When did you realise that ((They)) got a hold of our media Sup Forums?
When did you realise that ((They)) got a hold of our media Sup Forums?
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what teenage year were you when you realised the idea of a mass conspiracy based solely on a religion with has no evidence other than Jews being successful in the USA was fucking retarded
the fact you say this coming from the uk shows how retarded you are. the jew Rothschild literally owns the bank of england you numpty.
nice gaslighting kikelord
When they got people to embrace the patriot act. I think I was 14
>fertility clinic
Tranny wants to have a baby
Probably got a low sperm count from the HRT.
Them man hands tho
lurk moar. you will regret it though.
run away from here before its too late.
ignorance is bliss.
Seriously America, just stop this shit please for the love of God. It's got to stop.
Indeed. American pop culture is the #1 enemy of all people.
Fun fact the bottom left panel is literally the author of the comic
>tfw the piece of your colon that is now your "vagina" still smells like colon
Looks like a shaved Gorilla
As a kid watching Captain Planet
It was the most god awful show out there yet unlike terrible cartoons like He Man, it wasn't primarily designed to sell toys. It was designed to brainwash kids.
Aww shit, here goes the Enlightenment Age. fucking kill me, can't believe that i would be the one to lose it .
ffs fuck all yall
You go to a fucking fertility clinic as a male-to-female transexual you had better be prepared for a harsh truth.
>You don't have a uterus
And why are kikes so successful? Because they thrive on extreme nepotism and incredibly shady and greedy business practices while using any means possible to corrupt their host country while funneling money and support to Israel
I'm so sad this book is ending. One of the funnest hate reads I've ever had because of how batshit it is, how nonsensical and incomprhensible the "plot" is, the open racism on the writer's part that's in full display in the book, etc.
America Chavez
I stopped reading Batgirl just in time.
Most of the rest of DC is okay, Marvel are currently trying to course correct after almost five years of SJW writers and stories and losing a huge chunk of their marketshare(and causing the closure of a few dozen comic books shops due to their shitty sales numbers).
More that they'll use nepotism and then attack every other group doing the same as "racist".
Wait, these are marvel comics?
When ((their))) indoctrination starts early.
That pic is oddly arousing.
Holy fug
This can't be real. No way that someone's sick fetish was forced in this obviously?
OP and the FP are DC comics(Batgirl), the one about "100 people talk about America" is Marvel.
>and losing a huge chunk of their marketshare
America sold 7,971 copies in December
Even if a comic book shop buys gets the $4 comic for a generous $2 from Marvel that only comes to a grand total of $4,000 nationwide for all comic book shops for that comic
There is no fucking way comic book shops stay in business from comics, it's all Magic cards and Funco pop toys that keep them afloat
Hell, my shitty youtube channel gets way more views than that per month
If my kid brought this home I'd probably pull a Sandy Hook
why is xhe looking like the dudebros that xhe hates so much?
does it come in double barrel
>He man was terrible
By the power of Grayskull I call you a fag.
OP, tell me why a MtF tranny and his partner would be in a fertility clinic. What was the plan here? Were the doctors going to inseminate the female with the tranny's sperm? If so shouldn't this conflict with the tranny's belief that he is a woman?
Do it, make columbine look like fucking woodstock.
>all posts on this board is satire
We really need to come up with a new word which combines "what" and "why" into one easy to exclaim package.
> In midgard-speak, she's a bad mama jama
This is what mutts actually believe
> Someone said something that hurt my feelings
Is that nog-spidey's actual costume? Did they do a cutaway in the mask just so they could show everyone that he's black?
Women like this look (and probably smell) like hardboiled eggs.
we're losing control! quick accelerate the degeneracy!
>America Chavez is a violent racist who comes from a magical lesbian planet
How do they manage to fuck up such an appealing concept? Lose the Chavez and I'm on board before I've even seen it.
Laundromat/Bar would be a pretty cool idea though.
what gender is this? It's so hard to tell these days with all these dykes and soyboys
>Everyone's faces in the last panel
Manga name pls
The best part is she's an anti-white racist and a latino supremacist yet in any story time actual hispanics and bean speakers talk about how bad her Spanish is.
>MtF goes to a FERTILITY clinic despite not having a uterus or the ability to reproduce
>complains about being misgendered from being told the truth
So much for the left being pro-science.
Legend of Koizumi, world leaders like Koizumi and Dubya deal with world problems with mahjong. Hitler escaped to the moon during World War II.
What the hell? This can't be real, right? I was expecting she got raped or something, but she was 'misgendered'. She's probably a bit too fragile to leave her cushioned room.
>be fertility doctor
>see patient
>patient asks if they can have children
>has a dick and balls
>asks about their ovaries
heartly chuckle
Why don't you alt-right retards post the originals?
I actually thought this was satire
>be out having fun with your friends at this cool new joint
>one of them has to take her tranny girlfriend...boyfriend....whatever with her
>not your place to judge, just roll with it, you're here to have fun right?
>tranny is sullen as fuck. Try to engage in conversation with him...her...whatever
>tells some bullshit about being "misgendered" by a doctor
>bitch unironically showed up at a fertility clinic as a MtF tranny and expected to be taken seriously
>have to watch your friend leave with the sullen tranny
>evening is ruined for everyone
>silently remind yourself never to invite that girl out again unless she leaves her pet Frankenstein monster home
Always liked diadem Storm.
I don't understand
If she's MtF why doesn't she just impregnate her 'lover's' ovaries? Unless she got the balls cut off, in which case god damn what a stupid fuck
Only thing I realized from this is that there are a lot of autist in Sup Forums
Not all of it
ATF plz go
The hormone therapy makes you unable to have kids in many cases, and thank God for that
I'm tired user, but thanks for correcting those disgusting mistakes I made. The insidious heresy is skilled at corrupting one's mind, even if one is scouting for it.
Burnside? This is Batgirl?
I quit reading shortly after Gail Simone's run cuz it turned to shit...... But goddamn how the mighty have fallen.
This is Marvel tier shit.
When I stopped responding with "muh dick" to every other thing.
You forgot a pair of parantheses, racist antisemitic loser.
So you wouldn't happen?