Yu-Gi-Oh! VRAINS EMA Appreciation thread

It's Sup Forums sings time again,this time we're doing with the wind (Vrains OP1)
The deadline is the 15th of June and all submissions should only be your vocals (no backing) make sure you're on beat or on pitch (both is optimal, but just one is fine)
If it's too low or high change it by 3,5 or 8 semi tones depending on how drastic you need to change it (this is easily done in audacity) and feel free to record a harmony track to go along with it (on a separate file)

Song: youtube.com/watch?v=jgcFeT4_T-k
Send submissions to: [email protected]
alternately you can just post a link to somewhere I can download it

this thread won't even make it to the bump limit.

Thanks for the bump please do come regularly and tell me how you hate my thread

>Possibly milf.

Sorry for you Aoi but Ema it's the true female protagonist.

What a baseless assertion. I was just stating what I thought.

>>Possibly milf.
Please tell more

>>Possibly milf.
Fuck my shit up senpai, best girl in yugioh.


>"Don't worry Yusaku. Onee-chan will help you!"

I will force to then

So I dont even lurk Sup Forums but saw this thread and decided to check it out
I got back on the ride thanks to Duel Links since I stopped watching YGO after DM, I remember I used to collect cards and shit

Will I be able to enjoy VRAINS or will it be impossible to understand if I had not seen previous seasons?

you're good.

You should at least watch 5D's.

Fuvk Blackwing they gonna make blacklink for that fucker

154 episodes
Its gonna be a long ride, is it true that the anime was created before the manga?

All the spin-off manga are made at the same time or after their respective anime airs. They both use a lot of the same characters, but the stories and personalities are separate between anime and manga and can be pretty different.

considering the new mechanics have a huge impact on all the summoning methods I'd say Vrains should explain everything

How does Revolver make you feel ?

get hype

>check Sup Forums expecting my thread to be at about 300 posts by now
>thread archived at 56 replies
>find this thread over halfway down the catalog at 18 replies

>second half of ARC-V
its shit

I find him attractive

What kind of deck will Ema play?

"the second half" is referring to Zexal II being the 2nd half to Zexal I. You illiterate mongoloid.

Mitsutaka was a regular writer on Arc-V from as early as Standard arc. There are bigger things to worry about with Vrains' production than peon writers who aren't the series composer, it amuses me when anons like these act like they know how a certain writer will pan out when they're working on a new show with a new group dynamic.


Did you just say more Blackwings?

I've got alot of catching up to do.

Am I the only guy here who is really pumped to see Aoi? She seems like a very interesting character and the fact that she's not the smiling type makes me want to know how I can comfort her in my shoulders, if you get my drift.

Everyone loves her since the revelation she has brother complex, user

Oh ok, sorry. I've been hyped for Vrains since the announcement but I've stopped coming to Sup Forums lately.

You are forgiven. This place is dead either way sans the days the episodes air

>they said it couldn't be done
>they said yamero posting was too strong
>they said ruri posting was too strong
>they said dennis posting was too strong
>but now, Yugioh generals are ded


neat, I'll be looking forward to the results

Stop this already. No one want to sing the OP nor any yugioh generals.
It will just full of obnoxious bitching posts

> bitching about obnoxious bitching posts
The irony.

Is Jack back yet?

Man, I couldn't stick with Arc-V for long enough to see these two but I really want to.

The XYZ arc is pretty short just skip to episode 100 or whatever and bail when the group starts heading towards Academia.
>we already have bishop
>next arc we see the other chess pieces
>KINGU is missing
>shows up in one episode and KINGU's voice is the same as Jack's


Don't you mean INTO THE DRAINS

Is it just me or are is the opening and ending for Vrains really good?


You can just watch the episodes they're featured. Which is like 2 episodes

RIP YGO 1997-2017

Fuck blackwing, syncro was a mistake !

They're solid, unlike most of the music in ep 1.

Fucking odd

This. I don't know why some anons were excited for DM's composer to come back. The only tracks people remember and bother to repost from time to time are Yugi/Atem's, Kaiba's, and that one from DOMA. It also seems like a bad stylistic match for a show that stresses digital and VR stuff.

