Hello, I'm an Australian hapa, we are a growing number and will probably have some political power soon, so I ask you white man why do you hate us?
Why do you hate hapas?
here is a selfie of me as proof (don't roast plz ik in ugly)
Went out with a Hapa once
all hapa girls like white germanic/anglo guys or other hapas it seems I've never seen a hapa with a slav or med.
bastard mongrel, at least if you had tits you might be worth something to someone. what sort of south asian nigger west zealander creatura goblino are you?
Not so bad. At least you have good caucasian features
my mother is Japanese and my dad is anglo I'd like to see a pic of you Juan lol
thank you user :3
american and 56% whiter than you, keanu
>>posts selfie on Sup Forums
>p-p-p-p-please no make fun :~(
you gotta fucking be kidding me. i guess mongrels really are that stupid.
>why do you hate hapas?
because of r/hapas
You’re not that bad and my best friend is a Happa I’ve got no problem with you
why are you afraid of posting a selfie? Idc if I'm roasted I was being sarcastic but at least I'm not afraid to show my face. I bet you're ugly
Able to post a timestamp in a new selfie? Just for proof you aren't just shitposting
Do Elliot, how do Hapas see yourself? Asian or white?
So Elliot, how do Hapas see themselves? Asian or white?
they give up too quickly when you're just having fun with them. almost like racemixing causes autism.
>so I ask you white man why do you hate us?
I've always heard that Hapas get more shit from the asian community than they do the huwytes.
Which one is it?
i bet your jap side have jomon racial type you. It's close to caucasians. Also don't fucking use r/hapas and stay here with us mutt.
if he swears his life to hitler and disavows soyboy faggotry and niggers, i got no problem accepting him in as an honorary white, i like tight azn pussy just like his daddy does.
still going to bust his fuckin balls over it tho.
Nobody cares. Stop obsessing over race like an insecure 14 year old girl, Asian masculinity spergs are lowering general opinion more than anything else.
I don't hate you. I don't even think about or consider you. I hate my own people going extinct. You have no part in that and are just a guy. You might even be a good guy who isn't genetically diluted enough to be considered deevolution. You might be great. I don't know you.
My thing is though that you have received this half cast fate either go full white on your next gen or just quit breeding. Choice is yours. Just don't go fucking some nigger bitch and making a bunch of niggers. Niggers are definitely terrible.
hapacunt's special feelings matter
Just except it and move on
After reading this post of yours fuck it. You're full aussie. Ignore all other denominations. You're one of us mate. Cheers cunt.
>we will have political power soon
most people dont recognize her
Consider this though: all of reddit are faggots regardless of circumstance.
Not without a white cock being forced down her throat. Or maybe because ARR ROOK SAME. You decide.
Every asian girl needs a strong white man
ugly cunt
He’s not ugly at all
You sound jealous or something
Hapa females should only exist so that they can reproduce with white males.
they'd look and feel better if they were just full white
Dudes just in an ugly setting, got a shitty haircut and wearing boring clothes. If he switched those things up he would be fine. Realistically he's fine. But in the ironic Sup Forums sense I agree. I would kill myself forget genetics, based on my looks alone I would be tying a noose or preparing a warm bath with razor blades or a canister full of helium.
And asian men can get our left over ugly white women
Both of these result in the same thing dumb amerimutt. Only an amerimutt could be dumb enough to think it matters which race the mother or father was in a mixed race marriage of the same races. Doesn't make a difference at all to the offspring.
>Ceiling Cunt is watching you masturbate.
my grandpa mentioned something about that before he studies haplogroups in japan and korea
I want my children to be white or at least look white so it can better their lives
true dat.
I don't really hate hapas.
The hapas reddit is just one of the most cancerous subs of a site full of cancer...
Thank you burger bro much love
hapas are worse than mulattos
fucking ugly mongoloids, the lot of them.
Sheeit, you look whiter than my Serb friend.
I'll accept you're exceptionally retarded at spelling.
I am a bit overweight and pretty autistic I think if I worked on my social skills and lost weight I'd be fine. + the haircut obviously haha
Whats a hapa?
