Hunter x Hunter

Who will die first the gothic priest or the clown?

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Hisoka already did die

Well, Hisoka died first.


I want Hisoka to slowly lose all body parts so he slowly becomes gumman

The mangaka.

>Who will die first the gothic priest or the clown?
Hisoka already died, doubt Togashi would bring him back to life and then kill him again at least not without him doing more.

question, I don't normally buy volumes but i'm fond of the slight improvement of the chapters in volume 33 would you buy it or do you think some body will just scan it.

If you want to support the mangaka in his quest to play more dragonquest , do it

Killua is cute!

Watch Togashi make him likable.

It's gonna happen

>Watch Togashi make him likable.
well I don't hate him yet and he killed to women for practically no reason.
any idea what pic-related meant

looks like a woman is getting a tattoo of a spider if you ask me.

You guys realise the manga is finished, right? Togashi quit.

The head is going to be Kurapika's friend isn't it? I can FEEL it.

initially I though it might of had something to do with the troupe maybe foreshadowing something but peculiar to me that it was spider probably just looking in to it too much.
Does he have anymore fanart I like to see him wearing what he is in pic-related.
maybe, don't know why though he's already gonna be pissed when he sees the collection




Looks like his next art piece, more accurately



If it was Pairo's head it would be classic escalation. Kurapika himself said he hasn't had to kill anyone to get the eyes and all his anger is focused at the spiders anyway. Since these are apparently the last of them it'd only be fitting for there to be a nasty surprise there too. And since it's in the center of the eyes it seemingly is related and has black hair.

Kurapika kills a prince and starts an international incident because he loses control.

Togashi's doing a good job at building up his creepiness.

Why is Pitou so cute?

Only because Chrollo literally cheated. He would have no chance if Shartnark and Kortopi didn't give him his powers.

>using your ability is cheating

cheat or not he still killed Hisoka so your post to those anons is irrelevant.

Top tier b8

Hisoka is going to kill all the spiders and Chrollo when he can no longer use prep time

That sort of is the pattern between arcs for Hisoka

Creep in Hunter's Exam to Heaven arena

Ally for Yorkshin

Even affable in Greed Island

Goes ahead and kills fan favorites in Post Chimera Ant and Dark Continent

Chrollo >>>>>>>>>>>> hisofag


Because Chrollo wanted 100% sure he survived.

He probably used ghost writer.

if meruem was weak to poison why didn't netero ask a poison cloud nen user to help him

>doesn't understand how Nen works

>that pic
Kurapika will go full nuclear. Can't wait to see it.

same type as hisoka and killua, changes his aura to have the propriety of poisonous gas

there fucker, tell me why it wouldn't work

Because no human's Nen could create poisonous gas strong enough that could harm Meruem's massive Nen shield.

>my nen is bigger than yours!

and I don't understand how nen works?

Yes, you clearly don't?

so explain to me how it does

meruem wouldn't go through knov's portal either? because his nen is this much bigger?

Yes, Knov's portal couldn't possibly hold such massive Nen. Same reason why they didn't just use SILENT SCREAMER to cut his head off.

Every attack has to pass the opponent's Nen defense checks if they're not in a state of Zetsu.

then how did knuckle put hakoware in yupi? how did killua hit him with lightning?

are you saying that hisoka can't stick his nen in an opponent with "nen bigger than his"?

>then how did knuckle put hakoware in yupi? how did killua hit him with lightning?

Because putting Hakoware on someone is completely harmless by itself so that restriction raises it's Nen "attack" value massively.

Killua can hit Youpi with his lightning all he wants but only in his empowered state he could stun him a little.

hisoka's is also harmless on "itself", as for hakoware, the same can be said for genthru's bombs
>that restriction raises it's Nen "attack" value massively

>implying he missed my heart

Are you serious? Look up Nen restrictions. Kurapika restricting his Chen Gel to work only on Phantom Troupe etc. Without that restriction (only works on them and if I use it on someone else I die) his beginner Nen would never be strong enough to contain them.

togoshi you can die and retired once you finish kurapika story, kurakipa deserves his revenge.

kill them all

Kurapika probably becomes thing he wanted to kill.

I could see him becoming a bad guy after finishing his quest.

>Only because Chrollo literally cheated
How do you cheat in a fight to the death with no rules?

I always knew the chapter were half assed but damn, they look even worse now. That fucking empty panel in the last image.

Are the corpses Kurta too?

They look non human.

>Are the corpses Kurta too?
most likely yes

The bookmark made the differen from Chrollo > Hisoka , to Chrollo >>> Hisoka.

Bandit's secret used to be kinda balanced but now it's pretty broken.

I can not see Chrollo lose a fight unless he's facing an actual Netero+ tier nen user.

Kura should have been a girl.

