Is he the worst Pope in recent history?
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He is an antipope. The last true pope was John Paul 2
And before him, John Paul II.
And before him, Montini/Paul VI.
...and before him, John XXIII.
the vatican needs to be blown up
Pope has been kike'd and hes taken all the Catholics with him
He's taken all the ultramontanists with him. He is more a partisan with Protestants than Catholics.
If you don't accept that the pope is infallible and that god talks to him, you aren't catholic, so your opinion on the pope is irrelevant.
The fact that people are even saying that the pope sucks because he doesn't agree with their cookie cutter political identities, just goes to show you why Catholicism and Christianity at large are no longer respected, and are disappearing.
>the pope is infallible and that god talks to him, you aren't catholic
Way to not understand the definition of infallibility as clearly defined at the first Vatican Council. Your definition is precisely the ultramontane I was referring to.
Holy shit, that’s some serious heresy right there.
Best pope eva !!!!
In some ways, yes.
He's utter shit, I want Benedict back
Cardinal Sarah, a pure blooded nigger, will save the day. How does that make you feel?
The one that's gold front right of the pope looks like Fidel Castro
His policies make no sense. If I want a church that is more lenient with regards to sin etc I would just become a Protestant, there are plenty of choices out there.
I was thinking he was the worst pope ever. A lot of his decrees or whatever are not....Christian. At all.
True, but theres been worse lets be honest.
When the first post, is also the best post.
Nowhere close. Look up the Pornocracy. Francis is ezpz compared to some of these jokers.
We've been through hard times before, and we'll go through them again. Christ's promise to Peter did not imply that there would never be bad times; it meant that Hell would not win in the end.
Reminder that this pope will live for a long time and when he finally shits the bed another one exactly like him will be the replacement.
The catholic church know they dont have a future in europe outside of a few slavic shitholes and are pandering 100% to the brown third world where they actually have a tonne of support (think all of the south america + others)
In personal behavior. I'd much rather a pope that has a few illegitimate children or was a sexual degenerate rather than a pope that dares to attempt to alter the faith.
In the old days, barely touching the canon of the Mass was reason enough for Rome to threaten to kill the pope. Happened on more than one occasion.
Mean, yes. Heresy, no. The pope isnt God/Jesus.
we saw how shit he could be when he supported CFK, Milagros sala or Maduro but this is getting out of control.
I could have sworn a pope is pope until he dies. There's no "retiring". So this kike isn't the Pope.
I remember hearing how Pope Benedict is the Antichrist and the last pope and I gotta say he looked the part, but this fucker Francis man he's really might be.
Normally that is true. We have sort of a precedent in a retiring pontiff: Celestine V
Which is why it was interesting that Benedict visited his tomb.
The difference is the circumstances surrounding the "resignation."
If it was under threat or personal protest, it is invalid, and he is still pope.
Either way we probably will never find out, or find out much later. Hell, it wasn't very long ago that they came out and said that John Paul I died of natural causes. If don't know anyone that believes that nonsense.
Maybe they should leave the Vatican for Brazil. No point in destroying Europe.
"the pope talks to god" is a simple but honest representation of what papal infallibility necessarily means. If you don't agree with the pope, you don't agree with the catholic church, you aren't catholic.
He eats boogers. Google it.
So do I, whats the big deal
A completely stupid explanation of the charism of infallibility.
Try reading the first Vatican Council proclamation: Pastor Aeternus.
Chapter 4.
>6. For the Holy Spirit was promised to the successors of Peter not so that they might, by his revelation, make known some new doctrine, but that, by his assistance, they might religiously guard and faithfully expound the revelation or deposit of faith transmitted by the apostles.
He can't just make shit up as he goes along. It must be already accepted doctrine and have precedence of being taught throughout history at all times.
Who cares? Christians are all scum.
No, this just means that what the pope says is true must be derivable from what was 'transmitted by the apostles'.
> Hence if anyone, which God forbid, should dare willfully to deny or to call into doubt that which We have defined, let him know that he has fallen away completely from the divine and Catholic Faith.
>Christ's promise to Peter
Jesus was a LARPing faggot, who lied and contradicted himself constantly. Case in point:
>Then Simon Peter, having a sword, drew it and struck the high priest’s servant, and cut off his right ear. The servant’s name was Malchus.
