Daily reminder religion is for the weak

Daily reminder religion is for the weak

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Religion was a failed attempt by men to prevent women from being total sluts.

Religion was behind such rules as "thou shalt not commit adultery", and "thou shalt stone mega whores", and "thou shalt not bugger thy brother's keeper." The rise of secularism naturally leads to a rise in sluttery and faggotry, and America is ground zero, The Great Whore of Babylon. After science in all its wisdom invented The Pill, it pretty much destroyed any hope of religion putting a lid on women's rampant hypergamy. With The Pill firmly in place to destroy society, that naturally led to an increase in faggotry, since men realized that every woman around them was hopelessly damaged goods and unfit to be a mother by the time she wanted to settle down at age 40 and stop sucking a new cock every weekend. However, Mudslimes and The Amish and parents who don't let their daughters have smartphones still make some effort to keep sluttery in check, to prevent their women from becoming filthy American whores.

Religion is a poison that causes a severe mental illness rooted in delusion and causes it's victims to willingly infect other subjects or kill them if unsuccessful. Created and dispersed throughout the history of mankind by mankind, because of the greatest and everlasting fear of the unknown, in order to make up answers to questions not yet answered or questions that will never be answered, that lack meaning or importance, like why we are here or who made us. The majority of people ask themselves these questions every day: instead of getting on with their meaningless, parasitic lives and maybe trying to be less of an asshole. Since then, religion has been one of the biggest sources of drama, faggotry, and unwarranted self-importance in the world today, secondary only to the internet. For millennia, random losers believed that they were the chosen ones, and claimed that they were following the one true religion of God, Allah, the Flying Spaghetti Monster, Shiva, Zeus, Osiris, or whatever else they believed. Meanwhile, all others are infidels, this leads many gullible people to randomly go out and kill practically anyone they disagree with—they will all serve an eternity in hell. (Even though these murderers ignore that killing is probably condemned in their own faith. But such common sense doesn't compute with any kind of fundamentalist.)

Religion is responsible for such insanity as Christfags, who believe that beating someone half to death with a 2,000 year old book will heal them and that some cosmic fucking Jewish zombie can make you live forever if you symbolically eat his flesh and telepathically tell him that you accept him as your master, so he can remove an evil force from your soul that is present in humanity because a skinny rib woman was convinced by a talking snake to eat from a magical tree somewhere in a metaphorical paradise with animals chilling alongside each other. Muslims believe that if they blow themselves up they will get 72 virgin goats.

Good post
Good post

>ITT: pussies who can't handle Jesus

I'll pray for you OP, hope you recover from fedorashit soon.

>The majority of people ask themselves these questions every day: instead of getting on with their meaningless, parasitic lives and maybe trying to be less of an asshole.
Libtard detected, why do you fly the NatSoc flag?

do you have any other argument against atheism or are you such a brainlet that you let memes decide your personality?

You were born atheist and adapted a religion. You can't recover from a natural condition.

Most athiests are progressive fanatics demand open borders to destroy the ethnic homogeneity of a nation, so clearly atheism has no bearing on the worth of an individual.

>You were born atheist and adapted a religion.
Yeah no shit, I'm not a retard that attacks the traditions that hold a society together.

Tell me, do you believe there exist people who need religion to live a good life? If so, why do you have such a fanatical desire to debunk religion for these people if you know that they will certainly become degenerate if you do so?

Atheists are annoying faggots, I don't need more than that.

Religion is cancer

>polacks who suck at photshopping

Except you get your head cut off here, filthy apostates.

No, the cancer is athiests who don't understand the actual consequences of debunking religion to the masses.

Religion is for the simple hearted and for the highly gifted. Atheism is for the mediocre, the materially-blinded, the sterile, that depressed, the lukewarm, the muddled.

ITT Kike shills

we had this thread yesterday and you got BTFO you polish wanker

sure thing, virgin.

Once the elite Satanism hits the mainstream, atheism is going to be absolute toast.

so if an individual were to renounce religion and also be in favor of closed borders, would you or would you not be BTFO?

>ITT pic related.

was this before or after you started worshipping the cock?

