Is shaman King a good shonen?

Is shaman King a good shonen?

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It's alright.

Jesus, I was about to say the same thing.

It's decent but extremely overrated

its ok

What happened to Manta anyway ?

First anime I ever watched
Did not age too well

the end is trash, bot anime and manga, they drop the ball hard after the hell arc

but the only thing it does right is the villain, Hao is literally unstopable from moment 1 and no matter how much shonen bullshit you want to pull he still is by the end

Started off well but kinda went to shit the further it went. That was my impression watching it years ago on tv.

both* anime and manga

It's was okay. I think I like it a bit too much because of nostalgia reasons.

The ending is fucked beyond salvation but i guess that has become the standart with shounen nowadays, so maybe you wont mind.
lol as if faggot you're gonna be so mad when you are done

the ending is literally:
lmao nerd, we told your mom

Flowers was a mistake but the girls were cute so i guess i can forgive takei.


>ren fugging jean

>Flowers was a mistake

everything past the moment the angels were actually cars is a mistake

except for Chocolove redemption arc

Hao is the greatest shonen villain ever.



I remember that in my dub they changed Yoh to Joe, Hao to Zeke, Manta to Morty and Ren to Lenny and Ryunosuke to Ryo


well deserved, what kind of name is "manta"

The best.

his spirit was actually his waifu

truly the best

Wait a sek
What dub was that?
Im 99% sure we had the same shit here in Denmark

I think they changed it in Polish too

In Polish it was like in Czech, but Yoh was still Yoh.

MC is likeable stoner with great love interest.

Ending is trashy though like in every shounen ever,

Actually they left Yoh for some reason.

I'm reading it for the first time right now, it's pretty alright. Hao is god tier, Yoh is surprisingly refreshing. Would recommend for fans of 90's/2000's battle shounen.

>Manta to Morty

Hao was badass as fuck. Like "Sure, I'll tell you what's my weakness, you can't beat me anyway."

"oh you want my fire spirit to try defeat me, here it is faggots, see you at the arena"

I'm not sure what was supposed to be special about Yoh beyond his attitude. Despite being half of Hao, that seemed surpringly irrelevant.

Yoh was pretty regulae shounen MC, he was just easy-going without that "I-I'll do my best!" all the time.

by the end he isn't even the stronger nor most important character

literally the pinnacle case for "Yoh wasn't the protagonist, the group was"


Imagine this user, if you only had 7 hour startting from the moment you read this to find a valuable artifact/grave to summon your partner for the Shaman King tournament, what would you get Sup Forums ?

And this guy was called Trey

a gun

My fap sock is practiaclly sentient already from all the mold.
Does that count?

I'd probably go steal some ancient relic from the local museum. Despite it being a third world shithole now, my country was awesome, so it has a rich mythology.

The French one had Zeke and Ryo too

I liked it. Read this stuff over a decade ago but it is one of my more liked ones. I liked it better than stuff like flame of recca for sure. Ending made no sense but osorezan revoir was the best.

France or Germany?

US of A, actually

OVERSOUL!!! Hitler: Deutschland über alles!!!

I would watch this.

>going to homo tournament

I'm going for the softest.

I remember all of those except Yoh to Joe. What dub was that.

Wasent Joe the name of that musician yoh listened to? Soul Joe or Joe Soul or whatever...

same in greek 'cept from joe.

In polish Yoh and Joe are literally pronounced the same way.

The manga is pretty good for the most part, the ending fucking fucking fucking sucks though,
Don't watch the anime.

It's dope af.

pick your favorite

matamune a best

HoroHoro, Yoh and Hao have the best design, but waifu literally powering you is too much

shonen isn't a genre

couple more of these

Come to think of it, were the carrangels designed using the elemental spirits as a base of reference?

fuck, wrong image

Why are you posting Metal Gear?

Files were right next to each other; just looked at the thumbnail

Is shonen king a good shaman?

Anna called him shorty




What did Yoh even receive from being Hao's twin anyway? I mean, he wasn't even exceptionally talented as a Shaman. Or, well, I guess he was, but he was surrounded by people who were just as good as, if not better than, he was. Hell, when the story starts, he only barely knows how to use Possessive Fusion. His grandpa could have at least taught him Oversoul.










Considering their powerlevel, Yoh was probably top tier in the world, but only average within the elite.
>teaching oversoul
Pretty sure it's some kind of rite to let your kids learn oversoul themselves

One of the greatest battle shonen ever made

You have got to be shitting me
It's like of the most underrated/obscure manga in the west by far

>all of these faggots ITT complaining
Fuck off
The ending was great and SK never went to shit until flowers anyways but we'll pretend that didn't happen

Discount Faust 2bh

I liked it. It was chill

Shame about what a disappointment Flowers turned out to be

Not really, but it is pretty edgy

Shaman King was ok

Though its English opening was pretty great.

The thing special about him is that he doesn't really want to be the strongest or show off or whatever. He just wants an easy life.

He also is unique in that he wants to save everyone and he tries to understand people and help them. Even after all the atrocities Hao did he still wanted to save him(which he did in the end)

Yoh is sort of like the typical God in most religions. He's benevolent, always forgiving and just wants to help people

tl;dr Read the chapter where he offers his body to Tokageroh and read it carefully this time and it will hit you what makes his character so unique

Uh no he wasn't
You completely misunderstood his character
Yoh was beyond chill and a complete anti-thesis to the typical hot-blooded shonen MC(the only time he came close to being that is when Manta was first fucked by Faust but that was the first time he experienced a friend of his in that situation)

On a scale of it's alright to YGO tier how bad is the anime?

Yet he's the leader of the group and he's the one pulling all the strings in their fight vs Hao and even Ren recognizes him as leader for a reason

I wish people paid more attention to Yoh's character...he really is a brilliant one of a kind character which most people don't seem to get and constantly reduce him to "dude weed lmao" when that's far from the case

Flowers was good faggot

Never watched the animated series or read the manga but I loved the Gameboy games as a kid

Reminder that Yoh could have surpassed Hao while in hell but he decided against it

Pic related

I started to enjoy flowers when the mc own spirit appeared, sadly it ended after that.

Anime is fun(the jap version anyways) but it's bad compared to the manga

To give you an idea
Same guy who did FMA 2003 series did the 2001 mankin anime

You mean when Death Zero showed up?
Anyways it was too late at that point. The pacing was so terrible and Flowers did so much damage to the series by shitting on the original cast so fuck it

Ignoring the name changes, this was one of the best dubs 4kids produced.

Is Flowers really THAT bad? What even happens for you people to hate it that much?

How could it be when it's been dubbed and aired on national tv? Anyone old enough remembers it.

>everything past the moment the angels were actually cars is a mistake
I actually liked that, not just the car thing but the X-laws being just a scam made by Marco to get his revenge

Yeah, I liked the idea of the other shaman kings and Hao being Hao, but the author didn´t do it right, the main character was very hard to like among other things.

Poor Death Zero deserved better, he was a pretty cool looking companion spirit, we didn´t even get to see their oversoul in action.

I wish viz would get around to publishing the remake, but that's probably never happening.