to fail.
because you need 60 votes to pass a budget bill and they have 51.
most of the federal government, all of federal reserve, and IRS need to be dissolved
Are you actually concerned about the shutdown?
clearly you are a partisan shill. pathetic
>let's ignore the full history of the situation and toss out childish smears
>wants to give the judicial tyranny even more power
the only reason for the executive overreach is to stop the judicial tyranny