2017 was the second-warmest year after 2016 for the global surface (~1...

>2017 was the second-warmest year after 2016 for the global surface (~1.17°C) and the warmest year for the global ocean (~19*10^22 J) in the instrumental record.

What is the most sensible solution to prevent catastrophe?

Other urls found in this thread:


Stop believing in the global warming hoax.

>2017 was the second-warmest year after 2016
So it went down?

>What is the most sensible solution to prevent catastrophe?
What catastrophe?

the catastrophe that would result if this is allowed to continue

>humans determine if weather is allowed to happen
lol, funny.

2017 was cooler than 2016. Global warming is over.

Do nothing.

Stop believing this bullshit.
The amount of greenhouse gasses needed for our climate to warm to the point of catastrophe is not happening. We are long dead from the toxicity of the atmosphere before it has any real effect to the climate.


I can't wait for Antarctica to melt and reveal the ancient Ayys bases

a multidecadal change in the mean meteorological state is by definition not "weather"

then you can essentially kiss the world as it existed for the last 65 million years goodbye

>a multidecadal change in the mean meteorological state is by definition not "weather"
Yes it is. What you're referring to is a weather cycle the likes of which the world has seen over and over and over again.

>then you can essentially kiss the world as it existed for the last 65 million years goodbye
65 million years is nearly inconsequential in the span of the earth's timeline thus far. Get over yourself.

Nothing. White people deserve this.

Put on a tank top and stfu

Stop relying on compromised “scientists” to bring you information.
Look into how they gather this data vs how they USED to gather it.
All of the data is bs.
Compromised scientists you ask?
If you were reliant on funding for your research and job and that funding was directly related to what your research discovers, would you publish anything contradictory?
We talk about corruption everywhere, but you think that these scientists are untouchable incorruptible basically the new worlds saints?
Fucking bullshit
There are interested parties that (financially) benefit from these reports and they ensure that those reports are (financially) support.
If you know anything about stats, you realize that you can make them say whatever you want through hiding information, manipulating the data, and many other means.
In this case specifically, looking at how they measure the temp using different devices that fails to take into account temp variations from using the different devices (or lack thereof)
But people in general have been effectively brainwashed into believing this bullshit.
Look at bill nye. Really? Fucking gender spectrum? What a fucking cringe fest. Gender is a social spectrum, no you fucking twats you have XX or XY chromosomes. Everything else is a mental illness.
Sorry for the rant, but this shit really pisses me off. Also what a fucking slide thread, and what goes into options?

yeah, notice how from the left of the graph is was coming down...

medieval warm period 900AD-1200AD
middle ice age 1400AD-1700AD

look at the link below, if they are correct why fudge the data?


First, can you name another time during Earth history during which this happened before?

Secondly, how does the Earth being really old invalidate concerns about the damage human impacts can/could have?

>all the scientists that believe in global warming are paid shills
Ignore thousands of scientific findings proving global warming

>this one article says soy is bad
there's NO way it's lobbying against soy, genuine reliable food science!

>First, can you name another time during Earth history during which this happened before?
Every other time we left an ice age, you dumb fuck. Geological data has shown we've gone through several transitional periods such as this. The oceans have been hotter and more acidic and deprived of oxygen several times and humanity might even see the day when they're completely chocked with jellyfish again.

>econdly, how does the Earth being really old invalidate concerns about the damage human impacts can/could have?
Our brief human experience causes us to think that normal evens are unusual or at all in our control.

We need to declare war on Russia and conquer Siberia for the Germanic race.

But I thought warmer or colder didnt mean anything? Now its way cold?

When the US temps are "normal" climate change alarmists just find somewhere else in the world with "abnormal" temps

Kek whoa whoa whoa there, thats a lot of logic, I bet you're a nazi too

First step is getting NOAA to stop falsifying the data


what does (-1.17*C) represent? Are we still 1.17 points below overall average?

>meteorological state
you mean weather? As for kissing things goodbye, you can do that for things as far back as yesterday. remember when Germany was predominantly white 10 years ago?

except the glacial cycle is fundamentally different from the current global warming. Both temperature and atmospheric carbon dioxide concentration changed orders of magnitudes slower than now. High-resolution ice cores from West Antarctica suggest that reached maximum rates of global warming of between 1.5 °C/kyrs (equivalent to 0.0015 °C/year) and pCO2 shows several sudden jumps of 0.075 ppm/year.

Compare that to the current rates of 0.17 °C/year and around 3 ppm/year.

Yes, the globe is warming. Is it the end of the world? No. The earth was something like 20-30 C warmer when life was much more abundant on the surface. If anything global warming will create more arable land, and defrost previously economically uninhabitable lands. And the oceans won't even rise enough to cause any problems except in stupid places already below sea level like new orleans or amsterdam.

Eat a lot of soy then, we dc.

>Live in Michigan
>Even in the most severe case, the climate rises by a couple degrees over the next couple centuries
>Michigan is slightly less cold
I see no problem here

imagine being so much of a brainlet you take a 30 year sample for something that has millions of years... I thought germans were supposed to be smart?

jesus christ you fucking retard, do you see that graph?

Your graph is missing the 1948 data, when summer temps in the Midwest averaged 105 degrees. Should be a huge spike shown in the graph but it's not there.

according to that graph defeating the Germans..

Holy shit! The temp dropped a bunch from 2016 to 2017. Hold on boys, we're heading straight into an ice age now!

First of all, who do you think you're suprising with the news that it was much warmer in deep Earth history? And which of my statements is invalidated by this?
The intervals you're talking about were the product of tens of millions of years of slow environmental evolution, while an equivalent warming today would be brought about within several centuries.
Not to see the difference means not to see the difference.

>And the oceans won't even rise enough to cause any problems except in stupid places already below sea level like new orleans or amsterdam.

I'm afraid it would be a little worse than that.

the black squares are annual data points, so 1948 is included

Bomb cunts that produce the most heat, obviously

Look, it's like this:
Gender DOES NOT EXIST, it has been proven by some sick jew that "reassignes" brothers. Both an hero'd.
And it's actually a jew, not even joking, kek.

So, you say that Gender DOESN'T exist and tell that twat, where the theory comes from, and how ridicuoud (and sick) it is.
Then you go on to say that there are sexes, and there are 2, not more (and maybe less, to muslims "Property" is prolly not a gender).
Everything beyond that is a disease, or an abnormality at the very least.