White Nationalist Men Suck!

Why should I care if ugly, disgusting, evil, misogynistic, white, male PIGS are not attracted to me?

Why should I give a flying F what such assholes think when there is nothing that a “white” man, and certainly not a blue-eyed blond or redhead, can do for me that a non-white with black hair and brown eyes (like mine) couldn’t?

I cannot have children, never wanted them when I could, so there is ABSOLUTELY NO REASON for me to seek a “genetic upgrade” in the form of an Albino-looking man like this. I also didn’t come from a “white man,” as my mother is the white parent, but does not have blue eyes either.

No one in my immediate family has ever had blue eyes, so to me they look every bit as foreign as a non-white. I could never have loved a child with light features, and couldn’t care less if they cease to exist after I die.

Why, as a mixed American, should I care about the “white” race or the 14-88 crowd?

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Slide thread


Eli Harman is an asshole!

I would never marry an ass like him because I don’t want to become a Mrs. H, as in H for Hitler.

I despise him!

Looks like a stinking skinhead!

lol roastyposting.

nigger, are you having a stroke?

Eli Harman is a piece of shit!

I also hate Andrew Anglin and Christopher Cantwell.

I detest a man who is whiter in the summer than I am from spending years indoors!!!


Women want to be glorified for our beauty and white skin, so if the man has a white complexion, how the f*** can we feel “fair” in comparison???????




Russian neo nazis can be pieces of ass. American neo-nazis aren't, they're fat slugs or black looking like anglin.

you seem to care quite a bit

This was me at 18, my peak of beauty. I clearly am not 100% white.


And then they try to pretend the movie isn't "political"

Terrible bait. Sage, hide, report.

>Why, as a mixed American, should I care about the “white” race or the 14-88 crowd?
do you want a serious answer or are you just trolling?

Blue-eyed bitch!


Who said that you should care? Who are you talking to?

Seriously, why should I care???

>it's a schizophrenia thread

>Peak of beauty
>Looks like a boy


how unfortunate

I’m FTM transgender.

This is the dumbest and weirdest fucking thread I’ve seen here in a long time. Get help, OP

Let Chad Tyrone tame that white kitty. These white nationalists are just mad because they can't even compare to Chad Tyrone.

And that’s my main reason for hating white nationalist.


No one cares what you think, white roastie slut. Asian women are the future, white women will be made obsolete and relegated to history as an example of what happens to women when they fail at even most the basic of biological functions like the disgusting losers they really are.

PS stay the fuck out of Asia whore

So true!!!

>“genetic upgrade”
>“white man,”

Did you know that those kinds of quotation marks often come straight from websites like the ones ShareBlue uses to distribute their scripts to paid posters? I was under the impression they told people to use those as examples, and discouraged copying and pasting them wholesale.

What's the URL you're using, by the way? Do you have a username and password, or is it just given the robots.txt disallow treatment to keep it off of Google's index?


Gross no loss then

Why should I convince you? Good luck.

how did you find this place?
what are you doing here?
10/10 unironically recommend suicide

Asian women cannot give you tall, blond, blue-eyed children, hahahahaha!

Yes, indeed.

If you like living in a white country, you'd better hope white people stay around and are a significant majority. Otherwise choose Haiti or Mexico to live in.

>slide thread
>larper spotted
Fuck off back to shareblue kike.
Let this thread die, don't let it grow guys

Most half Asian people look completely Asian, even with a father like Eli.

Awww look how sad being mixed has gotten you. What a poor, poor identity-less person.

Go put some ketchup on some cardboard and enjoy that shit bitch.

There may just come a day in which you regret the fact that there is not one single white male who gives a shit whether you are gang raped by a pack of feral savages.

Lol, you can't either, you said you're barren
So fuck off and fuck tyrone, this is no place for edgy 15 year olds who larp as mixed whores.

Coal burner/mutt detected

>mixed American
you could just say american

White men ARE the savages!

OK. So now there is at least ONE white male who hopes you are.

I’m 34 with eyes as dark as night, so I never could.

