What is the appeal of traps? Why does a man looking/pretending to be like a girl make people go crazy?

What is the appeal of traps? Why does a man looking/pretending to be like a girl make people go crazy?

Taboo appeal.

Because people are not cats.
What the fuck is he? A cat? Or a person?
This is really fucking confusing.


And how can people say that traps are "not gay"?

It's a power thing. You're so great, other men basically become women for you.

Gender is not determined by genitalia so along as the person identifies as female, she is a woman.

Cute penises. Taboo. Gay butt stuff.

Because they are a meme.

Yes, like lolis and tsunderes.

Dicks are way better than vaginas.

It's a matter of femininity vs masculinity. Men are naturally attracted to femininity and women are naturally attracted to masculinity. Imagine you meet the cutest girl ever and she was basically the ideal girl, and you're really into her. You're sexually attracted to her femininity and feminine features. Well, then you lift up her skirt and there happens to be a dick. It's still the same feminine person who were into 5 seconds ago. Would you be attracted to a girl who was 6 feet tall with huge muscles and a beard, but she had a vagina? Reproductive organs are just one factor in sexual attraction.

Trapfags are crazy to begin with.

The anus is the most pleasurable hole to stick your dick in.

Most people that spend their time on the internet, specially Sup Forums, have developed bi curious tendencies because of their low success with women, and in their eyes traps are between that fine line between men and women, even though we all know traps are gay.

Because it is impossible, so it is safe.

But what if they're like OP's Felix who is a straight man who doesn't identify as a female?

Feminine penis.

>Why does a man looking/pretending to be like a girl make people go crazy?

Woman are usually dumb and have nothing to talk about and are just a mini game for sex.

Men are interesting. Usually.
So having an interesting character with sex appeal draws attention.

People who like traps are at least are have unresolved homosexual urges. We're talking at least a 2 on the Kinsey scale (more than incidentally homosexual.)

They can't deal with the fact they want to stick their dick in a boy. So they try to rationalize their way out of it being gay because "but he's dressed like a girl and acts like a girl"

So how does a "feminine male" act? What does that exactly mean? What are "feminine traits", and how do they differentiate from women?

Traps are not gay.

He's mostly human with throwbacks to someone in his family a long ass time ago fucking a cat. Naturally everyone assumes his slut mom fucked the milkcat.

Traps are gay, fucking a trap is straight

Traps are a proud Japanese tradition.

But 2D traps are always the least interesting characters in their respective franchise.
And 3D ones radiate insecurity and make everyone around them feel uncomfortable.

Just admit you like boys already.

I like boys desu

Traps are cute, but_____

girls body, boys brain
best combo

Not in my bed yet

Because feminine penises are cute

3D traps are fucking terrible because they usually don't keep their feminine features a day past their 20th birthday. Actually being into 3D traps is a jail sentence waiting to happen.

Literally acts like a tomboy that is attractive enough to pass and is into the same stuff as you.

Tomboy not needed.

Fucking someone while playing games is relaxing. Most girls will get jealous and ditch you or get at least upset.

Traps are gay

I haven't been outside for a while, so I have to ask:

Do people REALLY think along these lines? Is this ACTUALLY a REAL phenomenon? Or is it all just terrible, terrible memes?

It literally is not

I'm an anal fetishist, but vaginal is still better than anal for every reason but in terms of emotion. Anal is only good because it feels taboo and more embarrassing, and because it looks hot as fuck

The vagina is literally made for taking dicks, the anus is not

Shotas are better


Is that a fucking JoJo reference !?

nice jojo reference

I can only see Astolfo as a girl.


What is the appeal of this

The feminine penis.



>pink hair
>female hairstyle
>female clothes
>acts like a female
>even uses underwear as a female
>AND is voiced by a female

How is this a boy?

the penis and balls

Because it has a dick and a Y chromosome


Felix is the trap of 2016, who is/will be the trap of 2017??


All of the liberating feelings of having an alternative sexuality with none of the having to pound a manly man in his butt.

Depends on what happens with Mugaro.

Because I'm fucking gay

I've seen some ironic weeb normalfags talk about how much they like X trap sometimes on normalfagcentral

Felix isn't a trap. He's a very manly pussy

2n5 is pretty great

how many of you want to be a qt trap?
how many of you are already a trap? if yes, are you a submissive one?

traps, lolis and tsunderes have been a thing for over fucking 10 years in this board or since the fucking internet was born you fucking newfags.

They appeal to self hating fags who can't just admit they like cock.
>n-no I like feminine men! It's totally different!
>I-it's not gay to love cock if it's hidden under a skirt!

He is, he purposefully fucks with people who don't know he's a guy.


If I could pull off a passing trap then I would, but I'm over 200lbs of muscle and have a tonne of facial hair. I think at this point i'd be satisfied with finding a at trap to settle down with, instead of being one myself.

That's some interesting "Armor"

I want to be a qt trap but my quest for an artifact with the power to make me 2d has thus far proved fruitless.

I want to fuck Hime's little brother while he watches until he begs me to fuck him too.

Reverse traps are much better.

lol, this, just accept it mate, I personally gave up in thinking about that shit whenever is "gay" or not at first but now I dont care anymore since I leveled up, personally I like both perfectly fine, I still have my fucking standards though

>Girls pretending to be boys for attention


many mouth breathers here should be happy they had sex at all with another human

Get the fuck out of Sup Forums.

Here's the thing though, masculine outfits aren't as distinct as feminine outfits. If a girl wore shorts and a tank top or something, people would think she's sporty. If a guy wears a dress and high heels, that's not the same. These traps wear spaghetti strap dresses and ribbons and shit, those items are designed to attract attention.

but I've never had sex...

But I like one better than the other, so whatever

Because they are essentially all the pros of women without any of the cons

So what does that make tomboys.

Tomboys and traps are essentially the same thing.



so what is a hetero feminine reverse shota trap?

>If a girl wore shorts and a tank top or something, people would think she's sporty.
That gets me just as Hard as the catboy

A mouthful ;^)

Now you're making things up

It's because a trap is someone inheritedly imperfect striving for perfection, the ultimate underdog.

What's a reverse shota? Because you can't be a shota and a reverse trap.


>twins tell you you can have sex with one of them
>they look exactly alike, but one is male the other is female
>they are both very girly and cute
Who do you fuck?


>What is the appeal of traps? Why does a man looking/pretending to be like a girl make people go crazy?

Kinda obvious. It gives faggots who're in denial the opportunity to fap to men without feeling guilty about it.

You'd have to be gay to not take the trap

As a real faggot I can say that liking traps don't make you gay, it's the same shit as futa, it's a straight man fetish.

there's no point in fucking a girl who doesnt have tits

My dick wants a little friend, so male please.

It's just self-gratification for the fact that you can take someone's manhood, make someone your bitch, especially if that someone is pussified male.


they are determined by the chromosomes, and so are genitalia, therefore gender is determinded by the genitalia.

A straight-ish man fetish.

Sometimes all the separates a trap from a regular girl is the addition of a penis and the taboo that it brings. In those cases, why would any man choose the trap over a regular girl unless he is ever so slightly homo or has conditioned himself into a taboo addiction?

Pretty much this, I love dominating someone so completely that they take on a more submissive gender role just to please me.

You have to fuck a boy to understand why you love girls so much.