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My liberal teacher is teaching us about 1950s marriage relationships today, give me some facts so she can get redpilled on the spot.

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The 50s destroyed the actual traditional family by almost enforcing on everyone to move out and ditch their extended family.

Most of humanity for most of human history lived in extended family households.

Basically the 50s were liberal bullshit that killed off traditionalism.

The Industrial Revolution destroyed the actual traditional family by almost enforcing on everyone to move out and ditch their extended family.

Most of humanity for most of human history lived in extended family households.

Basically the Industrial Revolution was transhumanist liberal bullshit that killed off traditionalism.

The Agricultural Revolution destroyed the actual traditional tribal unit by almost enforcing on everyone to move into farms and ditch their extended tribe.
Most of humanity for most of human history migrated in extended tribal territories.
Basically the Agricultural Revolution was seed-eater bullshit that killed off traditionalism.

This. Most of the social problems you see plaguing 1st world nations and now the developing countries are the result of this. Families are disjointed, mommy and daddy has to go to work 12 hour shifts just to have wages and a roof over their heads, there is no authority figure in the home anymore due to point number 2, kids now view friends, fraternities and gangs as substitute families and individuals are now isolated to its atomized parts. There's no more sense of community, no more sense of family, no sense of cohesion and no more sense neighborhood. Then whites wonder why most white people become "traitors" to their own cause, race and country when they never experienced what it's like to even be united growing up. Industrialization was a mistake. Humanity should've developed in balance and in equilibrium, not growth for the sake of feeding a technological society that demands more and more resources while at the same time stripping us away of our humanity.

>typing this unironically
>on a computer/smartphone
>over the internet

Good Times

Fuck that, I refuse to live like a fucking mexican

>have internet
>kids now become autists who spend most of their time on the internet
>thinks this is good
Don't even wonder why whites are dying off when many of you commit suicide because you are friendless or don't know even how to talk with women. But do go brag about your latest iPhone and fast internet connections, it's going to turn around the dismal white birth rates and degenerate behavior.

Feminism truly is a cancer on society

Kinsey Reports are a fraud

>bad parenting
>blames it on technology

The bipedal revolution destroyed the actual traditional primate unit by almost enforcing on everyone to move out of the trees and ditch their extended primate unit.
Most primates for most of primate history lived in trees in extended primate families.
Basically the bipedal Revolution was seed-eater bullshit that killed off traditionalism.

Had no idea they shaved their snatches back then...


I don't think they did, it's probably just trying to emulate classical sculpture so as not to look like what it really is, which is porn., in only 60 years, we have fallen soooo farrrr?
-wife knows her place
-wife's talking is always less important than a man's
-don't question his judgement

Any woman who does a unicorn...sad!

That's fucking stupid m8. In some country's especially latin ones that's true, not in n. Europe.

If she's married, ask her what she thinks her relationship to her husband will seem like in 70 years. If she's not married, I dunno, hit it?

I mean, the debate is so fucking subjective
You could bring up charts saying divorce rates and people living on a paycheck to paycheck basis have increased but there is no way to attribute either of these to the difference in gender roles 100%
You cant just argue about vague studies which you do not have on hand, or that dropping birthrates are indicative of the objective superiority of 50s gender roles, you need to argue philosophy.
In which case I would cite Socrates's conversation with Ischomachus by Xenophon.

The key part would be: (7.17) - (7.31)

Ask yourself this question, is the world better now then it was 70 years ago? I think not, and I would assume much of the reason for this is our dismissal of thousands of years of western and near eastern teachings, dating back to the fucking Epic of Gilgamesh which's entire purpose was to teach barely civilized people about the importance of gender roles.
So while they may casually say "traditional gender roles" let us remember how long these roles have been in our tradition, and that only now after deviating from these traditions is the nuclear family on fire, and we have kids running around shooting up schools or blowing their brains out dressed up like a character from danny phantom.

Technology and bad parenting rose simultaneously, the same way feminism and divorce rates rose together and vaccines and autism / down syndrome rose together.

It's not delusion nor ignorance nor tinfoil conspiracy to be able to recognize patterns.

Is it proof that the patterns are connected? Surely not, but it would be foolish to dismiss striking patterns of coincidence without taking a real hard look to see whether there's any merit.

(7.21) '"It is important then, when the provisions are brought into the home, for someone to keep them safe and to do the work of the household. A home is required for the rearing of infant children, and a home is required for making food out of the harvest. Similarly a home is required for the making of clothing from wool. (7.22) Since both indoor and outdoor matters require work and supervision", I said, "I believe that the god arranged that the work and supervision indoors are a woman's task, and the outdoors are the man's. (7.23) For the god made a man's body and soul better able to endure the cold and heat of travel and military service, so that he assigned to him the outdoor work. But the god endowed the woman with a body less able to endure these hardships and so"', Ischomachus told me he said, '"I believe that he assigned the indoor work to her. (7.24) With this in mind the god made the nursing of young children instinctive for women and gave her this task, and he allotted more affection for infants to her than to a man.

(7.25) '"The god designated that the woman should guard what is brought into the household, because he knew that a fearful soul is better at guarding. He also gave a greater share of fearfulness to the woman than to the man. Because he knew that it would be necessary for the one who did the outdoor work to defend the household, if someone tried to hurt it, he allotted to him a greater share of courage. (7.26) But because it was necessary for both to give and take, he divided the shares of memory and concern equally between them, so that it is impossible to decide whether the female or the male excels in this respect. (7.28) Because the natures of the two sexes are not equally well equipped in all the same respects, for that reason they have greater need of one another and the yoke is mutually beneficial, because what one lacks the other has.

