Why are Greeks still part of the European Union?

Why are Greeks still part of the European Union?

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shit stirring you meme flag faggot

Fucking this.

Greeks are whiter than the average westener

Athene looks worse than Turkey

goo DOT gl/maps/RhcXqLeWwAA2

Change dot

Good question I guess people were too afraid to leave europe.. along with left wing propaganda and brainless people. I believe it would be so much better to leave in the first place. Also show us your flag turk.

Show flag roach

>implying Germany would let all that debt go

The disinformation is real. Athens is the best city to live in and i have lived in many cities in my life.

To give China a gateway into Europe

It looks completely like a Middle Eastern shithole no matter how many kebabs your uncle send your for free

this dumb cunt does not know the beauty of Edessa

No it doesnt. The center is full of sand niggers. East full of gipsies. Apart from that quality of life is good.

because we are the most european

>Greece 69%
>Turkey 69%


For a week or something its awesome. Try to live for a year. Same in crete. Same in every fucking touristic place. I personally live for 3 years in chania and heraklion in crete and cannot fucking stand it

They are self-hating obviously

i saw like no tourists there, we are talking about the same awesome Macedonian town right?

I mean greek tourists, its only famous for greeks.

meme flag r*ach rape babies

I'm here rapebaby.
Stop seeing Turks everywhere. If you want to see a Turk check your mother's bedroom.

this you?

The Greeks were the crucibles of Western civilization. Of course, it was THOSE Greeks and not THESE Greeks, but a European Union without Greece doesn't sit right with me. If they don't belong there, who the hell does?

I remember reading about the Philhellenes (people who are in love with everything Greek) leaving their homes in Europe to fight for the Greeks against the Ottomans for their independence. Once they arrived, they were dumbfounded by what they saw: These Greeks were not the Greeks they read about in their history books, the Greeks who produced the works of philosophy, literature, and art with which they fell so deeply in love, they weren't the progenitors of Western civilization, they were backward, toothless, country idiots.

They still fought for them, though. That's because they felt the way any Westerner should feel: Greece may be fucked up beyond repair, but Greece is the mother of our civilization whether we like it or not.

I love you, mama Greece. Please stay with us.

Her DNA results shouldn't be surprising western anatolia was greek before the shitskin invasions. After the turks came in, there was a lot of BLANDAA UPP. Modern turks aren't the same as the ancient turks who came all the way from siberia/mongolia/around-there. Modern turks are mostly greek mixed with this mongoloid blood as well as arab, north africa, and kike blood.

>same i'm a philhellene too

she's half Balkan half Anatolian Turk you absolute amerimutt.
>Modern turks aren't the same as the ancient turks who came all the way from siberia/mongolia/around-there
Turks didn't migrate from Mongolia to Anatolia.


Nice reading comprehension.

Also regarding their origin:
>The population ancestral to the Turks is thought to have included the Xiongnu of Mongolia or along the upper Yenisei in Siberia (the area of the contemporary Tuvan language), known from historical sources. The Han chronicle of the Xiongnu, included in the Records of the Grand Historian of the second century BCE, traces a legendary history of them back a thousand years before the Han to a legendary ancestor, Chunwei, a supposed descendant of the Chinese rulers of the Xia dynasty[1] (c. 2070 – c. 1600 BCE). Chunwei lived among the "Mountain Barbarians" Xianyun or Hunzhu. Xianyun and Hunzhu's names may connect them to the Turkic people, who later were said[by whom?] to have been iron-workers and to have kept a national shrine in a mountain cave in Mongolia.

>Nice reading comprehension.
Subhuman mutt

>Also regarding their origin:
So ancestors of Turks' ancestors were from Siberia yes. But ancestors of Turks were from Southwestern Central Asia.

you say it as if it's a bad thing
check flag

>So ancestors of Turks' ancestors were from Siberia yes. But ancestors of Turks were from Southwestern Central Asia.
Do you realize how retarded you sound?



>Mutt calling anyone retarded

Modern day Turks came from Turkmenistan yes? Yes. Where did the Turks in Turkmenistan came from? From Mongolia/Siberia etc.


Athens really looks shitty. The quality of life is alright though and the crime rates are low, still wouldn't want to live there. The islands feel like a different planet.

yerro pussy

...which means they came from Mongolia/Siberia, like I originally said.

cos they're lazy nigs hooked on gibs

I mean we have romania, bulgaria, the baltics, fucking cyprus and we're about to get the rest of the balkanshits in

and you complain about greece?
greece is bad currently but we can and we will get worse

>wuz ancient greekz n shieet

by that logic we're all actually African because we all came from Africa.

europe stops at the urals and the black sea m8, all these fags have to join at some point.

>quit europe while you low key invented it

Greeks are definitely not white, but whiter than mudfaced turks/jihadis

>African because we all came from Africa.
speak for yourself, nigger

>mfw ukraine in the union
we would collapse the next day

The shit skins the hebrews want to replace us won't have an easy ride getting in.

They are already a shithole. without the EU they'll Become Ultra Shithole.

faggot sissy t*rkroach sandnigger

Hey look. The niggriest western country in the world hates on Europe again.

Go to fucking KFC to grab a Cardi B special promtion bucket of salt and grease topped with some bodank yellow Sheckelbug Rosenstein cooked up for you so your fat asses feel better about moving the Jew embacy to Jewrusoldem.

We’ll be over here enjoying culture you dirty swine.

Hey look. The niggriest western country in the world hates on Europe again.

Go to fucking KFC to grab a Cardi B special promtion bucket of salt and grease topped with some bodank yellow Sheckelbug Rosenstein cooked up for you so your fat asses feel better about moving the Jew embacy to Jewrusoldem.

We’ll be over here enjoying culture you dirty swine.

You’re a continent. And yet no one cares what you have to say. Go fight some Emus.

what the fuck france???

i guess this is military grade.

We don't want to be in EU either, we do everything we can to get out of it but they're not letting us.

we? just you golden dawn turd.

Fuck off memeflag

Fuck off and take your shitty flag with you

Are you autistikos?

> Hitler fucked Greece over royally

> Golden Dawn loves him

> They call themselves nationalists

What more do you need to know?

Those primates are the result of Slavs raping and replacing Greeks during the early middle ages. Notice the distinct Slavic characteristics combined with Greek skin tones.

how much feta, olive oil, oregano and lemon juice we need to fix this burn you just made.

(((golden dawn))) aren't anti-EU you absolute moron

hahahaha yes they are promoted by juncker himself. Gtfo.

They don't have a plan to lead us out of the Euro

>promoted by juncker
wouldn't surprise me if he did promote them if they had higher stats, it would be good for D&C

did greece legalize pot recently?

Idk... Cyprus?

Yes for farmaceutical use...

corrupt doctor eh? "backpains"

pic related.

A fellow Philhellene, from Indonesia of all places.

This thread is fucking cancer. I can't believe the amount of mongrels shitting on Greece. Without the Greeks, the Western world wouldn't have had the foundation and pillars on which we were settled and raised.

this looks like the first level of serious sam 3

Athens has 6 million people, are you serious ? posting a densly populated part and saying 'shithole' what sort of 0 iq mong are you anyway

thatsa not even what happened

you are a shithole , and you're literally 1/3 arabs/niggers , fuck off already poor pally kike

is that true?

>1 post by this ID

still achmed is right
why the hell