>So Jesus said to Peter, “Put your sword into the sheath. Shall I not drink the cup which My Father has given Me?”
>Then the detachment of troops and the captain and the officers of the Jews arrested Jesus and bound Him. (John 18:10-12)
>Pilate answered, “Am I a Jew? Your own nation and the chief priests have delivered You to me. What have You done?”
>Jesus answered, “My kingdom is not of this world. If My kingdom were of this world, My servants would fight, so that I should not be delivered to the Jews; but now My kingdom is not from here.” (John 18:35-36)
yes he is
He contradicted himself all the time, true, but the real blame falls on his mother, who originally lied about being a virgin.
Not every word that comes out of the man's mouth is an infallible statement. There are parameters for the charism to be invoked.
He can't declare infallibly that man-made climate change is real, forcing all Catholics to adhere. It has nothing to do with faith and morals.
He cannot declare, under the pain of mortal sin, that the Blessed Virgin is the fourth person of the Holy Trinity.
Imagine the mindfuck of growing up lied to your whole life that you were miraculously conceived, all so your roastie mother could cover up the fact that she cucked her husband
>pol hates the pope because he is nice to immigrants
>The bible says be nice to foreigners
>The Pope is following the bible
You guys do realize that the Pope is supposed to follow the bible right? It wouldn't be very Christian of him if he hated Immigrants like you guys do.....
Yep, he's a heretic, he should burn at the stake.
The Pope is actually free to do whatever he wants, and you have to blindly follow him like good little cuck. From Lumen Gentium, the dogmatic constitution on the Church:
>But the college or body of bishops has no authority unless it is understood together with the Roman Pontiff, the successor of Peter as its head. The pope's power of primacy over all, both pastors and faithful, remains whole and intact. In virtue of his office, that is as Vicar of Christ and pastor of the whole Church, the Roman Pontiff has full, supreme and universal power over the Church. And he is always free to exercise this power. The order of bishops, which succeeds to the college of apostles and gives this apostolic body continued existence, is also the subject of supreme and full power over the universal Church, provided we understand this body together with its head the Roman Pontiff and never without this head.(27*) This power can be exercised only with the consent of the Roman Pontiff.
I can't wait to see the Guardian tie itself in knots between hating the Church and having to worship any black man who happens to pass by
>confusing 'human beings' with 'taking in people from shit hole countries to receive gibs & tax money'
>simultaneously attacking God
You're a real Gem user. God help you
>dogmatic constitution
For one, the name is misleading as both John XXIII and Paul VI said that Second Vatican Council abstained from an infallible character, and was merely pastoral.
>There are those who ask what authority, what theological qualification, the Council intended to give to its teachings, knowing that it avoided issuing solemn dogmatic definitions backed by the Church’s infallible teaching authority. The answer is known by those who remember the conciliar declaration of March 6, 1964, repeated on November 16, 1964. In view of the pastoral nature of the Council, it avoided proclaiming in an extraordinary manner any dogmas carrying the mark of infallibility.
>(Paul VI, General Audience, December 1, 1966)
Secondly, you misconstrue the assent of authority over the Church and the assent to private opinions of the pope himself.
Context matters, kiddo.
Obama did this
"Pope Francis is the worst Pop-"
The catholic church has been the height of degeneracy for ages.
Hmmm interestingly enough:
>Italy was at risk of being excluded from international financial markets. The menace against the Vatican was to bar the IOR (Istituto per le Opere di Religione, the Vatican bank) from the SWIFT (Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication) network. Taking as an excuse the fact that the IOR did not abide by international rules of transparency, Deutsche Bank (which runs point-of-sale payment systems in the Vatican and was suspected by Bankitalia of hosting an IOR account where all money earned within the Vatican converged) had been induced to block all ATMs in Vatican City, a service curiously reactivated, Dottori noticed, right after Pope Benedict’s abdication.
SWIFT excluded the Vatican from its network until the day after Benedict resigned. Pressure was mounted, and he buckled.
John Paul 2 Mall Cop was a pretty good movie too tho
The last true pope was Pius X. Everyone after him was modernist trash.
worst pope needs to be less of a pushover.