I shortened it a lot because of the character limit







Lol my teacher gave us this in school to show how oppressed women were.


shaven in the 50s?


hit them up with this quote - normies love churchill

Pat her on the bum and tell her you'll take it from here user.
If she gets hysterical you may have to slap her.
She's probably in love with you so you ought to pin her down and rape her.
The 1950s were fucking awesome.

another good quote

>catering for his comfort will provide you with immense personal satisfaction
That sounds an awful lot like my brother's wife.

worth bringing up the state of (((welfare)))

go find a brief rundown of "sex and culture" by JD Unwin

a goodie, although that should be presented more as an implicit conclusion given the facts above (with the opinions of famous people peppered in to argue against appeals to authority / the status quo)

This. The traditional family throughout most of human history was the extended family. The 50s style nuclear family is actually a function of the nuclear age. (((Industrialization))) turned human beings into units of labor. Post war American accelerated the process with VA loans moving families to the (((suburbs))) and losing any sense of community beyond some nebulous concept of 'Merica, and (((freedom))). Read Evola.

Don't spout out controversial facts/opinions like a sperg, focus more on humoring and implying things

Neutral enough to not get you kicked out, but enough thought provoking to make people asking questions

some stats on promiscuity

You're probably right, but only simple minds will appeal to popculture or even historical support for something that is common sense natural law.

Granted, kids today have been utterly brainwashed, anyone that reads it and already has a latent sense of gender identity will understand and connect with it.

Everyone else should just be gassed for their own good.

Mate, your teacher is only there to indoctrinate you. You can't change her mind, because she already knows "the truth". The only thing that will happen is that you'll get labelled as a nazi, sexist and rapist. She will probably flunk you and maybe get you kicked out of school. You will get put on a watchlist. If you absolutely want to do something, then focus on your classmates. Maybe anonymously leave out flyers debunking last week's class.

quality post, thanks m8

I like you

as says

maybe focus on the harms of promiscuity, single mothers, and the declining rate of female happiness

throwing in some stuff about how sex dolls and artificial wombs might replace women could be funny

I'd argue trying to redpill her (OP's teacher) would be a worthless endeavour if she was / is already a full blown 3rd wave feminist nut.

Also, like the earlier thread about some kid that nearly got kicked out of law school over bringing up Jews, I don't know how you could NOT bring them up as part of any argument regarding the decline of western culture in lieu of unabashed hedonism we see rampant today.

Godspeed OP, ask her out for coffee away from school and redpill her on das jude. You might be able to get away with appearing to be an anti semite if the discussion takes place off school grounds.

oh, for sure

bring up "The Paradox of Declining Female Happiness"

basically women used to be happier than men in the 1970s, and now (despite all the "advances" of feminism) men are happier than women

Divorce courts and Nanny state destroyed the ideal marriage/family scenario. The nuclear family was a major upgrade to the previously thought "normal" massive farming enclaves where whites were indentured servants to other whites (or jews) and lived 13-15 people to a single room and had to walk 150 ft to the nearest outhouse to shit/piss/jackoff.

Everyone on here decrying everything that made progress in this nation possible is a fucking moron. Men allowing feminism to become a thing fucked this country.


Yes. Continue this thread of research.

Who started the Industrial Revolution? What ethnic group could be considered most responsible for its growth? What is the REAL goal of "progress" and what are we progressing toward?

All good except I would personally want to hear the washer and dryer running when I get home as a reminder that she's actually doing the work.

>what are we progressing towards?

Ask any liberal that and their head will explode. Test them on exactly just how far they're willing to allow humans to devolve into unrestrained animals.

I don't get this graph

>Who started the Industrial Revolution? What ethnic group could be considered most responsible for its growth?
Anglo-Saxons, specifically the British. Let's face it, humanity's greed is what caused the start of it. Industrialization usually dies off early because goods become cheap as hell making profits very unlikely unless you have colonies or countries to dump your excess goods on just as was the case in the of the British. China had early industrialization but due to mass production making goods very, very cheap and having no colonies to dump them on, profits died out and industrialization stopped. Jews are only a part of the problem. The problem were the policies of the British from the start of which the Jews only took advantage of.

>What is the REAL goal of "progress" and what are we progressing toward?
Nothing. Growth for the sake of growth is cancer and parasitism. Unfortunately, countries also have to adopt policies of industrial growth so they don't get left behind. This causes untold strain on the Earth, our environment and our humanity. We're feeding the monster called "technological progress" for the sake of its progress and it won't stop until it consumes all resources.

>t. La Creatura de Americanos

you have to be 18 to post here
1 post by ID
Sup Forums is porn free

Nothing to say, really. Men use to have more power in relationships as the breadwinners. It was normal then to get married right out of high school to your high school sweetheart and to spend the rest of your life with that person. Then feminism came along and told women they would be happier working full-time jobs and competing against men. Now women swear up and down that they don't need men for anything. Birth rates are in decline and the happiness of women had declined.

t.high school dropout

Shit son, all that should be done by then. If the washer and dryer are running when you get home, when is she going to change them? When's she going to fold and hang them? Because after I get home it's family time, and there's no way in hell those clothes sitting wet in the washer or getting wrinkled in the dryer overnight is okay.

The "reminder she's doing the work" is everyone's clothes being exactly where they're supposed to be. You shouldn't be reminded of the work. It should simply be done.

The more attractive you are the better your personality is perceived. Basically, women are the niggers of gender.

people who get rated as "physically attractive" also get rated as "having an attractive personality". i.e. people are shallow and say that pretty people are interesting

ask your teacher/class if they think that the great ancient philosophers were just stupid bigots when they made comments about women




maybe finish by reminding your teacher of this study




Queen of Sup Forums




delightful. I have lived with a woman before. Seen some pretty nasty things - once she got boils on her underarms (because she was not hygienic with her razor)
