How do you feel about Don Patch?
How do you feel about Don Patch?
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He's the main character.
Can he defeat Saitama?
I'd fuck him when he wears the dress.
I think he should stop bullying Tennosuke.
He isn't being serious enough
He's my best brother
Season 2 never. I tried reading the mangaka's other work but it was just too boring
He's our very important snack food
Do subs even exist for Bobobo?
All I've ever seen, in years of searching, is the dub
Hokuto no Gun were doing the manga, dunno if they did or plan to do the anime. They might since its beloved by the staff since its a Hokuto no Ken parody that extended to an overall shounen parody.
The dub for bobobo is just too good.
Orange Sanic
Not really. It depends if he has his don patch hammer.
Is that Nazo?
What if he only has his Don Patch sword?
It's about as weak as a green onion.
Dub is fine for Bobobo. Watch it if you still can't find subs.
I already have, so now I want foreign jokes
I find that, in a comedy setting, manga or english dub works better than reading subs.
You're wrong.
Well you can't kill Don Patch, because he's stupid. So it'd end in a stalemate.
Maybe, Bobobo characters enter the realm of the reality warpers. Saitama's strength will not do him any good when he turns into a carrot floating in the Really?! Dimension.
It's an opinion. Those can't be wrong mr autismo
someone needs to find the don patch with beauty spinoff and translate it
That's not true, though bobobo's dub was enjoyable
I think moreso than being able to find a dub or sub, Toei toned down a lot of the joke and took out a lot of the physical comedy. Most times when Bobobo Hits someone with a beg hefty weapon or Punches them, they change it to him just smacking them around a bit with nosehair, which just doesn't have the same comedic timing or energy behind.
Let's not forget all the blood got taken out.
I didn't realize that much was changed, I only ever watched it when it was airing on toonami 12 years ago
I never liked spain dubs, but I liked the one for Bobobo
Best fight in anime
Same here
It's a shame subs are nowhere to be found even today, I didn't realize it aired 12 years ago doesn't even feel like it
Do you like the opening?
japanese weirdness
Did you prefer Jelly Jiggler?
BAKA SURVIVOR is better.
No it isnt moronic tripidiot.
nah, is clearly better
sanic vs don patch when?
a cross between sonic the hedgehog and vegeta
what's not to love?
They don't make them like this anymore.
It's a crime that there are no futa pics of her.
Depends of who is the funniest, so don patch
i hate how the show started explaining every joke afther the white guy fight.
the show wasnt really the same and felt almost like it was taking its powerlevels seriously.
that one scene with suzu really frenched my fries if you know what i mean
Reminder that I want to fuck Beauty hardcore
Because she's a beautiful girl who needs a good dicking
Do you like Jelly Jiggler?
HnG just released an ep of Bobobo a few days ago.
I'm almost caught up with them on Kinnikuman. They're so slow I might as well continue with the manga once I finish the Devil Chojin arc.
>Lucky symbol
Fuck Funimation
But seriously, why did Tennosuke like it so much?
What's your problem?
This is such a good fucking song
The Ulfuls need to get there shit together and do more anime stuff
Although there kind of going into a different style of music then what they used to be, take their newest song Baka Yard for example
This isn't a very good show.
Fuck off Jelly Jiggler
Don't say that to Jelly Jiggler!!
Is this one of those anime where Sup Forums accepts the dub is great?
Sup Forums accepts the dub here because the dub is the only thing available
Unless you think Sup Forums can hear in moon?
Yes. The dub voices are arguably better as well. Bobobo sounds tough as fuck and Don sounds like a prick.
Yeah, it probably wouldn't work if it weren't for the oddball humor
So nobody knows of any place to watch the anime in japanese?
I've seen clips of the dub on youtube. They really nailed it with the casting in english.
Nvm took 2 seconds
I've seen few clips and determine the subs are better,and waiting for more subs
t. weeb
The dub for comparison.
Easily better
>HnG just released an ep of Bobobo a few days ago.
Well I haven't checked them in a couple of years, so I guess I have a couple of new episodes to watch now.
you know i find it weird that bobobo doesn't have a complete set of subs
i mean it even aired on toonami
lot's of people know about it
i don't see why it wouldn't have subs after all this time
i could imagine the jokes and puns being kinda hard to translate
but after all this time there's still not a complete set for bobobo
that's fucking weird
3 bobobo threads? whats going on is there a revival?
>tfw I finally get the joke serious don patch is a joke how mostly comedic relief character become insanely strong when serious.
man Ive seen this show at least twice now dubbed, makes me watch to watch it again.
ive been rewatching gintama but man the jokes told by bo bo bo feel flat because it sounds like its being said by a newscaster or something. don patch is weird for me, it sounds like it should be for serious don patch.
I guess its probably too hard to find the raws for it nowadays
Did Bobobo ever finish or did it get canceled?
well theres two manga, bobobo and shingetsu bbobo. they're both completed but only shingetsu seems to be completely scanlated.
When your lifes a mess and full of clutter~
Have yourself some honey butter!
I fucking love the opening. And the amount of Bo-bobo talk lately.
A friendly reminder that this cutie is made when Dengakuman crawls into Bobobo's ass
main chara best chara
Is he a meme character?
Hence the dick
Fuck off
>brown Softon
Was this a manga thing?
>Bobobo and DIO are sharing the same VA
No they aren't.
Did you like Pickle?
Yes they are. the VA for Dio in the 2007 film also voices Softon.
>the 2007 film
Not even Studio APPP remembers that fucking movie
He cannot beat Tough Looking Guy