Follow the leader, kill yourself like little faggot adolf. You're failures, just like him.

case in point.

That wouldn't be insulting even if it were true.

Fedoras and Christcucks both will go to Gulag... so don't worry!

You mean like making everyone hate on Genetic Eng. and end up conquered by chink master race?
Be my guest, burger.

Yeah you open the umbrellas shown when you leave. and then you wallow in your misery and confusion at what life "ought" to be.

Hello plebbit, how's the fedora hanging today?

I never get that reasoning. Surely it must be easier to be an atheist and believe that none of your actions got consequnces?

Only the Amish religion is exempt from this rule, it takes a strong man to become an Amish. Usually atheists, after seeing the terrible things the outside world has to offer, become Amish, it is a natural progression.

From a logical view point, religion makes no sense. Most atheists are liberal faggots. But that doesnt change reality. If I visit a tribe of humans that have been isolated for thousands of years, they won't be convinced by a book. There's no proof of a God, therefore I can't be religious. I've always held this belief. But reference stefan molyneux on why religion makes no sense. Means to an end, sure. If you're Christian and not a cunt, that's perfectly fine.

>Implying Religion is only to suppress people
Then why does my religion give me free will? And simply spell out how to live correctly?
>Implying the diversion from religion through sciences that allow and condone degeneracy is religions fault
Just because religion failed doesn't mean religion is at fault. The pill wouldn't matter if women weren't inherently sluts and made the right choices. It's all down to free will. I'd easily trade 12 sluts for one faithful woman. Not a slut forced into marital servitude.
>Religion is about holy killings and martyrdom
Maybe Islam.
>Religion has been one of the biggest sources of drama, faggotry, and un-waranted self-importance
Corruption did that. People ARE assholes. Thats also not religions fault. Most religions tell you to be graceful and tread lightly.
>beating someone half to death with a 2,000 year old book will heal them

Great bait. But its funny that your reddit tier posts brandish that flag, a flag draped in white-nationalism with the foundation that a particular god sanctioned their actions. Religion is the assembly of culture, and the attempt to organise people into the correct way of living. Human greed and political corruption are the root cause of all of your grievances.

>believes the atheism fairy magically exploded nothing from everything, for no reason, and that that somehow turned into sentient life
>deserves an argument

Pick one fedora

I'm not attacking anything. Although I don't believe everyone needs religion to live a good life, people can believe in whatever they want. I have no desire to "debunk" it, because it can't be debunked, nor can it be proved real.
But I think you give religion too much credit. I come from the most atheist country in Europe, we are still nationalist and hold together. In my country, religion is useful for the old folk to ease leaving this world, but that's about it.

>can be like
Doesn't mean it's necessary so

>ITT: people who are "religious" because they don't want to be associated with libtard faggots

Lmao, new level of insecurity

Atheists are so stupid that they can't even see that god could still be a decent stand in for the concept of Consequence for the near-retarded who could otherwise never understand it.

That's probably why so many retards find god after they're in prison and god/consequence has caught up with them.

Daily reminder that society cannot exist without religion, and that the religion that caused the most prosperity and growth was Christianity, while all other religions (kikes and sand-dwellers) and done nothing on their own

>accusing atheists of believing in magical fairies
the irony

The progressives hate genetic engineering because it's racist.

Doesn't change the reality that most atheists think just because they renounced the religion of their parents they're somehow immune from believe in bullshit.

Both my parents are athiests and I was raised an athiest. I don't have this insecure hatred of religion because I wasn't raised by evangelical parent like most athiest that turn in hardcore progressives.

>what correctly interpreting all the scriptures is like
>inb4 gnoticism

>society cannot exist without religion

Of course society can exist without religion, you just haven't ever left America. look at Japan, for example.

well, fuck, looked at a wrong flag, argument still stands though



rain doesnt come out of umbrella.

god damn atheists are fucking stupid faggots

>Declining birthrates and rampant degeneracy
While Japan is definately one of the better countries in the world, its not lasting at all

i acknowledge you, satan, but also i should point out that youre using a strawman.
atheists tending to hold additional, and very shitty opinions doesnt make God real.

