Morning edition
America Hate Thread
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Why do you hate freedom?
are you sure this pic was taken in the USA?
I mean less than half look white... Isnt it supposed to be a bit more than half??
Fuck off shill. Everyone answering without sage is a newfag.
Have you done any research, user?
when will Sup Forums take that one final very bitter redpill?.. white trash / bogans are worse than any niggers or jews, period..
that girl must be fucking 13.
>fuck off nahzeee i wunt freedum
America is responsible for all of the worlds problems
Come on, you know it's not the population's fault. We've been under attack at least since 1965.
>at least im not yropoor
Why doesn't the land of free rise up and kill the (((people))) ruining the world and their country? You have guns remember
The same reasons no one else does.
Not a single blonde male. Is 56% face meme real?
>all those dollar bills
>spreads her ass and shows her tits so she can afford a quarter pounder meal at McDs
the pure degeneracy of this moment and the wholesale defeat in her face is probably one of the most hottest photos of all time
Can we also hate on the creator?
I was thinking the same.
On the ol' Conquest-Consolidation-Expansion-Degeneration-Conquest line, America stands at degeneration.
>mfw my American friend told me it's at consolidation when I asked what he thinks
Why do we worry about America so much?
As a non american this is always embarrassing.
Thanks for the meme.
yankee go home
why would we do your job for you Achmed?
this has to be edited
Only good song by Ernst Busch
luv this pic. that chick has surely been sucking the glass dick.
yfw you realise he had to take these to be developed
I am seeing a smug smirk, not defeat. Like pepe is in the back of her mind saying "at least you are safe being surrounded by family".
sage all shill bread
There are many good songs from Ernst Busch.
Me on the right
>hating riot police
Nigger detected.
What is glass dick?
Wisconsin in a county with 97% white feels good man
Because deep down you know that America is the leader of the world and if we go down then we all go down.
I don't hate America. I just hate these disgusting people how lives on her.