> hapa
> looks like an Italian
Seems kind of pointless to hate hapas when there are so many other groups of people much more deserving of hate to focus your energy on.
r/hapas is anti-white. It is probably where the hate towards hapas comes from.
You have a sister? post pics. Japanese are best gooks.
I've always assumed those were mostly butt-blasted Asian men role-playing to make themselves feel better.
im a "hapa" too, but wheres the point of identifying yourself as such? There is no group or identity outside of reddit that is "hapa". I identify as german, because its my natural identity. It would feel silly for me to distinguish myself from germans.
I have a sister who's 7 you can have her when she's 9 muhammad
I'm 100% pro aussie and see myself as such I would die for this country
Germans will never accept you as a german no matter how badly you want them to. Deep down, to them you are a mongoloid
It's when you lift the back part of someone's toilet up and take a shit in it. Next time they flush, poop will come up
No, my experiences here are very good. Never i felt differently treated because of my looks. I grew up here btw.
Europeans will never accept you as white no matter how badly you want them to. Deep down, to them you are a mutt :)
Meh.. White people are generally more accepting towards Asians. I bet you cannot even notice it anymore 2 generations down the line.
Kek, you're Australian alright.
Keep telling yourself that Chang. Asian uncle tom
Sup Forums hates hapas now? What the fuck. Listen, I get mocking hypocritical autists with yellow fever that pretend that their gravure aideru are what all asian women are like, but hapas are alright. Y'all tend to know your shit pretty well. The lefty hapa cunts all stick together on /r/hapa and try to act like they're victimized for being part asian but again, hapas are intelligent and usually fairly attractive anyway. You're by far more trustworthy than any other racial combination. Smart hapas are not literal niggers that are genetially retarded, steal, and blame whitey for all of their life's problems. You feel empathy and show signs of wanting to be productive in society, which is good.
Attractive, would be even better if you shave just the moustache.
Nobody hates hapas. The only one we genuinely hate is Eurasian Tiger. Happa women are some of the most beautiful women on the planet, and happa males are typically bro level. For some strange reason i don't care to see a white chick with an asian dude. I just don't. Seeing white women with niggers and sand niggers is repulsive though. I think it has to do with niggers and sand niggers being subhumans and typically extremely ugly. Its a disgrace for a white women to be with them.
That confederation phone case though.
Calm down Stacey, we don’t hate Hapas. We just think race mixing is bad.
white people brought you into this world and they can take you out of it YOU SUBHUMAN FFRRRRREEEEEEAAAAAAAKKSS
White blokes don't hate you. Unless you're running into white-trash who'll try to gut anyone or you believe people on Sup Forums are going to creep around the corner and bash you... It's rather unlikely anyone would reject you.
nvr mind that wasnt as amusing as i was expecting. kinda feel bad now. i'm ok with hapas. it's not like they asked to exist but now that they do there's no reason for us to be cruel to them. life has been cruel enough in birthing these monstrosities
good luck with Hapaland, best wishes
Also, on par with I don't care about white women with asians. See it actually as endearing because it's less likely to be based on a fetish and more of a personal preference. However, I've ran into a couple who I smiled at who I thought were decent and they probably though I was being sarcastic so I'm assuming that they have some sort of victim complex.
I don't mind half-asians, doesn't matter from what region. I'll be honest and say I dislike pure-bloods, that's mostly because the fair amount of them tend to create cultural ghettos and refuse to assimilate to the dominant culture.
>we are a growing number and will probably have some political power soon
>so I ask you white man why do you hate us?
^Gee its a mystery.
you're an insecure kid. grow some balls!
Dude, that's all self aware guys. All of us fell fat, like we have shit social skills and maybe we could have a better hair cut. You're one of us. Sorry for late reply but everything is fine. You're normal. Don't worry it's all gonna be great. Just so long as you choose to be aussie we will take you as one of ours. Any cunt that says otherwise is a fucking dickhead and will be rejected. Don't worry it's all good.
I don't, my waifu is a hapa
>we will have power
>how dare you hate us
Maybe we hate you because you threaten us the first chance you get, you little gookshit