>I cannot have children
Then nobody cares about you

so thank you for not getting a beautyful aryan man who couldn't have children with you anyway.
This leaves more of them for those who actually CAN and WANT cute, white, babies.

White men suck!

>Why, as a mixed American, should I care about the “white” race or the 14-88 crowd?

You're not white, of course you wouldn't give a shit, you're a enemy, nothing we can do to change that. Hopefully you're smart enough to run when shit hits the fan.

into the oven for you

Why would anyone care if I dated a black or Latino man (not that I want to) if I’m half Latina myself, with no blue eyed genetics, and can never have a child???????

Haha. Reminds me of the Copypasta that goes like this:
"This is the pinnacle of biological perfection, you may not like it, but it is anyway."

That would explain the epidemic of black women raped by white men...

A person who is heterozygous for blue eyes will usually have lighter brown eyes than mine.

As I already said here : Thank you for your service to the white race, no fuck off if you don't have any interesting political ideas to discuss.

I'mma deal with you on the level, because there's a slim chance you're not just trolling ol' Sup Forums while you're waiting for coffee to finish brewing.

I'm a white supremacist. I don't hate you for your FTM transgender status. I hate that you have identity issues and wish for a better solution than the one you appear to be stuck with.

You may be out of the loop on this, which isn't your fault, but the surgery doesn't really seem to affect the suicide rates of the people who go through with it. You're looking at a one-in-three chance of offing yourself, here.

I can't take that. It breaks my heart to see it, no matter what color a person is. The world's a bleak place, and it only looks like it's going to get bleaker. Shit sucks. The only thing that makes it worse is that no one is apparently allowed to look into alternative forms of treatment for problems like yours.

Wouldn't you like that? For someone, anyone, to figure out a way to help you and people like you? Because that's what I want.

Fück the white race and the 14-88 crowd!!!

The “left” has soooo much more to offer me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

you shouldn't, you worthless commie whore. go fuck a nigger or kys whatever will make you feel better for being an old whore with no family/future

It thinks it doesn’t need help.



This is a schizophrenia board my dude.

I admire your determination to console this poor woman, but it looks like she is already to bitter and cynic to consider your comment genuine, i think she will see it as a thinly veiled insult and will get on the defensive.


you should care if you want to reach a consensus that works for everyone someday.

ideally each race would be encouraged to look after its own without impeding others. it doesn't mean alliances can't be made, but everyone should know the fundamentals.

if we don't care for preserving the worlds cultures, traditions, environment etc.. then there's no need to care about one group or the other - we can leave this as is and let nature take its current course.

i.e. let the struggle of power/intelligence dictate the outcome.

my guess is that you're mestizo.

K no one cares, low quality bait and anyone who keeps bumping this shitty thread should kill themselves. Saged, faggot.

Handsome man. Blue eyes, light hair, reddish beard like me.

>hy should I care if ugly, disgusting, evil, misogynistic, white, male PIGS are not attracted to me?

This obviously bothers you quite a bit. Go be a faggot somewhere else.

when pushed far enough....... savage is not a good enough descriptor.....

video related



Looks like it had to go dilate...

>as a mixed American

The holohoax was funny desu

I am part Latina and part “white,” though I don’t like that term.

Lots of men shave their heads now. Because the skinhead look is fashionable. Good look for goys.

Yep, niggers, poos, and chinks don’t make good countries.

Because my hair and eyes are closer to black. And I don’t appreciate being lumped in with Eli H and Adolf H.

>it had to go dilate...

pic related

Pure evil!

Going the FTM route seems to indicate otherwise. We'll see when the response comes, if it comes.

See above. Most of the responses aren't really getting replies, so I don't hold out much hope.

My pupils don’t show like that.

> I don't care
> I care enough to start this thread and complain hysterically about white guys ignoring me

I cannot afford “help” even if I wanted it.

Such a devil!!!


Germans are evil!

Oh? In what regard are you FTM, if you don't mind me asking?

I have always hated being female and had a complete hysterectomy (medical issues) 2 years ago.

Mama told me this man was THE DEVIL!!!

Yeah cool
Remember to sage