Why do you boys complain all the time about the boomers ?
Most of you are jobless NEETs profiting from the world the boomers built.
Why diss them like this ?
Why do you boys complain all the time about the boomers ?
Most of you are jobless NEETs profiting from the world the boomers built.
Why diss them like this ?
Because through their action or inaction they gave away our land, our inheritance, our heritage to a cult of inbred savages.
>when i grew up there wasnt an ozone hole.
How many different words for "surrender" does the french language have? About 7 right?
Shitting on boomers is a JIDF/similar meme to divide and conquer as usual. If you paid attention it sprung up from nowhere overnight just like the amerimutt meme.
this guy fucking gets it.
Why do we keep saging the same junk threads every day?
They suck too much Chinese dick.
This...hate your ancestors goyim...not (((tptb)))
They can't see beyond their laid-out, normie politics, too zoned-in on the left-right spectrum.
For every one thing they're right about, there are three things they're wrong about.
For example:
>boomers hate muzzies
>think jews are innocent victims
What surprises me is how quick everyone fell for it even when it was pushed out in such an obvious way. But maybe its mostly them circlejerking and the real humans who visit this board are smarter than that.
Like this shit, why would a dane shit on "boomers"? Only americans have this gen x, gen y, millenials, boomers etc codification.
FPBP. Also communists.
Yeah they aren't really bright. The shilling becomes more obvious as time goes on. Boomers are pretty much an American phenomenon...i guess the d&c between who is whitest became less effective.
Don't hate your ancestors, just understand that they did not cherish their children enough to hand to them a future as promising as the one that they had received. The future still holds all the possibility imaginable, however, it is now left up to Millennials and Gen Z to undo the communist destruction of western civilization that they have permitted and encouraged during their lives. And the offspring they have raised are little better than communists, with frightening statistics about Millennials advocating for socialism. We were born too late to explore the frontier, born too early to explore the stars, but born just in time to witness and participate in the epic fight for the survival of western civilization. It will be harrowing, but someone must do it.
Because every 40-60 year-old here is a civ nat cuck, who still cares about 'muh free speech' and dislikes Islam because they're mean to muh women.
Their goals may be decent, but their ideals are fucked up and the reason why we're in this mess in the first place.
You are a fucking idiot.
Because our governments are currently flooding our countries with low iq third worlders in order to pay for all the boomers social security. The boomers were too busy being degenerate hippies to have enough kids to replace themselves. So now rather then let them die in the street with no social security, our governments are sacrificing their countries culture and identity.
I see boomers come in all the time complaining about how coddled and shit kids are.
There is no way a leftist could have come up with the mutt meme. That shit is hilarious and various forms of 56% meme existed before it. Its like blaming pink wojaks of jidf when its just extension of a preexisting meme.
Boomers have been hated on Sup Forums since time immemorial
Its the reason we supported Trump - his policies completely upend the boomer socio-economic structure
>*wrote more in donations to ACLU and the WWF than will end up bequeathing to children* "le polar bears!1!111"
>*fine with his kids growing up in a semi-third world country, anything as long as you don't call them a racist*
>*Billions in aid to Africa to feed, clothe, vaccinate, and nurture blacks who have five kids per family, while their kids are inundated with debt and wait until their thirties to have kids if they get to afford them at all*
>*normalization of divorce and drug culture; grew up in stable, nuclear family and denied their children the same opportunity all for le mighty orgasm*
>"Just hit the pavement kids. Why are you so lazy and bitter?"
>mfw not a single one of these losers will get to enjoy anything resembling life extending therapies
>mfw boomers value their lives more than anything else but none will live a second longer than God permits
Into the ground with the lot of you. Thank God none of them will be sticking around very long! Your graves will be pissed and spat on for decades!
You're delusional. Boomer-hate has been common on Sup Forums for about a decade now.
Newfags gtfo
Fuck boomers. Little crybabies
Jesus fucking christ my feels.
Very cringy to be honest
Is that a boomer though ?
Boomers deferred paying the taxes necessary to support their government retirement programs. Basically expecting the next generations to pay for their asses. Voted for policies that sent jobs overseas.
The eternal boomer
>building anything
Boomers inherited a great, majority white, world and economy from the greatest generation. They then flushed it down the toilet and sold the future generations down the river, and ran up all our nations debts to unsustainable levels. Not all of them are at fault, but their generation is responsible for the shitty state of our world. Who started PC culture? Boomers. Who ran up the debt? Boomers. Who sold off all our manufacturing jobs? Boomers. Who signed off on the 1965 immigration act? Boomers. Just because we love our family doesn't mean we can't recognize the error of their actions.
They destroyed the purchasing power of every currency in the western world leaving NO WAY for millennials and after to buy a house or raise a family with "hard work" and dedication - it can still be achieved if you do something that benefits boomers.
THIS IS NOT OPINION - it is quantifiable - namely demonstrated by the 2008 bank bail out fuck-o-rama.
The best millnnials can do is disconnect themselves as much as possible from the sinking ship that is boomer culture and boomer society. Its not really a choice - you will do it whether you want to or not
boomer is just an insult for people who cant meme properly. its similar to calling people redditors, but that's more for cringememes.
t. pol expert
Sick of hearing about how cool hippies were, how important Woodstock was, and overrated musicians.
They had free love, easy sex and left behind aids, stds and #metoo
that is not a boomer....
he looks genX
Fpbp couldnt have said it better if i tried
They don't. It's predictive programming so that when the pyramid scheme of our bullshit magic shekel economy goes tits up, everybody will blame everybody else, instead of (((THEM))).
>boomers vs gen-x vs millennials
>blacks vs whites
>christians vs muslims (but NOT vs jew)
>men vs women
The more divisions they can plant NOW, the more safe (((THEY))) will be during the coming economic shit storm.
I can't respect a generation that couldn't even beat a bunch of half starved rice farmers and then tries to put my generation into the same situation but with fucking towel heads.