How do you feel about extremely slim girls?

How do you feel about extremely slim girls?


I want to feed them by force.

Celestia a best. A BEST.

Krul is a disgusting skeleton.


Imouto is flat too but she doesn't look like a skeleton. In fact she has curves and a sexy body. Why?

Imouto is short, petite and cute, not lanky, bony and with a man face like Krul.

>that futa doujin that just got uploaded to panda

What the fuck

They are not attractive desu.

How thin is too thin?

The sexiest type of girls

Skellygirls give me hard boners

Celestia a bestia


can be cute

I want to break a slim girl.

I want to give Fujii my babies

Thicc is justice.

Stick women are not good, HOWEVER, a petite girl can be very slim without looking like a skeleton. They're 11/10.

Like shoving big-macs down their throats.

This is a japanese boy.

Why would anyone let their son dress like this?

I like them when their series isn't complete shit

That's not flat


What about flat chests and big butts?


Skeleton Slut
Overrated as fuck
Fuck Incest Fags

What tags


>Krulshitfag - Pathetic beta slutskeleton fag
>Celeshitia fags - Loud and obnoxious
Lisha is Much Better



Petite and/or slim girls are the best.

Only if it's your wife's son



I like slims girls with big boobs.

Svelt won't get under my belt.

Raita pls

elins are the ultimate life form

her butt is absolutely insane

Absolute perfection.

I mean that's pretty thin to a lot of thicc degenerates.

>provides cover by spraying bullets right over her head
>running out of cover then combat rolling into cover instead of heading straight to the cover
>chicken wings
wow so badass

>that perfect slim body with that ass while using guns and riding a motorcycle
I didn't know my dick could get this hard.

Kurisu has the ideal female body

Please remember to feed them properly

They make my penis extremely hard

God tier and underrated combo.

(Pict related isn't flat, but still).

Slim body with thicc ass and thighs is the absolute best body type


>small tits and big asses

This is why ass is superior. It can stand out on it's own merits while big tits and a small ass looks ridiculous.

I want to fuck a skeleton.

>dark skin
>tan lines
Muh tags

>55 posts in
>no code geass


Did you know?

"anorexia" is a tag in sadpanda. Go forth and fap



I want to be dominated by a slim girl and dominate a thick girl

I prefer my skeletons to have boobs


I want to play those ribs with my dick as if they were a xylophone.

One of my cousins had anorexia. Her arm was so thin that I could envelop it with my hand. Touching her joints was delightful. Her neck was so delicate that you feel like you cold snap it with little effort.

/ana/ is the most patrician fetish.

>When her body fat is bellow 8% and she has to wear child clothes.

How can fatbags even compete?

I feel about them with both hands, using my index and middle fingers to pinch their nipples and feel up their ribs.

The challenge is: do they still have butt? DFC is fine, but thin + ass is the god combo.

I need sauce for this...any other daki with high res?

ling only is flat not a skeleton like this fucking sluts

slender girls are my fetish. thin + good hips to waist ratio = goat

How is Kurumi a "Skeleton" anyway?

I used to only like thicc, but I've grown to appreciate slender girls as well.I prefer them to have smaller breasts, though. I love huge boobs, but at the same time they kinda distract you from the rest of the body.

Back before Raita turned into shit.

When did Krul become the poster girl for "anorexic" girls?

It makes my peepee feel wierd

When she dethroned Aika

I like hugging them.

Lisha a shit

A stripper once told me that asian/white guys like skinny girls, whereas latino and black guys like thick women.

I would have to say that I agree.

>same original artist
How can one man design such top tier skeleton girls while also designing amazing fat fluid pharaohs like Twirl and Celestia?


Slim is best.

She should be on her belly for better access to her butthole.

I don't know.

I wanna protect them.

I want to see 25-30 year old Chihaya.

Irl - Best female phenotype

In anime - "it's a trap"

Tell me you're joking, please.

You speak the undeniable truth.


wtf isnt tuturu a dude?

It's okay when Nagano does it





I'm white and I prefer girls with a little bit of fat on them. Not just too much.

A good example would be like Mai from Phantom World, Super Sonico. Perfect bodies.

Congrats, I guess. I'm sure that stripper wasn't speaking for every single guy in the entire world, but rather, a pattern she noticed.