I'm glad Aoi is as much of an autistic asshole as Yusaku is. I wonder how will they interact in the real world

I wanna feed Kusanagi all the hot dogs he wants


>To all Yu-Gi-Oh! fans I am sending the people who created this show a letter to get them to redo the ending. We can’t let Arc-V end the way it did. We got to do something. I am literally crying here. Please help me! Boycott anything that has to do with Yu-Gi-Oh! until the creators agree to change the ending by bringing Yuya & Yuzu’s counterparts back to life and restore Reira to his true self.

Reading youtube comments is fucking sad

There is no purpose of this thread until airing day unless you want more circlejerking, You could wait until tomorrow if you just want to post sing opening

Also, kill yourself tumblr

Was ARC-V finale, the most depressing ending in Anime in recent years?

The only thing depressing about that ending was how shit it was.

Yusaku is not autistic

Aoi is destinied to fall for Yusaku. The question is when

Leaks when?

Yugioh Vrains Tag Force 8 soon r-right?
Those always were the best games of Yugioh.

What happened in the ending?

What happened to Yuzu?


All the Yus and Ruri except for Yuya and Yuzu stayed dead and now live inside them.

Konami said no more tag force games and no more translations either

w-what about a World Championship 2018 Data Accelerator for the Switch?


Holy crap, literally fuck Konami. I've played Duel Links but the game gets boring pretty fast. You need Internet all the time to play it, the NPC have only 5 different decks, you need specific keys to duel characters from the Anime and the game is mainly designed to be played online which again gets boring pretty fast. Is asking for a Yugioh with something resembling a story mode and a decent difficulty too much to ask?

>World Championship
Those died with the DS a long time ago user. I guess Zeal Duel Carnival was similar to those but Saikyo Card Battle was nothing like it

>Wake up
>Serena is still dead
goodnight Sup Forums

You have 7000 cards and more to translate plus retranslate because erratas
Yes It is too much to ask


>Yu-Gi-Oh DM: Yugi and Anzu liked each other but she was more into Atem and he never saw her as more than a friend. In the end the romance subplot never got closure but apparently Kaz said they would most likely end up together in the future.

>Yu-Gi-Oh GX: Asuka liked Judai but he never realized it nor did cared. In the end you could say they would most likely never end up together.

>Yu-Gi-Oh 5DS: Aki liked Yusei but just like Atem, Yusei only saw her as a friend. Although the ending kind of imply they would eventually get together.

>Yu-Gi-Oh Zexal: Kotori liked Yuma but just like Judai, Yuma was oblivious to it. Until the very where you could see that Yuma wasn't completely dense like Judai. Again it's sure they would end up together.

>Yu-Gi-Oh Arc-V: Again, Yuzu the main girl liked the protagonist, and yet again the protagonist Yuya was oblivious to that. But as the series progress you could see Yuzu became an irreplaceable being for Yuya, and considering the relationships between their counterparts it became obvious that they would eventually end up together.

>Yu-Gi-Oh Vrains: So far we know that Aoi admires Yusaku but he barely cares about her.

Place your bets Sup Forums, how will Aoi and Yusaku's relationship from here on out? Let's not forget that Vrains has a writer from both Zexal and Arc-V, but personally the show gives me more 5DS vibes.

The only romance there is between card games
All t

Every children's show has/needs a bit of romance. Digimon and Pokémon have it.

Magic has Duels and MTGO
Pokemon has PTCGO
YGO still doesn't have a GOOD online first party TCG option.

Also, is VRAINS Starforce Yu gi Oh edition?

How many episodes until she stops jobbing?

>YGO still doesn't have a GOOD online first party TCG option.
There's Duel Links I guess. Don't expect Konami to ever make an official Yu-Gi-Oh PC game. They have already done a bunch and they all have died in less than a year. And before you ask, Yu-Gi-Oh Legacy Of The Duelist for PC/PS4/Xbox One isn't an official Konami Yu-Gi-Oh game.
>Also, is VRAINS Starforce Yu gi Oh edition?
Megaman is dead so sure why not.

She hasn't duel yet. But from what we have already seen of her I already know she is just fapbait. And that's ok for me.

>anything but jobber

she just has to melt his heart and make him love dueling again


>You have 7000 cards and more to translate plus retranslate because erratas
But they're already translating them. Because you know, they're selling the cards in the west too regardless.

you are fine but whatever you do don't watch zexal or arc-v, those are by far the worsts.