There is no "logical objection to religion." Don't use that word 'logic' if you don't understand it.

All GREAT thinkers are theists. Acknowledgment of God is acknowledgement if the infinite, which is necessary to all greatness of thought and action.

The atheist is a crawler. He clings to what he is sure of because he is AFRAID of what lies beyond it. Pop atheism is the atheist's attempt to enforce his timid compromise with infinity on everyone, so he won't be reminded of his limitations and terror by those flaunting their liberation.

I know. This is why I argue that religion is good regardless of if there is a God or not. So I really don't get the whole: "hurr durr religion is for the weak"

I dare the OP to name a single succeful atheist society


Yes, but all your babble is virtually meaningless. Pray to God and ask for help and shut the fuck up.

Sweden. Communist and Atheist dreamland.

Most westerners define religion as believing in some deity, but plenty of easterners have superstitious beliefs without a belief in a deity.

If religion was so bad for human survival, we would have not evolved the capability to believe in it. Those that reject blatant religion simply allow it to manifest in ways that are harder to identify. For instance, most Marxists treat Marx as a prophet rather than just an economist. They dogmatically try to implement his "perfect" system. Yet, despite the fanaticism and dogmatism Marxism doesn't fit the traditional definition of a "religion". Most Marxists would claim their beliefs are the result of pure logic and reasoning.

So fucking what if God isn't real?
I care about the material world and the way beliefs impact that world. If people believing in irrational things cause less problems for me then I want them to believing in irrational things.

You would complain that a person doesn't do bad things if he only doesn't do it because of irrational reasons. I, however, am content with a person who doesn't do bad things for irrational reasons.

We were much more succesful when we were fanatical Christians. Then we had an Empire.

What material success we had afterwards were just an afterglow and now even that is fading away. No my countrymen needs to return to God on a massive scale so we can reconquer lost glories (and kick Finland's fucking ass the arrogant cunts)

How the hell do they explain jesus? He can't be a malevolent liar, the things he said are too good and true, he can't be crazy because he's too consistent and he had loyal as fuck followers, that just leaves him being divine in some way.

I can do conservative thinking on my own and don't need those fairy tales in my life.

It's those weak soyboy commies who come from religious background because their bloodlines could never survive with normal labor.

chances are high that i will do none of those things

Being an atheist= being a mentally enslaved retard.
In order to deny a Creator, you must believe in billions and billions of random consecutive miracles that made the very existance of matter -as we know it- a subatomic reality.

Atheists delude themselves into thinking they're rational and pro-science, when in fact the very studying of the quantification of our physical reality makes you realize how much order and design there are in this universe.

God is real

Religion protects you. If it weren't for religion being the underlining philosophy of our laws, anyone bigger and badder than you could assrape you into submission for being a whiny little faggot. So, whether god exists or not, you have religion to thank for every moment in your life.

ITT a bunch of faggots who can't accept that there is no life after death

Even in western world, white birthrates are in decline. And don't get me started on degeneracy. I don't think it's the matter of religiousnes/non-religiousness. Even though I can agree that christianity has some inherent and beneficial traditional values.


There is no such thing as "correct interpretation" of the bible. Religion is a subjective social construct hence no objective truth can be discovered, and its purposefully ambiguous to widen the possible patterns of meaning that can be detracted.

Also do I need to remind you that Abrahamic relgions are jewish design to the core?

"Christian religion is the religion of a civilized society. She raises a man, preaching the supremacy of the spirit over matter. Do not respect this religion, that is, be deprived of healthy moral concepts and devote yourself to intellectual libertinism, which brings disorganization of society." - Napoleon Banaparte

Ateism is a main source of degeneracy worldwide. OP is a shill or just a common idiot

And you will continue to marinate in ignorance and mediocrity. Does it make you feel powerful? Like you have tremendous control over something? Is that feeling deep, or superficial?

I think i agree with the sentiment that if christianity ruled the world, it would be a better world because christians are bred to be good people. but the reality that we live in is that Christianity is tied to two other fucking horrible religions. to me, it seems that all must go if society is to move forward

>now watch as i smoke $300 of weed at once.


>Hitler killed himself
What a naive child.