Socialist Pope needs to step down
All of your Popes burn in hell anyway so I don't really have an opinion as to which ones are the worst.
I actually like Francis though as I get to watch you DOOS BOLT faggots perform mental gymnastics trying to support Catholicism and it's infallibility as the only church of Christ while simultaneously claiming that your own Pope is a "cuck" and somehow magically doesn't represent True Catholicism™ because you said so.
The award was given to a group, misleading.
>the name [dogmatic constitution] is misleading as both John XXIII and Paul VI said that Second Vatican Council abstained from an infallible character, and was merely pastoral
>you misconstrue the assent of authority over the Church and the assent to private opinions of the pope himself
>the Pope promulgates without modification a document produced by an ecumenical council explicitly marked as dogmatic, but the private opinion of the Pope that the council was not dogmatic overrides the dogmatic character of this document
I'm comforted by the knowledge that all Catholic liars like yourself will burn for eternity in hell
John Paul II was the kindest pope
Por eso esta el pais como esta, porque hay demasiados pelotudos que creen en fantasmas.
Manga de mogolicos
By far yeah
He would literally convert europe to islam and be like “ thats what we fo as christians!”
Absolute madness.
Aflójale al fedora.
>an ecumenical council explicitly marked as dogmatic
It never was. Pick up a history book on the subject. May I suggest Iota Unum or The Second Vatican Council by Roberto de Mattei.
>private opinion of the Pope that the council was not dogmatic
The entire Council was private opinion. Paul VI was merely expounding, right after the Council's closure, that it refrained from using any dogmatic language or declaring or defining any doctrine.
Find a "let him be anathema" in the Second Vatican Council and get back to me. Or just go crawl back to your sixteenth, seventeenth, eighteenth, nineteenth, twentieth, or twenty-first century religion.
fantasmas como Cristina o Macri
Every pope after Vatican II is not a christian.
>It never was
The first word of this document is literally "dogmatic":
Yeah, and in Lumen Gentium it proposes opinions that oppose 1,900 years of doctrine, Scripture, and tradition. Such as LG #16, for just one example.
And yet, there is no binding language to be found anywhere in any of the sixteen documents. Where is the "anathema sit" compelling all Catholics to believe under pain of mortal sin?
Every other Council in the Church's 2000 year history used this Scriptural formula except VII. Why? Because it was a "new" kind of Council; one that was pastoral and not dogmatic. It was a modernist coup.
the Lügenpresse shit on him because he was too conservative and stood up to christian values instead of sucking the dick of muslims, kikes and globalist child fucking bastards
Ratzinger tried to throw out everyone in the Vatican who was involved in corruption and child fucking
but then he realized that basically everyone in the catholic church and especially the Vatican was a corrupt, child fucking piece of shit - so he left because he didn't wanted to be the head of such a whore house
he was a good pope - unlike the current pope, he actually believed in the values he preached
And yet he is a modernist as well who called for "razing the bastions of the Church."
Liturgical traditionalist and a doctrinal modernist.
look at the pun
Che GuePapa (cheGuePope) instead of Che Guevara.......
this was in peru iirc
the things hes doing to Catholic church in argentina..... in the biggest Catholic newspaper (and only one) in argentina it was advertised that transvestites would get their own meetings to be happy and that they were accepted by the church WTF?
isaac schekelberg no tenés que escribir tu reporte semanal en ((((clarin)))) de que sigue habiendo nazi en Alemania??
Every pope has been shit, he's just been a bit mkre shitty.
*se ajusta el fedora*
I agree, not every word is infallible -- the words are only infallible if he says so and, if higher ups in the catholic church agree with him (and realistically, a critical mass of catholics must accept it).
This is what all the rules of papal infallibility actually mean. To understand this, consider the fact that the specific conditions which determine if the pope is speaking infallibly, are determined by the pope who was operating under those conditions (or prior popes who were).
So yes, he could declare infallibly that man-made climate change is real, forcing all catholics to adhere, insofar as he can do that and has done that with prior infallible statements, (including the claim of papal infallibiility, which was and remains controversial among 'catholics')
This is what I'm saying. Being catholic means nothing. It means, "I believe whatever I want to believe."
