Will Trump pardon Obama?

Will Trump pardon Obama?

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yes, he will.
There is precedent and not putting a president in jail is far preferable for the country as a whole.

I think this will be the first time in a long time that the government publicly hangs a black man.

pardon for what?



This. Besides, Trump helped out Obama before in the past with the "Birther" conspiracy that distracted everyone from the former president's clear and cut CIA ties.

No because it'll never come to that.

Holy fuck, do you people not have the first clue how all of this shit works?


Obongo will be lucky if Trump allows him one last cigarette beofre he gets executed

For being a nigger

Is Hilary locked up yet?
Is the wall built?
Is there a total and complete shutdown on muslims entering the US?

>caring about precedent

Fuck no!

He’s going to think about it for a while, drag it out til 2026 and it’ll be the his final act as President.

IF the memo/documents is actually that incriminating, and IF Obama is directly implicated, I still highly doubt he would do much to Obama. In the interest of avoiding civil war, he would likely make it publicly known what was done but allow that to be it. If Obama were implicated and Trump doesn't jail him, that would probably look benevolent to the more center-left, as well as allowing Obama to simply have to live with that shame.

As much as I hate Obama and Clinton, it's probably best that neither are jailed in the interest of avoiding civil war.

Make the bad man fly

more like, will Hilldawg pardon Drumpf?

>it's probably best that neither are jailed in the interest of avoiding civil war.
we want a civil war dumb fuck

Pardoning Obama takes away the chips from any sort of debate on the subject

I'd prefer people to start getting jailed, but moral highgrounding as a premise is better for politics

>we came
>we saw
>he died

kys yourself traitor

For spying on Americans. That's what the memo is about and it's going to get King Nigger in a lot of trouble.

The right can handle a civil war. In fact they wouldn't mind so much. It would take long and there would be peace after.

user, your post made me almost cum

Trump is the one who needs pardoning. Flumpf will be impeached before he even knows what hit him #ReleasetheMemo

You are welcome, user. I have been waiting for this day since mid July 2015. Behind the scenes our establishment has been in fight or flight panic mode since Trump announced he was running. It gets worse every day. Just finish it already. It is impossible to make business plans when you never know who will be put in gitmo next and your investment will disappear.

Yes! Its her turn now because she would be the first female president

#Progressive #Powerful
love you all :-*

Yes, but he shouldn't.

The best we can hope for is that Obama's legacy is absolutely trashed to the point that even the MSM has to treat him that way.

I'm fucking done hearing about watergate. Every president since Nixon has done shit WAY WORSE than watergate, but that keeps getting brought up as the worst thing a president has ever done.

From now on we talk about Obama spy-gate as the top presidential scandal, even though there is secret shit even worse

Plz happen

His second term would end in 2024 retard

You fucking weak faggot. These traitors need to be made an example of and executed. Otherwise we're going to get some lefty lunatic after trump and that will be it. Trump is our last hope before the democrats check mate us. If civil war is what must happen, the so be it. I've got enough fire power to hold my own

If you are going to make a vagina "art" object why not make it a nice one and not a blown out roastie?

Don't be a bigot

Because 3 jamaals at once is beautiful & empowering

>Trump pardons Obama
>Obama's crimes part of the historical record because of pardon

Dont know, ask a progressive cunt.

Well maybe they thought there are a lot of ugly vaginas out there and they dont want to discourage and hurt vaginamutant feelings.

We will never know

Yeah he will, what goes around comes around. He could be on the receiving end, besides the president cannot do his job without breaking the law.

Hillary however is fucked as is Huma, Maxine Waters, Eric holder etc etc

"Because you'd be in jail" I think the mad man meant it.

Why is it preferable? What is more preferable than maintaining the integrity and fairness of the law of the land? This is bullshit. The reason these traitorous fucks commit these crimes is because they know they will suffer no consequences. It’s time to change that.

What about the precedent Obama made when he weaponized the IC to spy on an incumbent?

yes, and this act of mercy will provoke mountains of liberal salt as we have never seen before

Pardoning Obama would not automatically have the impact you think.

How often does the media talk about the corrupt pardons Bill Clinton gave out?

If the media doesn't talk about it, few people learn about it.

The documents would probably be stored in between recipes for mac&cheese and collard greens.

It has to be a public event that is witnessed and talked about or else it will be forgotten and not included in history

I'm not saying the crime is not outrageous.

Yes, it'd become a petty thing and the next democrat president or whomever would try to jail the previous president. It'd be a cycle of shit.

You can jail everyone but the president who can be pardoned and live in shame. Otherwise we'll turn into a Banana republic faster than if we continue electing leaders like Obama.

We elected this man. We are idiots.

>spy on an incumbent
That word doesn't mean what you think it means, but your point still stands

that face. fucking LEL!!!

The niggers are going to riot regardless, might as well go all the way with it

>technically, Jan. 20th 2025

Truth. Never has the idea of slottin' floppies stateside ever been closer to reality.

For faking his birth certificate.

I just had sex with my wife two times. All of them hanging would be better

Is Khan part of Chaos now?

>Don't be a bigot
That shit doesn't work here nigger.

If you believe MegaLarpAnon then Trump has some sort of weird thing about the "Prestige of the OFFICE of the Presidency", and will never ALLOW a prosecution of ANY former president.

That doesn't mean that Obongo won't die in a tragic plane accident, or slip in a bath house and drown in two inches of water, just that Trump would not allow a trial of a former president.

no he will hang from the tree on the whitehouse lawn as an example to all other niggers that playtime is over.

No wonder there are gay people. That vagina is nasty as fuck.

>>trump pardons obama
>>Neo.OJ chimpout celebrations that a nig got away with same shit as white politicians
>>black people love trump now
>>white people love trump more
>>hispanics are confused until dems fuck up midterms, then see the light
>>asians are going fash

wew lads. is this real



He should. He'll be out but responsible for all his friends in jail.

When Barack H. OBAMA was inaugurated, Veromi listed thirteen (13) separate social security numbers for him, at address in Illinois, Massachusetts, and Hawaii.

When he left office, the records had been condensed into one (1) social security number.


No it isn't, let's kick this race war off already

Obama is a CIA asset and was groomed to be President.

Yeah probably. Hes got a big heart.

Get fucked white trash of Sup Forums.. Obama was 1000x a better president than our current "king of the white trash" Trump and his slut wife.

Obama was suppose to pardon Hillary and Hillary was suppose to pardon Obama. Trump ruined it for them.

No pardon. The nigger must hang.

That's what the assholes bent on destroying America tell you. Nixon should've died in prison and his crimes were less severe than this. Accountability must be universal or total corruption will reign. Period. Lock him up.

Quantum physics.

To imagine, if she won, we would have never found out about these fbi agents and their abusive agenda.

Hahah triggered


prove it

>besides the president cannot do his job without breaking the law.
That's not how it works at all. When Ford pardoned Nixon there was outrage from both sides of the isle.


Is this the greatest revenge ever???

I hope that for Republicans and our sakes, as well as the President that this isn't a nothingburger.

They have been hyping the shit out of this on Fox News and locally in Phoenix with Andy Biggs saying it could end the Mueller investigation.

If it's that good and damning I hope they unleash it at the right time, like this summer to turn the tide in the midterms.

Only is he squawks on everyone else.