>order to deny a Creator, you must believe in billions and billions of random consecutive miracles that made the very existance of matter -as we know it- a subatomic reality.

Not really it just means using a slightly different and slightly less anthropocentric set of axioms and views - in the same sense that a creator cannot exist without requiring a creator.

Have to be wary about seeing systems that persist or increase in complexity as being evidence of design because its not the best reasoning.

God can only be known through revelation.

You are right, now what started this decline in birthrights? And what to many immigrants who have high birthrates possess?

thank christ it's not judaism though. 90% of that is marginal bickering.

>And what to many immigrants who have high birthrates possess?

Nigga, what?

The idea that "you cease to exist for eternity after physical death" isn't even conceptually coherent (if you attempt to examine it with any rigor). It's just an attempt by the atheist to master his terror with a platitude. But it's worthless, and it's time to wake up.

Christians are terrible and mental gymnastics experts. Second only to fucking Muslims.

>Mutt education

they all say "oh it'll be like when i sleep without dreaming or like how it was before i was dead"


Then do you believe that you existed for all eternity before you were physically born?
It's just an attempt by a ignorant person to try make sense of the things that frighten him. Not to mention assuming that its impossible to not exist for all eternity when its just as impossible to exist in some wonderland for all eternity

based on the picture you included it appears that religion is for the strong

Europe walked that path
It embraced atheism which led it towards progressivism.
And now they support importing millions of muslims that breed at a rate much higher than the natives.

Well, that's my argument against athiesm.
Athiesm is a vacuum waiting to be filled.
Europe abandoned most of it's Christian values in favor of progressive ones and look where it is now.

What caused decline in birthrights is questionable. Immigrants who have high birthrates are almost exclusively muslim. And Islam as a religion is a sure way to bring your country back to middle ages.

well i can see youre trying to attack me personally, and not talk about the topic anymore. (thats what inorance actually looks like, by the way). but no, i dont feel powerful or that i have control over anything but myself.

Do YOU feel in charge or that this gives YOU power over me?

>religion is for the weak

may god have mercy on your soul for saying stuff like that.

god that's common.

I would argue that they instead took islam over christianity, whether they meant to or not.
they didnt take a hard enough stance on being atheist, they just ended up pushing away christianity and only christianity

I guess humans are tribal in nature, they need a leader. And there is no better leader than omnipotent deity. Not everything makes sense from the evolutionary standpoint
I'm not arguing religion is bad for society (if we leave out Islam). My point is non-religiousness isn't inherently bad either. As I said, I come from a country where everyone I know is an atheist and being christian means being the odd one, not the other way around. We are doing just fine, and I don't understand why are we still fighting on Sup Forums.

When you leave your religion you get nothing.

Ironically, Czech Republic is the most atheist one among those countries.

>religion is useful for the old folk to ease leaving this world, but that's about it.

You sound like a fucking communist. I thought you had enough of communist tanks but guess I was wrong.

My guess, seeing that it seems to be true of all evangelical atheists, is that you haven't really thought about what atheism means, and you still believe some version of Christianity minus God.

Ask yourself just what exactly who or what you mean mean by "they". A far more interesting question

Most people in the West are fortunate enough to only ever experience religion as a voluntary thing rather than something as arbitrary social pressure - it completely changes how you experience it.

>I guess humans are tribal in nature, they need a leader. And there is no better leader than omnipotent deity. Not everything makes sense from the evolutionary standpoint

It's a means for humans to understand consequence. You know what happens to people who don't understand consequence? Their lives become hell.

it's mostly figurative but it has tremendous survival advantage.

Because atheism is a communist tool to destroy nations and get commies into power.

Daily reminder the Bible is a compilation of historical accounts that people went to extreme lengths and sacrificed their lives while receiving NO PERSONAL GAIN while insisting it was the truth, when they could have lived if they denied Christ. But they didn't.

Jesus lived performing miracles, died innocent, rose on the third day of the will of the Father, and ascended into Heaven, E X A C T L Y as ancient Old Testament prophecies said He would.

Better brake out the war wagons Hus

Care to explain what my views on religion have to do with my views on economy? I'm a right wing conservative.