Si huberia sido en Perú la mitad de los negros se hubieran ofendido.
vos cerra el culo galleguito que tu pais esta para tras con tanto boludo dando vuelta, soyboy betacuck.
pero paraaa gil, que te haces el langa que no tiene que ver con los judios de mierda, es simple TODAS la religiones son para betas como vos gil!
Yep, I had hopes that he would be decent but just ended up being another commie from Argentina.
oy vey! claro goyim nada tiene que ver con los judios! Son los católicos los causantes de todo! Sii goyim olvida las religiones, ten muchas parejas y sexo premarital, sumerjete en excesos y lleva una vida de depravación. Jesus no existio!! Ahh y por cierto, el judaismo es una religión, decir lo contrario te transforma en un nazi. Saludos Goyim!!
la verdad, das lastima flaco, tanto o mas que los judios de mierda que viven ahi. Asi de simple, que te haces el puritano, que sos bobo? O te subiste al tren de los yankis en /pol y repetis todo como un lorito?
Vivis en Argentina salame, no te la creas, estas en un pais tercermundista, como la mayoria de el resto de latinoamerica, dejen de seguir religiones, educate y piensa un poquito críticamente y por ahí salen del pozo.
Mientras, seguí chupando culo yanqui y pensando que sos algo mas que un residuo de lo que una ves fue un gran país. Andan todos siguiendo como obejitas a otros seres humanos en lugar de usar la cabeza, por dios.. que carajo tiene que ver el sexo prematrimonial con el sentido común y la lógica?
Sigan chupando sirios o comiendo Gegilte Fish con los gorito y asi van a seguir, en el culo del mundo llenos de peruanos y bolivianos cagandoles el pais, por vagos y lentos mentales
andá a cagar gil nací en rosario. y los españoles en absoluto son cuck, si son lo mas racista que hay, pero no mas que yo, y precisamente eso es lo que los salva (en parte) de terminar como suecia, alemania o UK.
He's a fucking embarrassment. He was better off helping the little Brazilian boys
>naci en rosario
Y? Seguis siendo un español por adopcion boludo!
Aparte que decis boludeces si estan como puta con dos colas con los partidos populistas retrasados mentales ahi!
Tenias que ser Rosarino para tener dos dedos de frente...por dios..shhh
but he looked like Palpatine. wasn't he the one who cracked down on a bunch of nuns because they were helping too many poor people and not being being mean enough to homosexuals?
lo del PP no te lo niego pero igual no estamos hablando de los partidos politicos en este hilo
Matthew 7:15-20English Standard Version (ESV)
A Tree and Its Fruit
15 “Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep's clothing but inwardly are ravenous wolves. 16 You will recognize them by their fruits. Are grapes gathered from thornbushes, or figs from thistles? 17 So, every healthy tree bears good fruit, but the diseased tree bears bad fruit. 18 A healthy tree cannot bear bad fruit, nor can a diseased tree bear good fruit. 19 Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire. 20 Thus you will recognize them by their fruits.
Isaac Newton was the antichrist.
What is a cult? The greatest authority on the cults, the late Dr. Walter Martin, described a cult as “A group of people gathered around a specific person’s misinterpretation of the Bible.”2 Cults are groups that claim to be in harmony with Christianity but deny foundational Christian doctrines such as the Trinity or the unique deity of Jesus Christ.
In Matthew 7:15-17, Jesus gives us a warning about the coming of the cults. He states, “Watch out for false prophets. They come to you in sheep’s clothing but inwardly they are ferocious wolves. By their fruit you will recognize them.” What Jesus was warning was that cultists will look, act, and sound like Christians. However, that is only in external appearance. One can parade as a true believer for a time, but eventually one’s words, actions, and especially one’s beliefs--their “fruit”--will give one away as a counterfeit.
jajaja que decís mogolico que poder de proyección tenes BOBO
1) Odio a los norteamericanos filosemitas negrificados, tendrian que tirar 200 napalm en cada estado, en especial en (((washington dc)))
2)que tiene que ver que este en un pais tercermundista? no soy latino y no me considero como tal, la nacionalidad proviene de la raza no del lugar de donde nacista, no me quieras meter el cuento judio de "jaja los argentinos somos mestizos/latinos", si hay muchos mestizomierdas, pero tambien hay muchos blancos puros que nada tienen en comun con esta lacra.