Also, fuck you Togashi, if you're making fabulous things finish them.

Chrollo and Leorio were each other's friends, right?

>Kura should have been a girl.

Stop weed now

>Same reason why they didn't just use SILENT SCREAMER to cut his head off.
What? Pretty sure the consensus has been that Togashi put Knov on a bus because Silent Screamer ignores your defense and Meloreon + Knov could have one shot the king. But we'll never know because he got a bad case of PTSD and sat out the last part of the arc.

Based on appearances Silent Screamer just connects the space between Knov's hands to his pocket dimension. All he's doing is forcibly sending anything between his hands to that space. How does aura allow someone to block that?

>Every attack has to pass the opponent's Nen defense checks if they're not in a state of Zetsu.
Not always the case but that is the general rule. Some abilities have been shown to circumvent Nen Defense. Melody's ability to soothe people for one. Hakoware for another.



Why hisocucks fans can't deal with defeat?

>Kura should have been a girl.
If Kurapika were a girl I would die from complete semen depletion after masturbating to her non stop for 10 days.

>Pretty sure the consensus has been that Togashi put Knov on a bus because Silent Screamer ignores your defense and Meloreon + Knov could have one shot the king.
The consensus among speedreaders, perhaps.

There's no Nen ability that "just works". It's just as retarded as thinking that Meleoron + that slut who can control males with kisses could possibly control Meruem. Non damaging Nen Hatsu simply has bigger Nen defense penetration, that's all. She probably couldn't even kiss control Phantom Troupe members, in example.

Except he could just not have recognized him for any number of reasons.

You can stop with the fanfiction

>Togashi put Knov on a bus because Silent Screamer ignores your defense and Meloreon + Knov could have one shot the king
You do realize he was "put on a bus" in the same chapter where this ability was introduced, right?

The fight between Hisoka and Chrollo.

>Was nice enough to give Hisoka the fight he wanted
>Explained his new abillities to Hisoka
>Runs around the arena while Hisoka fights fodder
>Changes outfit twice (Stylish!)
>Doing sick JoJo poses

>Cocky the whole time
>Ran around like a idiot
>Got utterly rekt
>Agreed to deathmatch but pussies out at the end.

I mean , I like Hisoka , but this was sad

That chapter was when Togashi was suffering from back pain. You can tell when you compare it to the previous chapters.

>they both mentioned having a special friend
>they both grew up poor
>they both seem to be from the same region based on their name structure, skin, hair (that culture being the hxh version of italian)

Doesn't seem like fanfiction to me.

Just when I thought shitposters couldn't get any worse.

Everything about Chrollo is bad, including poeple who like Chrollo

Fuck off, Kurapika.

>There's no Nen ability that "just works"
I'm not saying that Knov's ability "just works" I'm saying how does aura strength circumvent a side-effect of matter being transported to a pocket dimension?

As far as we know, if a manipulator can fulfill their requirements they take control of their target there is no way to circumvent this other than not getting controlled in the first place. So yes, as far as what the series shows us, that one female manipulator could have actually controlled Mereum although she would get immediately rekt just trying to get close to him or immediately afterwards by any of the ants/royal guard.

And? Even without Silent Scream it's possible they could have just had Knov + Chameleon draw an entry point underneath Mereum and then drop him into a room and leave him to rot for a couple years. Nobody has been shown to be able to break out of a nen dimension, even Morel comments on the fact that once your inside one you have to wait for the creator to fullfill their conditions.

Yeah, it really is

>It's a back pain episode
Damn, hate reruns

You realize ,if possible, Knov will never be able to use that room ever right?

The millisecond the door opens, Meruem chews off his goddamn head.

And Meruem is a Specialist that hasn't developed a hatsu by that point. Making an ability to allow him to escape is child's play.

>It's a Japanese cold wrist injury episode
Those backgrounds are bleach tier. That's like saying Kubo was the unhealthiest fucker alive in Japan

Is there an OST of the piano during Chrollo's scene with Neon? Haven't been able to find anything

>I'm not saying that Knov's ability "just works" I'm saying how does aura strength circumvent a side-effect of matter being transported to a pocket dimension?
It's not a physical side effect, he's not creating real physical worm holes or something, it's still just a Nen ability. Being a different Nen category ability doesn't mean you can have an autowin button if you go through your requirements. You still need to train and increase your Nen to make those abilities effective. If Zushi were a Conjurer and he developed the same Hatsu as Knov, he wouldn't be able to teleport any human inside his tiny room because his Nen is too weak to transport them / to control the process.

Meruem's ability was gaining the life energy of whoever he ate, Pitou confirmed it.

Can we finally agree that Chrollo is literally /ourlad/?

I've seen the before and after pages with the backgrounds included.

You can tell something was up

Fuck Quwrof and fuck his merry band of sociopaths.

