ITT: Strong female characters done right.
ITT: Strong female characters done right
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>Strong female characters done right.
Superior Ange.
>No shitty mindbreak doujins (one shitty image set doesn't count) because that was actually part of the plot
>But basically no doujins in general
Well done Sunrise for trying to beat the system. It didn't solve the problem, but at least you tried.
I love that show so much
my only problem with Cross Ange is that they didnt give an in-show reason for the exposive uniforms unlike Akashic Records. other than that it was stellar.
Last good Sunrise show
I'm not really into exposed cleavage. looks retarded.
Good taste.
Definitely not
shame we never got a series.
All the girls from Patlabor qualify desu
Well for better or worse, the Cameron movie is finally happening next year. Maybe that'll spark enough new interest for a new series or something. At least a full adaptation of the original manga would be nice. Last Order can fuck off though.
Being a bitch!=strong
she's an edgelord but i still love her.
Strong in what? Physically/emotionally/mentally or all three?
Who can compare?
Defeats the demon king and don't need no man
Post your feet please
She's not strong as in phisically strong, but I like how she grows a spine at the end of the movie
Cutting your dick doesn't make you a girl.
When is a strong fem character "done right"?
is she done right?
Because not every strong female characters needs to look like a man
Strong in the sense that she is competent and not just a love interest or canon fodder.
all the FMA women
It said strong female characters, not sexual deviants.
There was something done right in that abomination of a series?
What about superior voice Ange?
This bitch
>Ctrl + F "Hellsing"
>0 results
I am disappointed in all of you.
The only right answer
Cross Ange second season when?
Gonna post Ange again, because I agree with you
My nigga
The top one.
The arc that brings those three together is the best character development I've seen in anime
She is not strong, she is just baka.
She isn't strong. She needs to rely on others to solve problems because all she can do is shoot stuff around.
She is strong enough to be on first page!
This. FMA has good women. Riza is kinda of a bad example IMO. She isn't a strong soldier woman who needs no man.
Nope. Mellowed too much. Not strong, just stubborn.
It does not count when being strong is a skill.
But cirno isn't strong
What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little baka? I'll have you know that I graduated top of my class in Keine's terakoya, and I've been involved in numerous secret attacks on Reimu Hakurei, and I have over 300 confirmed frozen frogs. I am trained in icicle warfare and I'm the top fairy in the entire Gensokyo population. You are nothing to me but just another target to freeze. I will wipe you the fuck out with spells the likes of which have never been seen before in Gensokyo, mark my fucking words. You think that you can get away with saying that shit to me over Yukari's gap? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of s across Gensokyo and your location is being traced right now so you better prepare for the Little Bug Storm, maggot. The Little Bug Storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You're fucking dead, human. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred different ways, and that's just with my icicles. Not only am I extensively trained in non-spell combat, but I have access to the entire library of the Scarlet Devil Mansion and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of Gensokyo, you little baka. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little "clever" comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will freeze in it. You're fucking dead, baka.
>she is not strong
>could literally rip a grown ass man in pieces who also happens to be an expert in the battlefield when she's on her yato mode
Is this supposed to be some Haruhi reference?
Underrated character and series.
Way too atmospheric.
When I'm wearing a skirt, I'm a girl.
Bubblegum Crisis heroines
Faye Valentine
>Strong in the sense that she is competent
Well that's a load of shit because she was a dumb incompetent cunt through most of the show.
Any character is "strong" if you just use their physical stats. Every anime girl other than the designated moeblob and jump high enough to girlhandle a grown up man in a fight. A truly "strong" girl is both physically but also mentally strong. Any girl that needs to be saved by a man as a part of the plot, to attract romance vibes, would not be strong even if she could destroy the whole world. Pic related. She can be one of the top dogs in town, but relying on MC like a little bitch seals her fate down. She should have helped against Accel at least.
She is not a woman, she is a PLOT device.
Good ones.
Another good female (male) character. Strong, kind (unless to her enemies with is okay) and dedicated to her job.
She sweats strength.
No. She loses her strong spot due to losing her mind along. Unacceptable.
Aqua-sama stronk
The miracle of the universe.
This invincible sorceress right here.
Blast from the past!
Adding my waifu to the list.
I love the female characters on boku no hero academia but:
>the story still mainly focuses on 3 male characters
>some of them are pretty strong but they are weaker then male characters on average
>the fanservice is a bit annoying, even if it doesn't happen too often
This kind of thread reminds me that this is ultimately a board dedicated to fiction.
Not male
>implying Kagura is not physically and mentally strong
Did you even see the episode where she defeated her brother in the battle of ideals in both in Shogun Assassination arc and Rakuyo arc (where they had they final "battle")? Even Kamui himself admitted that she grew stronger and he can't keep losing to his sister. She's literally the most developed female character in the series and probably the character that had the best character development. You can see how much she grew just looking at the amount of time she spent with Gin (who also happens to be her role model and a brother figure) and Shinpachi.
Her character is mostly used for comedy, which is like 90% of the whole show. But you can't deny the fact that Kagura is a strong character when shit hits the fan.
yessssssssss my nig nogs
She suffered a serious character change, from "let us beat the living shit out of this naughty girl to noblesse oblige champion of the weak & poor".
Strong willed as long as shit is happening on somebody else otherwise "AAAAAAAAHHHHH MUH HUMANITYYYY".