3)te dije que no me gustan los nortejudeoamericanos
4)uso la cabeza, el orden fue: pienso así por eso entro a Sup Forums, y no "entro a Sup Forums, por eso pienso así". Incluso muchos acá estan en a favor del sexo premarital/videojuegos/pornografia/etc......
4) no me gustan los sierios y no se que carjo es getulio fish... tambien me dan asco los peruanomierdas y bolivianomeirdas..
Matthew 7:15-20English Standard Version (ESV)
A Tree and Its Fruit
15 “Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep's clothing but inwardly are ravenous wolves. 16 You will recognize them by their fruits. Are grapes gathered from thornbushes, or figs from thistles? 17 So, every healthy tree bears good fruit, but the diseased tree bears bad fruit. 18 A healthy tree cannot bear bad fruit, nor can a diseased tree bear good fruit. 19 Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire. 20 Thus you will recognize them by their fruits.
What is a cult? The greatest authority on the cults, the late Dr. Walter Martin, described a cult as “A group of people gathered around a specific person’s misinterpretation of the Bible.”2 Cults are groups that claim to be in harmony with Christianity but deny foundational Christian doctrines such as the Trinity or the unique deity of Jesus Christ.
In Matthew 7:15-17, Jesus gives us a warning about the coming of the cults. He states, “Watch out for false prophets. They come to you in sheep’s clothing but inwardly they are ferocious wolves. By their fruit you will recognize them.” What Jesus was warning was that cultists will look, act, and sound like Christians. However, that is only in external appearance. One can parade as a true believer for a time, but eventually one’s words, actions, and especially one’s beliefs--their “fruit”--will give one away as a counterfeit
Aaron Joseph Cote
18 yr old boy filed suit 11/05 alleging abuse in 2001-02 when the youth attended Mother Seton Church in Germantown MD., Suit said abuse occurred in both MD and DC. Cote removed. Reported to Archdiocese in 2003 but it just moved him to RI. Also alleged to have abused 2nd youth in OH in 1980s. Case settled 8/07 for $1.2M paid by Order. Also worked in Springfield MA. Woman filed suit 4/08 re abuse of her children. First criminal charges filed 7/08 re 2003 abuse. Found guilty 7/09. 10 yrs probation 11/09. -- Diocese: Washington, DC
como está la vida por allá? hace cuanto estás?
Alphonsus M. Smith
In 1995 Smith admitted affair with 1 youth from 1988-1993. Civil suit filed 1995 dismissed on statute of limitations. Sentenced 1996 to 16 years for abuse of 4. Reduced to 1 year. Sent to live at St. John Vianney in St. Louis. Died in 2005. At least 1 claim included in $1.3M settlment with Archdiocese 12/06. -- Diocese: Washington, DC
Alvin L. Campbell
Arrested on sexual assault charges in 1985. Owned child porn. History of abuse involving numerous victims going back at least 20 years. Convicted and sentenced to 14 yrs prison. Released 1992. Bishop requested laicization in 1989 but was denied by Ratzinger because Campbell did not agree. He later agreed and was laicized (1992?). Died in late 2002. At least 1 civil suit settled in 2004 mass settlement. Six more victims from 1970s and early 1980s settled with Diocese 1/07 for $625K total. -- Diocese: Springfield, IL
Catholicism is what you get if you mix the worst of sandniggers and germanic paganism + more heresy than we can understand...
Catholics are literally worse than niggers
Andre Anthony Corbin
Criminal charges filed 1988 alleged abuse in 1966 when parish was part of Raleigh Diocese. Sentenced 3 yrs jail; served only about 60 days. Put on probation for 5 yrs and sent for treatment. Accused of dressing young boys in loin cloths to depict modelof crucified Christ. Charlotte Diocese stripped Corbin of priestly faculties in 1988. Also named in 12/03 lawsuit in Springfield, MA which settled 8/04 as part of multiple plaintiffs $7.75M settlement. Died in fire 5/08 at age 79. -- Diocese: Raleigh, NC