Yes. He is cool.

>he doesn't like Chrollo and his mad gang
Shit taste senpai.

hisoka should really not have been in that image since he was never a real member.

I wouldn't call that a hatsu.

It's like Ging being able to replicate strike type attacks after being hit with it once. It's a natural ability.

>You realize ,if possible, Knov will never be able to use that room ever right?
Ok? They contain the threat and do their job. What is the problem here?

>that hasn't developed a hatsu by that point.
I've always assumed that his hatsu has always been the ability to add the aura of anything he consumes to his own but that's not clear.

> Making an ability to allow him to escape is child's play.
Maybe. But it's unlikely given that unlike Morel's smoke prison which was also indestructible to Pouf but contained holes for him to slip out of, Knov's mansion exists in a whole other plane of reality. Even if Mereum could break out, could he also bridge the dimensional gap?

>It's not a physical side effect
Scream is the following ability. Knov creates a portal that is linked in the space between his hands. He can also close the portal by closing his hands.

Anything between his hands is automatically sent to the other dimension, but all this is a side effect of the portal closing.

>If Zushi were a Conjurer and he developed the same Hatsu as Knov, he wouldn't be able to teleport any human inside his tiny room because his Nen is too weak to transport them / to control the process.
We don't know that. There is in fact another porter on the DC trip that states that they can't teleport like Knov or transport as large a number of people but we're uncertain if that's because they are weaker, or because their ability just isn't as well crafted as Knov's Mansion.

If you were talking about an enhancement ability than yes; I would agree that the strength of the users aura determines the strength of the output. Big Bang Punch > Cyclone Ripper > Jan-ken-po based purely on the aura of the creator of each technique

Ging's ability to replicate comes from knowledge of how aura works. Being able to actually raise your aura capacity just by eating somthing reeks of nen Hatsu. Remember Gon is able to raise his maximum aura but only during Jan-Ken-Po

But he's Judas Iscariot.

But Judas was really a disciple, hence he betrayed jesus

Hisoka betrayed no one since he was pretending from the beginning

I know, but it still werks.

>We don't know that.
Yes we do. Kurapika's chains would not be able to hold anyone in Phantom Troupe if it wasn't for the restriction ramping up his Nen ability massively.

Same reason why Genthru's bombs are incredibly deadly when he uses the extremely contrived way to activate them compared to his little flower.

>You can tell something was up
it doesn't really seem that big of a the deal the lack of shading and backgrounds are the only problems with the weekly magazine release, there aren't any notable signs to me that he was in pain while drawing them.
You can guess that because of the lack of detail he may have wanted to refrain from stressing his wrist, but to me he was either pressed for time, wanted to just get the chapters out there, or he was simply lazy and figured he could fix them later in the volume releases.
>pressed for time
thinking about it this is probably the least likely considering he has a seemingly free schedule right? its probably a mixture of the later two, i'm kinda forgetting my point with all this but the initial pre-volume releases are fine.

>Yes we do. Kurapika's chains would not be able to hold anyone in Phantom Troupe if it wasn't for the restriction ramping up his Nen ability massively.
What does the strength of a nen conjured chain have to do with teleporting people?

Explain to me why Pouf couldn't just brute force his way out of Morel's smoke? We know for a fact that Morel was weakened and the royal guard were stronger than everyone present. Yet Pouf had to sneak his way out instead of just tearing a hole through it.

It's clear that while the "you can't make things better than god" rule is in effect for Kurapika's chains, we just don't know how the amount of aura someone can produce relates to teleportation. Goreinu was able to teleport Razer and for a fact, Razor was stronger than Goreinu even with his 14 devils active.

>What does the strength of a nen conjured chain have to do with teleporting people?
Because he's not teleporting people via some physical universal mechanic. It's just Nen. If Conjurer and Manipulator abilities were this strong then no one would bother raising any other stat.

Remember that time Chrollo absolutely styled on Hisoka?

That literally makes his ability less effective. What happens if Knov loses consciousness or dies? As seen with Cheetu's ability, Shoot's Hotel Raffesia, and Morel's smoke, the objects entrapped return to back to reality. It's literally expecting Knov to spend his entire life making sure Meruem doesn't escape and make sure that his ability stays on. That's impossible. Of course this is all assuming his ability can hold him.

And Meruem is practically a nen sponge with dangerously high levels of comprehension. Performing a similar feat should be well within his capacity

If by "styled" you mean "cheated," then yes.

>in a fight with no rules
>where he literally explained all his abilities even though he didn't have to
It can't be good for your health to be this mad after an entire year


I like to believe Pitou had a big ol' girldick and fucked the shit out of the palace dancers before they were turned into human meatballs. Maybe gave false hope of survival for whoever could give the best head.