>damsel in distressed since the first episode

I just hope we see a explicit sex scene, big dicks and gaping anuses

Arc-V was alright up to about Yuri's last duel. Then shit just got horrendously bad really fast.

omgggggg yessssss

>Xyz arc was alright
Said no one ever

If they didn't make half the goddamn series the Synchro arc the XYZ arc might've been good. Honestly the XYZ arc was mediocre at best, its definitely not a good arc. At least the XYZ arc didn't kill 6 key characters, and absolutely no one cared they were dead. Legit I completely forgot the XYZ arc was bad after Zarc started dueling and they made the worst possible ending they could.

inb4 "it wasn't actually half"

>If they didn't make half the goddamn series the Synchro arc the XYZ arc might've been good
lol no

Arc-V's never been good at planning out the lengths of its arcs. 'Might' indicates there was a modicum of caring in the writers by that point when there clearly wasn't. All the time in the world can't fix that.

> 'Might' indicates there was a modicum of caring in the writers by that point

You're probably right there. Honestly though, if they actually gave a shit at that point they could've made it decent. I think the last 10 episodes were proof enough the writer wanted to stop writing this shitty story. Lets be real though, Zexal had the same problem and if VRAINS is written by the same people, we can expect VRAINS to be the same.

I'm not holding my breath on VRAINS but the protagonist not being an obnoxious kid is giving me false hope.

>Lets be real though, Zexal had the same problem
That's bullshit and you know it. I wouldn't even call it good, but Zexal was far more consistent than Arc-V. Even 5D's managed SOMETHING mildly coherent (even accounting for the 'twist') with the final Arc Cradle arc.

At the very bare minimum, I could buy that Yuma actually cared about Shark and Astral on some level. And that Yusei wanted to see his friends succeed in the paths they chose. By the end of Arc-V, Yuya was entirely like some hollow egao puppet compared to what he was before early on.

I have no real comment on Vrains though, since it's only one episode. Seems really slapdash so far and the CGI actually looks slightly worse than how it was in Arc-V. Other producers/studios strive to improve their productions or at least stay consistent enough, but it's almost like NAS takes the opposite approach and strive to get worse.

This show needs more Crow.

>when a little pink pig gets a more elaborate henshin sequence than your MC
>and a less ugly suit
Yusaku just looks cheaper and cheaper

> I could buy that Yuma actually cared

That's probably because Zexal actually had some semblance of characters actually dying. Of course, very rarely in Yu-Gi-Oh do characters stay dead. But Zexal at the very least had an illusion that characters could possibly die. Then again every series has a shitty cop out for death. In Arc-V though, Yuya instantly knew that the people that were carded could be brought back very easily. So he didn't really care much. Which hurt the series even more than it should have. In fact, aside from the 6 obvious characters who are dead, only one other character actually died and that was Sergey; a character who (in the series) no one would give a shit if he was actually dead or not. No one seems to grieve about death in Arc-V. Even when someone did die no one seemed to give a single solitary fuck.

>CGI actually looks slightly worse

Dear fucking God Arc-V's CG was horrendous by the end that it was down right inexcusable. It was already bad before, but in the last few episodes it was absolute garbage. It was like looking at a shitty budget video game for the series. I'll give VRAINS the benefit of the doubt since it just started and we only got to see a single episode. They better improve it because they've been hyping this shit for 3 months now. Again, not holding my breath. Its fucking Yu-Gi-Oh. I don't even know why I'm expecting quality at this point.

You think with how much they hyped up the VR aspect, you'd think that him going into the VRAINS would be a little more, you know, cool.

It wasn't just how much the death count could be racked up, Yuma and Shark actually participated in duels with/against each other where they communicated and shit over the course of the series. Yugioh character relationships aren't anything special, but most series have little moments or scenes that flesh them out a bit.

Yuya spent so much time either dealing directly with nobodies who don't matter, preaching to a crowd, or just being isolated from the rest of the cast to the point it was arbitrary.

That requires too much effort. I hope Kaz didn't get too disappointed seeing the first episode, or is a staunch optimist.

>Zarc wasn't the mid season villan
>Roger didn't come back as the final boss by absorbing Zarc's deck
I could have saved Arc-V

>They better improve it because they've been hyping this shit for 3 months now
Did even the marketing team have that much faith? There wasn't a single real Vrains PV put up online until the very last LABO episode. The only teaser before that was put up in a small display that fans had to record and upload to make it available online.

The last ninja we had didn't work out so great